What caused the rise and fall of the alt-right?
What caused the rise and fall of the alt-right?
Alt-Right was designed to rise and fall. Ecelebs came at a time when political changes were possible from a grassroots movement. They exist to remove all power from We the People to resist genocide and Bolshevik subversion.
It's full of cringeworthy incels that no one wants to be associated with
There is no fall.
The Alt Right is a movement of genuine dissidence. It took one on the chin after the globohomo chimera slowly realised it has been found out.
That's okay, the Alt Right simply punched way above their weight class, as of yet.
All good people are still around. Duke, Enoch, Spencer, Red Ice etc and new ones are joining the good fight, for example Keith Woods.
The Alt Right will keep on growing slowly.
Again. Faggotry
>good person
Shouting "joos!" at every problem eventually lost its shock value.
>fat woman has a heart attack
>'alt-right' gets the blame
The alt right was never anything more than opportunistic grifters who realized they could make a quick buck by taking the most watered down right wing talking points and spinning them as something edgy and dangerous.
Yup. James did nothing wrong but had the wrong opinions hence life sentence.
>that jiggle
>they were a broad group of different ideologies that attracted people who were mainly anti-feminism, anti-globalism, critisized the establisment, and anti-immigration.
>also Trump's presidential campaign
>they talked to the press and allowed them to make them look bad
>they larped around as a kkk neonazi skinhead douches
>they accepted media lables like "alt right" and "far right" and "white nationalist"
>they engaged in debates with people who had no interest in debate and just wanted to argue instead
>trolling instead of being serious
>had no clear direction for the movment
>ego and fame
>they weren't optical
>and Charlottesville
Jews are the enemy
jiggle jiggle jiggle
Feds are kluxing retards (Matthew Heimbach for example)
The "alt-right" could have been something but the trailer-trash nazi-larpers stole it as a way to get into the lime light with people like Matthew Heimbach cheering them on. Today the "alt-right" is just a straw-man punching bag for the msn.
The moral of this story is white trailer-trash mutts need to be disowned and not allowed anywhere near any of our movements.
tbf Heimbach's TWP was one of few organizations willing to physically defend in the streets. Not really sure how the AR could have avoided those optics. If they defend themselves, media makes them look bad. If they just allow Antifa to kick the shit out of them, they look bad.
Guys... I wanted to save my family and provide a better future for my children but a spic and the msm called some white people cringe... I cant take it... I must give up...
Yas Forums anons
Egotistical LARPers like Spencer, Heimbach, Kessler, Anglin and cringy Kekistanis making IRL events and giving the extreme far-left establishment both laughing material AND justification to censor anything they deem a threat.
I understand that for sure, but what did they really accomplish with a physical presence? Sure they curbed stop antifa but isnt that hard to do. After Charlottesville no one is going to want to participate.
the media. the entire thing was just media cope and attempts at defining and controlling the narrative of people that aren't ever publically seen and only want chaos. predictably, it turned out to be as transparently cringy as "the tea party" was when compared to Ron Paul's movement, but just as effective because the majority of the media consuming populace are non critical thinking nigger cattle.
People started to realize you could just hate democrats without being a total faggot
It's a movement of sycophant retard fatherless friendless grift. Most pathetic characters to ever disgrace the internet.
I just love how 8ch was full of spergs who loved to write long elaborates about how their cringy shitposting is some divine justice. Then they went on to cup Trumps balls, while he pardoned Shalom Rubashkin.
>Bolshevik subversion
its not shock value, it's truth
>narrative of people that aren't ever publically seen and only want chaos
White nationalism instead of genuine nationalism.
Spencer wants what the EU wants. A mixing of all Europeans together and destruction of the different ethnicites and nationalities in Europe. Instead of wanting Ireland to be Irish, they just want it to be white. Instead of Germany being German, they just want it to be white. Instead of America being Anglo, they want it just to be white.
This is a failing concept, because race is not enough for identity. You need a tribe and a nation. And a race of one billion is not a tribe.
typical midwit reactionary loser, you will in 10 years argue in favor of homos, conservatives like you are liberals from 20 years before
It didn’t fall. One fucking guy got arrested for a car accident. Everyone who was “alt right” got smarter, learned to blend in and go underground, the movement is scattered. The members got smarter. This is a good thing.
I wouldn't say people didn't want to participate. Everyone was laying low after Charlottesville. I thought people would regroup after awhile, but it never happened. Maybe people realized losing your livelihood or winding up in prison on trumped-up charges wasn't worth it. I think a lot of people went the way of Patriot Front. PF members always hide their face.
Trump campaign
>different ethnicites and nationalities in Europe
what an absolute joke, if you want to return to petty nationalism you would return to petty wars over patches of useless clay
>And a race of one billion is not a tribe.
theres around 500k whites in the world
>Trump campaign
>pardoned rubashkin
>shills for israel like no other president
>lets the DOJ/FBI fuck over white activists at every turn
wow based
So the memeflag admits that an eurofag has the same position as Spencer and his brand of white nationalism. Thanks for proving my point.
The fall is only in the minds of brain dead liberals. All you have to do is take a good look around to see the opposite is true.
They tried to bury us
>they didn't know we were seeds
you are a joke country that would get its shit pushed in as soon as shit would hit the fan in europe, it's funny how noncountries cling the strongest to petty nationalism
Rose with the CIA, fell with the defunding and realization that they're not deradicalizing people, they're further radicalizing them by making them hate the "lite" versions of their radical movements. The next step is they simply pull the plug, a desperate suppression tactic which will haunt them forever. Hopefully they do it.
Both rise and fall, the CIA.