What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

Attached: verdandi-daintyviolet-my-doctor-is-so-pure-she-was-like-62108970 (1).png (500x377, 64.9K)

She means that all her holes are blown out.

She means that she has many sexxxuuually transmitted diseases.

All women are whores

found the incel

found the chink
l got your back toothpaste

Finns really need to stop posting, you are worse than leafs.

>my doctor
No way she doesn't know she's just being polite
I bet she fucking hates her

Found the white knight.

i bet you do you fuckin homo

This is the fundamental truth to the pussy game. It all comes down to two things:

1. All women are whores
2. You have to pretend they're not

No they're not. Stop being racist

not all of us are like that fucktard, dear burgerbro

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this. they are like swedecucks from a decade ago before they were forcefed the redpill. yililauta posters are based though but finnish normies are cancer

The less attractive the woman, the more prone she is to promiscous behavior, at least in my experience
Undesirable women are extremely self-conscious about their appearance and often afraid to pass chances

Hahaha based faganon

>What did she mean by this?
She wants you to think she's the dirtiest filthiest whore in the world. Everything she says is like it was written based by how a 12 year old or an Indian thinks. Along with Belle Delphine she's one of the only smart ethots out there. There's camwhores desperately sticking everything imaginable into all their holes degrading themselves on camera and their not making a fraction of what Verdandi makes. And all she does is put up fully clothed pictures alongside some ridiculous writing that's only designed to trick a certain kind of fool.
I think girls like her are based as fuck. They take huge sums from simps while maintaining their dignity and modesty while at the same time they make the disgusting whores seeeth

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found the woman

Isn’t everyone a whore? Don’t look at it as a men vs women issue, but a human one. We all crave sex just as much, men wanna fuck almost every girl they see, while girls still are somewhat restrained but will still want to fuck a lot, in more degenerate ways. We’re all just fucking horny man. I think this religious bullshit we have in the world fucked up our perception of things and we’ve set ourselves up for failure because of the expectations we have of each other based on some retarded books.

she didnt answer the question though

Thats why the doctor was asking

Found the cuckold

Not my mom! Shes pure and a virgin!

Shut the fuck up degenerate. All I want is to fuck one woman and one woman only, have kids, build a family, and secure my family name and legacy

poor dad, at least he tryed.

More likely she has an sti

"...and god damn him for that. I enjoy being raped and murdered. Fuck you, Dad"

Welcome to white women

Underaged moron detected

12 noon bedtime. Keep up the good work. Endless shit will win the day.
Next weekend I’m going shagging Virus or no Virus and I’ll let you see some real time pics of a whore with a bottom full of cocaine. Adieu to you, and you and to you to.

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>d-don't breed white man!

>men wanna fuck almost every girl they see,

Who's the teenager here?


fuck outta here with logical and shit

yes, I am a woman and will now reward you with sex for calling someone an incel! ;)

Oh it’s a troll account

Keep demoralizing young white men. So which are you, race traitor or invader?