How do Christians justify the fall of Constantinople?

How do Christians justify the fall of Constantinople?

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fuckers had it coming after latin massacre

It was mostly the Turks who did it. Ya win some, ya lose some.

Constantinople means nothing for Christianity, you should make the same question for Jerusalem being unde jewish control

From a religious standpoint the one thing the Jews at least understood originally in the scriptures is that a nation that represents God can only fall if God allows it or is punishing people that are not teaching his way.

I have no idea how they attempt to explain this away.

>city wholly dedicated to the christian God by the first Christian emperor
>gets ultimately taken and turned into a Turkish (part-time believers) city
Christcucks are gonna say that their army was corrupt or sinful or churn some other coping mechanism as always, even though the whole crusaders' army had more faith in God than the whole world nowadays.
>or is punishing people that are not teaching his way.
Called it lmfao

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King Alphonse of Aragon was busy

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Based Mehmet and superior strategy

Reconquista when?

God liked the Muslims more

To be fair, honestly Constantinople was a poorly constructed, poorly defended shithole.

>Constantinople means nothing for Christianity

>an ancient and great european city means nothing to our religion
>the ruins of a shithole built by israelites in the desert means everything to our religion
Christianity in a nutshell?

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It was the Greeks fault for destroying the Latin Empire.

>American education

Istanbul is constantinople

Constantinople was THE Christian city. It was literally the city funded on the faith of God by Constantine. Maybe the reason Mehmet won is because he spent his time developing war strategies rather than praying to a jew.

Muslims literally pray 5 times a day.

Turks weren't like the rest of the muslims. They actively engaged in pederasty and had male lovers even though their book forbids it.

To a Semite no less. Difference is that their Semite was a warlord who won battles and the greatest warriors flocked to him as a result, while /ourSemite/ Jesus, despite the Israelites wanting a violent revolution against the Romans, convinced them not to

Islam means 'submission'. If the super holy warrior leaders say suck dick then you suck dick.

They got betrayed by the catholics

But in Christianity you also have to submit or you will get tortured by Jesus

They didn't really believe in it as much as actual muslims, perhaps they bolstered their faith in Allah during wars and then went back to fucking kids in public when the war ended. Turkey was a stronghold of homosexuality and degeneracy throughout history, it's documented by real texts not just wikipedia entries.

Nah. You have to not actively shit on other people to go to heaven. Back in the olden days people focused more on the 'justice, valor and generally being a good person' rather than 'the sermon on the mount'. It was protestants that started going 'muh Jesus' rather than 'muh God' causing them to look over Jesus's speeches and find that economic cuckoldry is a virtue.

Christcucks....what the fuck??

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Schismatics were thinking to have the new Rome.
Loooook at uuuus we don't caaaare about Rome we have Constantinople!!! We don't care about your Pooooope!!! Smirk smirk.
God simply punished them, their disobedience and pride.
No boys, there's only one Rome and it isn't the now (lel) Istanbul.
Pledge alliance to Papacy and get back it, instead cry moar

So you are saying the city is like an idol of Christianity or something?

There are loads of different sects and cults in Islam. The mainstream Sunni school in modern times is a lot more 'by the book' than most of the ones that existed historically. Warlordism is a strong component of Islam which basically means that if you have the strength to fight the infidel and take their land then you have far less restrictions and can essentially do what you like because who but Allah could stop you?

Back in the day Christians used to commit petty crime so that they would get executed so that they would become martyrs.

The inherent weakness of Christianity led to the outcome.


Wtf does that even mean in that context. Every single Christian account of Christendom likens it to more a psychologically than a geographical location.

Could you clarify as a Christian?

Christianity made destroying European tradition a bloodsport.

Yea? How?

And now the Pope is a full blown heretic, but he's still less heretical than the popes who had illegitimate children with nuns or tortured needlessly people. Some of them fared well and died of old age and god didn't even bother striking them down. Catholicism is far from being close to the biblical teachings.


What like all of them?

Or contemporarily a strange novel event occured a few times so it was highlighted?

Other Muslims did the same thing. Their own documents gloat about the sexy boy slaves captured in the conquest of Spain. Those weren't Turks.

Christendom = Kingdom of Christ = Everywhere that is Christian ruled.

Yes literally all of them but when they all died Jesus resurrected them and told them to stop dying.

Oh really? A hundred dead justified the destruction of the entire city ? Give me a break.

Thats what happens when you turn your back on god. If you leave one god gor another your a god thot. If god is almighty and sees all he knows this and punishes the god roasties throughout history

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>full blown
Not yet
>less heretical than the popes
Oh I see I was answering to an illiterate.
Have a good day
Lmfao keep coping fag

Are you guys retarded or what.
No episoded of the life of Christ are related to Constantinople, nor the New Testamente has anything to say about that city at all.
Outside Jerusalem,only Rome can be considered a center for Christianity.

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Actually, only Rome that is left is Helsinki.
But you can go back to washing nigger feet.

They blinded Dandolo and got massacred as revenge. A perfect example of 'don't bully me while I'm poor because you'll regret it when i'm rich'.