In this ITT thread: What is your honest opinion about Poland and Polish people?
In this ITT thread: What is your honest opinion about Poland and Polish people?
In my honest opinion, you should stop spamming this thread pollack
plumber stereotype is outdated, they make good vidya and are nice people
Thank you Schlomo
I don’t know any polish people, I’ve never been to Poland and know nothing about it. I’m a huge fan
Do polish people get very defensive when you talk about their cabbages? In communist Bulgaria, it was the general of opinion that polish vegetables were plastic shit, mass produced for the Soviet union. In general, polish food was to be avoided due to bad quality.
Why are your cabbages so bad?
Better than the US.
awul place
poverty central of Europe, cities are industrial dumps with China-tier air pollution and every other building is a housing commiebloc
trash government yet everyone online sucks it off because "BASED Poland doesn't have migrants!!!1!11!" which has nothing to do with governmental action and everything to do with the country being impoverished and garbage. They don't have migrants because nobody wants to go there in the first place. But because immigration seems to be the main thing online political talkers care about, they stop there and give the poles a pass on everything else.
>Polish people
All the cool poles I've met, I've met outside of Poland, most of them second gen migrants in w-Europe.
Politically stable. Traditionalists. Western slavs. Ok-level military. Normal education.
Pretty good country. People are also good.
>poverty central of Europe
At least goddamn Cenral not Eastern
please dont fuck this up, im counting on you
Cause of ww3 because you will attack Kaliningrad and massacre Russian pop there.
Don't worry, CDPR is not a short-term profit stock market cuck company, but they look long term for their contribution to the gaming community
Tell me is it true? Today i read that there is one nurse left for nursing home after your polish nurses and doctors fled their job once They found seniors with coronachan. How is it possible that catholic Poland behaves like this and there atheist Czechs have far greater morale. It seems Poles are great hypocrites who cant even take care of their own. Your gov still do shit and they would likely to let them die.
>poverty central of Europe
Half of paris is muslim-gvetto/market
>trash government
Cuck Macron, licking asses (literally) to all minorities
> nobody wants to go there
Nope. Ukrainians/White-russians go there and work. Polish government is just smarter then center european cucks.
doesn't Poland nowadays have better standards of living than France?
I don't mean money ofc but crime safety...
Would you sacrifice your life for homeless and alcoholic people?
>Cause of ww3 because you will attack Königsberg and massacre Russian pop there.
Croats like West Slavs a lot
And we're just waiting to join the V4 with Slovenia and make it V6
Not polish but lived here for about 6 years. Polish people are alright. Not particularly hostile or friendly. A bit racist (they will deny this), a bit antisemetic (they will also deny this), patriotic but at the same time hate their country, get visibly upset when you point out that Poland isn’t as shit as they’d like it to be (goodbye victim status), obsessed with WWII, love Jews because them having been killed here gives them more ammo to hate Germans, also hate them because sometimes an Israeli jurno says Polish people don’t like Jews , enjoy pork products. My shit is finishing so I can’t write anymore
Wish i was born in poland, would have EU citizenship and a chance at good life instead of the brutalism poverty mixed with shit depressing economy and refusal to work with online platforms.
My opinion is you poles are the niggers of Europe.
Implying that this is nursing home for homeless and alcoholic people. Show me polish article which says that. I can read polish very well.
Nice try kike you ain't fooling anyone. Kys
Fuck you nigger, the laws here for working online are R E T A R D E D. Can't use paypal/payoneer/whatever. All you can do as IP is receive money via fucking WIRE TRANSFERS (and some banks dont do wire tranfers to russia cause lawl sanctions), and many companies dont wanna bother sending money to you via wire.
So you either eat a 30 dollar dick every time you get a wire transfer, or work "illegally" getting money via PP. All because laws here are RETARDED.
See, THAT is exactly what I'm talking about.
Let's make everything about migration and completely disregard the way the polish government has been on a mission to remove the independence of its justice system so it can grant full impunity to its ruling class, let's completely forget about how hard they bend over to the EU on matters of labour regulation (so they can drain the industrial needs of western-Europe and cause the waves of migrations by cheapening labour, THANKS A LOT GUYS) or financial centralization (so they can have their considerable debt paid off by Germany, France and the BeNeLux through a common EU budget instead of dealing with it themselves because hey, free money right?).
That's always what happens : everyone gives Poland a pass on how garbage they are because of some surface-level elements that they aren't even the main cause of while the deeper effect they have on the European continent are overlooked.
It does seem weird right?
I've heard a lot of Travelers say Moscow and St.petersburg especially are the most beautiful cities in the world
And almost 15% of russians live in just those two cities
Kazan, Vladivostok Ekaterinburg ... Seem great as well just smaller
Sorry Balkanians not allowed.
Slovenia can be considered though
You owe them
Just see the shithole it turned in to once yidds are lesser there
Moscow/spb both have the same problem of being fake. They have nice exteriors/fascades, but go into any classic building area not in 100% dead center (and even in many dead center areas) and the interiors will be falling apart, with shit tons of wires running over walls and a bunch of other bullshit.
All they do is repair the external parts that people see on tours/walking around, and not the internal parts. Pretty apt analogy for russia: appears nice and tough on the outside, rotten to the core on the inside.
Unfortunate geography
you guys also made observer
which is cyberpunk kino (atleast for a walking sim) and main guy is played by the tears in rain guy from blade runner.
honestly im kinda jealous of polish game industry, you guys are really lifting off wheres no one invests in gaming in israel. all my friends that wanted to be game devs either went to do other shit or went abroad.
Why would Slovenia be considered but not Croats
Croatia has almost the same GDP per capita as Poland or Hungary
And much lower rates of crime or moral decadence such as Hungary or Czechia
Also Croatia was in a war which makes all of this even more impressive
Also, total hypocrites about immigration. Constantly boast about how their country hasn’t been destroyed by mass immigration, yet vote for political parties that allow entry to thousands of Uber eats drivers because they want the luxuries of the west and no one wants these shit jobs. Totally don’t realize that Warsaw will look like London in 20 years. Then they same people will, the next wave of Polish boomers, won’t even be able to admit that it’s all because they wanted economic progress at any cost and McDonald’s deliver to their doors.
>another Poland thread
Calm down pawel
Honestly, most of your people butthurt a lot, but you are good people. Also, there's a lot of Ukrainians that are friends with Poles so I don't understand why are bad blooded in your own countries
Well I shall once travel there to see it for myself
You might be right but one can't trust anyone on here except his own eyes
>Let's make everything about migration
It is not my problem that you, idiots made your country be a synonym to muslim migrastion
> they can drain the industrial needs of western-Europe
> debt paid off by Germany, France and the BeNeLux
Is it problem for Poland? Sounds like some smart slavs found a way to drain money from idiots, who can't rule normally.
Nice people, they ALWAYS have clean houses, generally hard working, kurwa mac amirite?
been there, i did like it, saw some dodgy shit going on, drank with some cool people i couldn't understand, had a good laugh.
my old best mate was from a Polish family, when we got drinking on a friday night his nan would come by and drop off a huge bowl of those pierogi, we kept a bottle of her favorite sherry on hand so she could have a glass with us. great people.
in two months it will be 20 years since his funeral.
based poland is based
Because of Ustase. History will not forget your collaboration with Hitler
You think Slovenians weren't Nazi collaborators as well?
Czechs either?
Disc0rd link: qBKvVm
Provide proofs.
Ustase seeing themselves as Illyrian Germanics and Honorary Aryans is the most cringeworthy thing ever
Meh. Collaborating with Hitler wasn’t ultimately bad. Ukrainians/Russians/Whiterussians although wanted to collaborate against fuckin commies, but Hitler was a freak thinking that torturing prisoners is a good strategy.
>in this ITT thread
>in this in this thread thread
In Poland they have no mudslimes and no fucking traitorous government. You in France fucked your people in the arse. Yellow vests rampaging, muslimes raping and leftist government is masturbating. France is the second definition next to India of a shithole. Just give alsace Lorraine back to Germany and maybe it would be a better place.
Poles? White Negroes of Europe ofc
>Meh. Collaborating with Hitler wasn’t ultimately bad.
Hohols murdering Polish landowners with scythes. Hohols smashing Jewish children heads with the walls. Not ultimately bad.
I mean it does have some bases even though I prefer Slavic brotherhood because germans don't have souls
But Croats were part of the Roman empire since basically the beginning with a lot of emperors coming from these lands
Then we were OSTROGOTHS ans then AustroHungarians
We actually do have Dinaric blood almost as much as Slavic (Dinaric blood being literally the master race i.e. biggest humans on earth)