Why is it that liberals enjoy rap music more when most of its themes and stories are more conservative/right wing leaning, and those kind of people are the ones that hate it the most? Rise to success without any helping hand, integrity, self protection and preservation via firearms, fearlessness, accepts and deals with the harsh realities of life, being with women and putting them in their place, Social Darwinism, getting rich and taking care of your family, chasing your dreams etc.? I listen to a song like this and all I can think about is how is it possible a bleeding heart liberal can enjoy this while a conservative American wouldn’t want anything to do with it. It’s amazing
Why is it that liberals enjoy rap music more when most of its themes and stories are more conservative/right wing...
Other urls found in this thread:
Black people music bad
Rap is for niggers and nigger lovers, it doesn’t belong here or anywhere. White power, bitch. Keep on rockin in the free world
Rap is not music.
What is music then?
You didn't even read the post, did you?
>What is music then?
Humans creating pleasant sounds for each other.
Rap is just roaches trying to show off
This isn't about racism; Rap is objectively bad and any musician will tell you this
take the jazz pill
>jews control labels, promote nigger music
>nigger music fills up the top slots
>jazz has been stuck in the “least popular” slot for some time
>black people think it’s too white
>white people think it’s too black
>a shitton of intellectual and complex music gets labeled as jazz on major platforms because it’s “inaccessible”
if jazz is nigger music then why don’t (((they))) want you listening to it
most rap I've heard is just the rapper describing and exaggerating how great he is.
>if jazz is nigger music then why don’t (((they))) want you listening to it
jazz doesn't promote a subhuman lifestyle
What's your point Pablo? That it's ironic? Yeah, sort of, until you realize all that shit is hypocrisy and that rappers will rap about whatever will sell to their target audience.
Also liberals and conservatives both value financial success and family/security. It's not all wignats and SJWs out there.
>Also liberals and conservatives both value financial success and family/security
Dunno man but the "liberals" (more like leftys), who are the same people that listen to rap, in my country, do shit all over family values and security means "let noggers live a secure life in our homes from our money" to them
Define pleasant. I think you’ll have trouble cause I’m pretty sure it’s a subjective matter. But please, enlighten me.
You have to be 18 to post here Also go back to Plebbit
The way you phrase your question tells me that you are not interested in an answer but merely telling me I'm wrong. I'm not going to entertain you.
tl;dr can’t define pleasant.
What’s pleasant to you won’t be pleasant to me, if you have a somewhat developed brain this concept should already have been understood. I find what was posted in the OP pleasant and you don’t, you probably listen to some Rammstein shit which I won’t find pleasant. No reason to act like a child about it
Only a few gems. Gotta search for them.
Better keep searching bro
it's not music, it's a way of making profit by aggresively shouting cliche things that appeal to young people
The problem with jazz is that most musicians arent competent improvisers, and the ones who are good at it usually try way too hard to play 10,000 notes a second in a jazz context. It's like the peacocking of rap but in a more abstract form, using a trumpet or sax. Case in point is giant steps, excellent chord progression and a really nice song that Coltrane just shits all over with a masturbatory sax solo.
I like classical more because it constrains that kind of thing. Liszt and Chopin were both known as really good improvisers too, and a lot of their more "complex" music has needless wank in it, but when they applied themselves they both wrote some fucking incredible music. I love how in a lot of Chopin you can hear him wanting to spaz out into some 1000 note per second bullshit but hes actively restraining himself and making the notes he does play count more
That's just doublethink at work. They don't actually want to be robbed and in harms way. Society has conditioned them to say those words. They sincerely believe it will make for a better society to be tolerant of terrible behaviors.
Rap is made for white suburban teenagers to feel edgy
This is the biggest anomoly in the NPC program:
>misogyny bad
>"bitch nigga slut" omg I love this song
Our state funded "youth" radio, which prides itself on being "counter culture", won't let people vote for Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift in the "hottest 100" because they're too 'mainstream' - yet they play Kanye West all day and let you vote for him.
Think it might be less about mainstream and more about skin colour.
>if you have a somewhat developed brain this concept should already have been understood
>you probably listen to some Rammstein shit
>No reason to act like a child about it
So someone says they don't enjoy your favourite "music" genre and now you have to insult people? You are the one acting like a hurt child here mate.
The perfect mix of catchy tunes, good performance and optical pleasing.
Are those different people or the same girl in all 9 images?
Well, you are right, unfortunately. It's still how they behave though.
based but the guy who wrote that was a nigger lover.
this. anyone who listens to that is undoubtedly an incel.
I wasn’t insulting you for your taste or distaste of any particular music, but for your lack of understanding of basic concepts of subjectivity
Just the same surgeon.