Vitamin C for Corona

I just ordered 1kg (2 punds (0,14 stones)) of ascorbic acid after being convinced by the user shilling it for the Corona virus. Did I do good? Have you stocked up on it? Any experience with megadosing?

I have taken 10-15g of the regular tablets you put in water and it fizzles. It gave me a big spike in mental clarity and on day two I pissed out white gunky stuff. Like stringy mucus. At first I thought it was just coom being cleared from my pipe after cumming, but I had the same thing today. Any idea what it is?

Attached: crystal.jpg (350x350, 16.99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How many ounces is it?

Seriously, don't fuck with your liver...

>How many ounces is it?
32 ounces

>Seriously, don't fuck with your liver...
Care to explain? I didn't think it affected the liver


Here's the post about Vitamin C that convinced me. What about do you disagree with?

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vitamin c supplements are a scam. don't buy em

Dumb people always think that megadosing vitamins will do magic things, or that eating a certain food will cure cancer. It doesn't work like that. If you megadose on vitamin C you're just going to urinate most of it out, or get diarrhea if you really go nuts on it. Just get your RDI and don't expect it to do things that it doesn't actually do.

If you are basing this treatment on that “Free Iron” Theory you could well be making a mistake. “Free Iron” is about the most toxic substance in the body there is. Free Iron is not part of the “Disease Process” it is part of the “Death Process”. Apoptosis.

But it is used by the immune system and humans can't synthesize it ourself unlike most animals and many studies show supplementing it has an effect. Why do you think it's a scam?

you're too late
Yas Forums is now shilling how corona is nothing because normies now agree with the previous Yas Forums position. Yas Forums is mindless and only takes on contrarian views. Normies, in this sense, completely dictate what Yas Forums thinks and says. But Yas Forums will never understand this.

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People have been making claims for Vitamin “C” for decades. I can’t recall any study ever demonstrating any benefit beyond the minimum daily requirement. If one had been found it would have been Front Page News.

Our bodies absorb ascorbic acid that passes through the GI tract at a very poor rate. The higher doses you take, the lower your absorption rate becomes. Basically, this means that eating large doses of ascorbic acid results in diminishing returns. This is why the intravenous and liposomal forms of vitamin C exist in the first place.

>Vitamin C at a dose of 1.25 g administered orally produced mean (+/-sd) peak plasma concentrations of 134.8 +/- 20.6 micromol/L compared with 885 +/- 201.2 micromol/L for intravenous administration. For the maximum tolerated oral dose of 3 g every 4 hours, pharmacokinetic modeling predicted peak plasma vitamin C concentrations of 220 micromol/L and 13 400 micromol/L for a 50-g intravenous dose.

1.25g of oral ascorbic acid = up to 155.4umol/L plasma concentration
18g of oral ascorbic acid = up to 220umol/L plasma concentration

Thus, an increase in ascorbic acid intake of 1340% relative to the 1.25g dose results in an increase of vitC plasma concentration of only 42%.

Basically, this means that there's no point in taking fuckhuge doses of oral ascorbic acid once you reach the "optimal" 1.25g/day dose. If you want to really drive your vitamin C plasma concentration, you have to use the intravenous form and if you want to deliver more vitamin C to your cells by bypassing the GI tract, you have to use the liposomal form. Instead of wasting money of ingesting fuckhuge doses of oral ascorbic powder, it's better to just take 1.25g daily and use the money you saved to buy some liposomal vitamin C for an emergency (like getting a flu or corona).

Personally, I consume 1.25-1.5g of oral ascorbic acid and 1g of liposomal vitamin C daily.

I've been taking 4g daily with 50mg of zinc and a daily vitamin since the first confirmed case in the US. I feel better than I have In my entire life unironically.

Thanks, that's very informative. I didn't know about the diminishing returns. I have bought the liposomal for too, and plan to a little of both as you suggest. Have you noticed any benefits after you started taking Vitamin C?

Will it help crippling depression?

>I feel better than I have In my entire life unironically.
That's gret to hear. Vitamins to really have an impact and many people don't realise the RDAs are the absolut minimum level to not be serious sick.

I can recommend vitamin D3 too if you're not already supplementing. That shit was like doing amphetamine the first time I took it. Most people are deficient in it because we sit inside all day and when we go out we use sunscreen

Rate my stack

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>He fell for the Vit
Enjoy your kidney stones. It'll hurt like hell when you're coofing hard with the virus.

>Any experience with megadosing?
I read that it's very bad for corona.
It makes your body overreact (cytokine storm) and kill you.

Get some zicam rapidmelts too.


Thanks for the advice and I am taking D3 I just forgot to mention it. I normally work night shift so I've been taking it for a pretty long time anyways

Wow someone actually posted useful information.

I haven't been taking it for long, only a couple of months. No side effects or cold/flu/corona so far.

>Enjoy your kidney stones
You fell for a meme on par with the "you have to wait 30 minutes before you swim after a meal or you will cramp up and die" meme.
You should be very glad the most informative poster in this thread is another germ or Germany's reputation would be recked forever.

That's a bummer. I better hope I don't get corna then

Drop the pills, eat proper food, retard

Vitamin c, vitamin e, zinc, selenium, a daily multivitamin, fish oil, d3 and sunflower lecithin.

Take the multivitamin in the morning with breakfast. After 3 hours take the sunflower lecithin. After another 3 hours, with dinner, take the antioxidants. Drink water throughout the day. At night take the fish oil.

You're now doing more than most people to ensure you're healthy.

Overdose of ascorbic acid

Literal dumdums regurgitating dumb memes. Educate yourselves:

>Hemila and colleagues reported that various high-dose intravenous VC infusions (e.g., 200mg/kg body weight/day, divided into 4 doses) shortened the intensive care unit (ICU) stay by 97.8% [11], accompanied by a significant reduction in the mortality rate [12]. Such an experience was reproduced among patients ill with severe influenza [13,14]. Indeed, dietary antioxidants (VC and sulforaphane) were shown to decrease oxidative stress induced acute inflammatory lung injury in patients receiving mechanical ventilation [15]. In addition, oral VC (e.g., 6g daily) was able to reduce viral infection risk [16] or to improve symptoms [17].

>High-dose intravenous VC has also been successfully used in the treatment of 50 moderate to severe COVID-19 patients in China. The doses used varied between 2g and 10g per day, given over a period of 8–10h. Additional VC bolus may be required among patients in critical conditions. The oxygenation index was improving in real time and all the patients eventually cured and were discharged [18]. In fact, high-dose VC has been clinically used for several decades and a recent NIH expert panel document states clearly that this regimen (1.5g/kg body weight) is safe and without major adverse events [19].

I think I read somewhere to make sure you are taking K2 and magnesium to help with the absorption of D3?

Slovenia dude! Good morning. Ivan would say, “Hi!”

im the user who had a sore throat and a cough last night no idea if it was corona, maybe. but i took about 100mg of vitamin c before bed and i woke up with no sore throat and no cough. worked a charm

You are a fool, you could have bought 50kg of country time lemonade instead

>If one had been found it would have been Front Page News.
It wouldn't be, because VC is dirt cheap and the Big Pharma Jew doesn't want people using it to improve their health.

apparently this is good.something to do with T cells. if anyone can confirm

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Taking too many vitamins is real bad for you

Unironically try D3 and c together. Also go outside more.

Vitamins C and D with some K if you can help it are great for immunity. For corona zinc and quinine (tonic water) are important. Research for recommended dosages and take them with food. If your gonna do this drink LOTS of water throughout the day.

bro, you need zinc too

I take Vitamin B-5 (P. acid) for my acne and it helps a lot! 8-10 tablets x 500mg per day

don't take more than 10g as a maintenance dose when you're healthy or your kidneys will get fucked up

when you get flu symptoms take it to bowel tolerance, which will vary from day to day

That's your kidneys dissolving.

ldunning kruger moron

That’s right, it’s all a vast conspiracy. Somehow I forgot.

D & K need to be taken together

>Educate yourselves:
>26 March

There’s lots of them around. I can’t wait to see the details, rumors are Dr Raoult has a new study where he claims his treatment drove the CFR down to 0.3%. The CFR right now in the USA is 0.357% without that “treatment”. LOL

Who could have possibly known?

It's about as smart as eating pangolins for magic health, you're just not causing animals to go extinct.

>Will it help crippling depression?
No, but a multivitamin and vitamin D3 will make it less severe.

>D3 and zink
I'm rating based

>Get some zicam rapidmelts too.
>Zicam is a homeopathic cold remedy
I don't know user, it seems like a scam to me

Pretty much my current stack, but without lecithin. What's the benefit of it?

>I think I read somewhere to make sure you are taking K2 and magnesium to help with the absorption of D3?
I don't know much about the magnesium, but K2 is important as it works in tandem with vitamin D to regulate calsium in your body.

>the Pharma Jew is your friend, Habeeb it!

>we should discard all research that is at least a month old because it does not fit my agenda

OK, Schlomos.

Anything l- must be taken alone, on an empty stomach, and takes 3 to 4 for full absorption and circulation

>Any experience with megadosing?

yeah it doesn't do a lot of good. Just limit it to 1000mg at a time, 2 or 3 times a day, and you'll max out benefit without being excessive.