Uhm what the actual fuck?? Spirit cooker satanist kiddie peddler in latest Miscrosoft ad

Uhm what the actual fuck?? Spirit cooker satanist kiddie peddler in latest Miscrosoft ad..

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well someone sucks.

What the fuck?
This shit real?

Corporations, bankers, media, artists, academia and celebrities. What's not to understand about these people our approved jewstream media promotes?

right there in front of us, they are mocking everyone

They are so boned once people finally get "organized"

Image of the beast

"Here I am kept forever" - Marina Abramovic
Literal satanist witch that eats people in the form of cake with a wink.
Welp, I'm done with Microsoft forever.

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Could someone elaborate who she is for a retard like me?

Literally Anti Christ
The world is ending soon this dude doesnt have more than 30 years left

but really you should watch the whole video, it's messed up

baba yaga

Attached: baba-yaga.jpg (920x934, 143.83K)

She is one of the most important living artists so it would be strange if they didn't have her.

bill gates is a script kiddie.

for pedophiles

So? Stop being such a prude you religious extremist. There exists no nonreligious reason why spirit cooking or anything involved with it is morally wrong.

>post ending in 1984 is full of doublethink

Meanwhile, Bill's Instagram page is getting hammered because everyone has the drop on him and his vaccine now.


Attached: Don't let Bill Gates WIN.jpg (600x438, 27K)

Except for the sacrificing children part of it. Literally eating your children for material gain et al. Kronos

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I don't think you construct an especially good society by violating and eating kids.

There exists no secular reason why killing children for material gain is morally wrong. If it was morally wrong then people shouldn't do it even if they want to do it and benefit from it. And only religious fundamentalists have reasons why that is the case.

You aint telling me to take my meds now are ya.

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Would be the best society, what are you talking about?


SHAME Christians
but spirit cooking and satanism? Not a problem

Atheist showing their true colors

>There exists no secular reason why killing children for material gain is morally wrong
violation of the NAP

In my opinion one of the most important things we can do right now is map and archive all FEMA camp locations in the US and look at common routes/roads/highways that may be used for mass transportation of political dissidents once this kicks off. And it will, very soon. We need:
-locations and square footage of each individual camp
-common routes that are likely to be utilized to transport political dissidents from both large and small population centers
-security measures that are common across all FEMA camps
-what types of individuals are employed at FEMA camps be it guards or otherwise
-how many layers of security there are
-what their caches of ammunition and guns/crowd control are
-whether or not activity has been increased more at certain FEMA locations than others since march 20th
-what is actually in the FEMA camps as far as what the people inside will be doing

That's just my list of what I think we need, feel free to ask more questions but the main thing right now is the locations across the US. If anyone has other examples of CEOs or political figures calling for the same thing post it. We need to look at these individuals as well, who they know, who is paying them, and if they share any connections other than calling for forced indefinite detention

May God punish him and all those demons


Attached: BillGatesKillerVaccine.jpg (206x300, 16.67K)

Here is a moral reason. Fucking children up the arse makes them unproductive, psychopathic, unproductive members of society that will eventually totally destroy the human race.

They are trying to make sure you understand that they can show this to the whole world of NPCs and they'll still:
Take the chip
Eat the bugs
Live in a pod

You dont have any, you don't believe in the soul.

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Even the normies understand that Bill Gates is a satanist piece of SHIT.

Fucking classic, glowing, slide pasta. Get fucked satanist.

kill yourself

Fuck off christcuck.

There exists no secular reason why anyone should follow the NAP if they don't want to and benefit from not doing it.

There is no moral reason. No secular reason why doing something "unproductive" or "psychopathic" is morally wrong or that people shouldn't destroy the human race (which many moral philosophers consider a good thing).

If it was morally wrong then people shouldn't do it even if they want to do it and benefit from it. And there is no reason why that is the case.

So? Without a soul then it doesn't matter what happened to society so better just do whatever you enjoy and get enough power to get away with it.


Why are you shaming a group that will come running to you as long as you convince them that you're telling the truth? Seriously. Convince any atheist this shit is real, and regardless of whether or not they decide to start believing in god, they'll be right there behind you for the next crusade.

No, seriously fucking kill yourself if you think killing children is ok.


nordic savages. keep your economy and shitskins, ill keep my near millenial culture. eu was a big mistake, let these heretics burn in their own filth

What I find funniest about this is that a person like this Marina Abramovic really believes that what she does is work.

It is disgusting to have to work all day like a horse and watch people like her fill their pockets with dullness.

Maybe she'll die soon. Then she'll be an obscure hack that no one remembers.
Do you even know what art is? Fucking spastic

Are You stupid ? They need convincing look at what this dude is saying.
He doest need convincing to accept satanism.
But Christianity needs proof?
Come on

>Bill is trolling Qtards
Based ? based

And THATS why believing in spirit is important, your worldview is fuck everyone and take what you can get? WHY DO YOU THINK WE ARE AT THE STAGE WE ARE NOW CUNT??

I wish you would die. From the bottom of my heart.

From NYT

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Based peadophile apologist. Respect your stance nonce bro

Hexes rebound tenfold, dont do it its not worth, they will destroy themselves.

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>There exists no nonreligious reason why spirit cooking or anything involved with it is morally wrong.
If you showed a video of people raping, torturing, and murdering children to a group of normies, how many do you think would say "That's wrong" and not cite religion as the basis for their statement?

From NBCnews

From USAtoday (via youtube)

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Everyone laugh at the edgy death metal Viking
Wanna be hardcore bro?
Get a white wife and make white babies and go to church

lol wtf were they thinking putting this cunt up? are they stupid?
I mean microsoft is now 99% indians, and I thought atleast they stayed away from this kind of stuff

Honestly its at the point where if we dont kill these depraved pieces of shit then we deserve whatever we get.
The forced vaccine/chip/tattoo should be your line in the sand. If youre not willing to start killing at that point then you get what you fucking deserve.

I could give you a secular scientific reason but you'll keep insisting on feels the spirit of God lives in your butt so it's a waste of time.
You work this shit out.

Yes, because a normie won't even know who that witch is, or why we should be upset about Microsoft supporting her. Your enemies have been actively deceiving the general public for generations, and you do yourself no favors by shunning would be allies rather than showing them what's wrong.