Why are we still under such strict lock down measures, ausbros?

Why are we still under such strict lock down measures, ausbros?

Don't you think it'd make more sense to slowly open up bits and pieces of the market whilst maintaining some of our social distancing rules? Start small and monitor it, then move it forward. Hell, it's worth doing just to see what the virus does, so at least we know.

Instead, those gumment cunts got us sitting here day after day, fucking us economically, without even a discussion on plans out of it. Even worse, they keep talking like we're in this for 6 months without any exceptions. Did they blow our cash on their bailout schemes for nothing, realise it was a complete over reaction, and now need to look like they made the right choice?

The numbers here just don't justify the continuous destruction of our economy.

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Gotta balance infection rates with economic ability. Its a very difficult dicision to make.

Id say thered have to be some sort of system in place to keep the virus from spreading but allow your people to slowly return to their lives.

I agree with you that things should be opened up to save the economy but im unsure on how to do it safely

>Why are we still under such strict lock down measures, ausbros?

Well, for the past decade the media has been shitesting everyone with stories about tranny washrooms and stuff. That was all an experiment to see how easy it is to shout down "wrong" opinions. Now the real work is beggining. Enjoy your lockdowns! It won't end.

The numbers went down because you rolled out lockdowns you dumb shit

No conspiracy theories thanx

They don't know what to do, there is a problem with this virus in that immunity data isn't known yet, Singapore basically eliminated it, went back to work and had an outbreak again.

OK. You're under lockdown because you're a good boy and good boys obey their mothers.

Because as soon as we lax it's going to spike right back up, we're literally just buying time for more advanced treatments or vaccines (and waiting to see how fucked up other countries get).

The infection peaked 6 days before the current restrictions. They weren’t announced until March 30 and implemented on April 1.


If the reaction is proportional, it will always seem like an overreaction and if it is too weak it will seem like nothing was done at all.
That's the issue with hindsight. You only see one path clearly, while you are completely blinded to the alternatives. Imagine the numbers if we continued normal life.

Yeah but that wasn't the organic peak, that was just the "ruby princess hump".

same here in the UK. Using the governments own data it has been shown that the "curve" was flattening a week before lockdown even started

What strategy did Singapore use to move works back?

I think they're just hurrying to get infections to 0 so we can open up everything except international travel.

Could you imagine if we get to live normally while shitholes like Africa, Bangladesh and USA are still trying to figure it out? Think of the memes

It’s not a choice of lives vs economy. The economy IS lives. Old people who rely on investments to pay for their living because they no longer work will delay moving into assisted living because they can’t afford it and will die earlier at home.

People will commit suicide over poverty and mental health issues from social isolation. Not being able to exercise will increase other health conditions.

It’s a false choice to compare lives to money or convenience. Once the deaths from the shutdowns are projected to be greater than corona, just lift all restrictions and let corona run its course.

That's Malarkey. If so why are you at 1k deaths a day and we and South Korea got it down ???

Stay the course longer and maybe we get rid of coronavirus altogether.
But the most likely outcome is unrecognised community transmission is happening now and, if controls are lifted, this can result in a major hospital-swamping epidemic (like USA, Europe) when winter kicks in.
Your mother will die.

If the virus was left unabated it would have killed 1-2% of the population in a matter of a few months. Just wait and watch Sweden fuck this up. They aren't closing anything

It’s really hard to communicate to a deeply narcissistic society that life is risk and you are not the star of your own movie, nor do you have plot armor.

Ok - then Australians will never get to travel abroad again. Vaccines only reduce risk of flu by 40-60%.

How many people are you willing to sacrifice to get rid of coronavirus altogether?

Antibodies might only last 1-2 years if it's anything like similar viruses.

They've already got a ridiculous death rate, which just shows they have a lot of undocumented cases.

Disc_rd code: WfJHev


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I've got my family safe.
That's literally all we have to do here - protect the vulnerable, send the healthy out to get immunity and develop anti-bodies, and we look after the vulnerable until a vaccine is developed.
How can anyone even possibly think we can ever isolate and kill this thing now? It's out there. It's time to be logical now, not emotional.

This, unfortunately.

I think that there is community transmission, as we're seeing in Tasmania. They're just not thoroughly testing for it like they did with returned travellers. They're just hoping that people follow the social distancing and stay at home memes so they can look good over having fladdened da curb and not have to proactively look for those cases. By no means am I saying that those community cases are on the scale of America or Italy or anything, but they exist which is a problem.

Dunno, I just know they're on a new lockdown.

This is basically gonna happen to every country. I would assume Australia has seen what has happened in countries like Singapore that’s why you’re still shutdown despite it being handled very well so far by you guys. Plus the reinfection cases are really worrying. We’re in this for the long-haul, nothingburger fags don’t realize the depth of this

How much do we actually really know about reinfection? Is it highly anecdotal or is there solid data on it?
The second wave stuff is a direct result of lockdown. If we didn't have lockdowns we would have no waves, but higher deaths.

>daily confirmed cases are going dow
>let's increase interaction so the infection grows again
You fucking inbecile

We do have a slight advantage in that we can open regions of this country back up that don't have any infections, large regions as well. It just means they're going to have to keep outsiders out.