Think things will go back to normal soon? Think again. Not only will Corona come back in many waves each time the measures are lowered, but it will also take like forever till a working vaccine is made (see SARS, MERS). And then a whole lot of people won't want to get vaccinated (which is understandable), which will lead to more waves. And then there's the simple fact that EVERY fucking government in the world is like "woaaaah dude" now that their whole population has actually AGREED to full surveillance. They won't ever tell you Corona is gone if it ever should be. Hell I bet they'd even actually create another virus to just be able to keep people as obedient and controllable as they are now. This is their perfect storm to change the world forever. This is the new normal.
>just one more be safe
>tfw I have an essential job that pays extraordinarily well and that’s isolated from the public and also can’t be replaced by AI
>>just one more be safe
>and another
>and another
>and so on ...
>halting the entire economy and putting the state in deeper debt every month is forever
In my opinion one of the most important things we can do right now is map and archive all FEMA camp locations in the US and look at common routes/roads/highways that may be used for mass transportation of political dissidents once this kicks off. And it will, very soon. We need:
-locations and square footage of each individual camp
-common routes that are likely to be utilized to transport political dissidents from both large and small population centers
-security measures that are common across all FEMA camps
-what types of individuals are employed at FEMA camps be it guards or otherwise
-how many layers of security there are
-what their caches of ammunition and guns/crowd control are
-whether or not activity has been increased more at certain FEMA locations than others since march 20th
-what is actually in the FEMA camps as far as what the people inside will be doing
That's just my list of what I think we need, feel free to ask more questions but the main thing right now is the locations across the US. If anyone has other examples of CEOs or political figures calling for the same thing post it. We need to look at these individuals as well, who they know, who is paying them, and if they share any connections other than calling for forced indefinite detention
>Implying the BANKS in control of gov don't profit from lending the GOV more money, who then force citizens to pay taxes for the interest.
>A buried (REDACTED) at certain critical strategic junctions can do a lot of damage to certain convoys.
Retards must understand that COVID-19 only brings us closer to a society which mirrors bronze age Egypt.
A vast class of peasant slaves who are micromanaged in every minute aspect of their lives by a central bureaucracy.
This. Combined with manmade + natural accelerational events/disasters to hasten things at regular intervals . . .
>make believe meme money debt
Sounds based, I'm joining the central bureaucracy
Sorry, no niggers or gays allowed
war would break out in burger land, they're pushing too hard.
>can't pay if they don't have jobs.
This is going to kill fiat and labor.
>Kill fiat
Only if GOV starts paying people a gold (or other tangible) backed income for various essential works.
Otherwise people will be forced to work to pay debts in a manner similar to the way they have been doing for the last 20 years.
Jobs won't be a problem, make them desperate enough to do any kind of dirty work for just enough to pay their mortgages or rent.
Your population is one of the most kiked ones on earth, ever considered that they might want a civil war?
Only until they make the one vaccine that'll kill the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which will be 16 months from now.
>just one more year
>just one more year
>just one more year
>just one more year
>micromanaged in every minute aspect of their >lives by a central bureaucracy.
Electricity was always an option.
If the virus were to disappear right now, in the blink of an eye, we're still going to have a difficult time cleaning this shit up. We may very well be fucked for the foreseeable future.
What did he mean by this?
too bad melania is a faggot
Find out where the DUMBs nuclear reactor water intake and outlet is and plan ahead. The elite can't stay down there forever.
There will be no "collapse" the way some of these people think of it. It's not going to be like the movie "Dawn of the Dead" or whatever where one day suddenly shit hits the fan and prices skyrocket and everyone begins to riot and the SS comes marching down the street to kill everyone. There will be no "happening." It's far more insidious than that. Read the poem
"The Hollow Men" by TS Eliot and you'll understand.
You'll just notice that every day simple things will become a little more expensive. Everyone's homes and apartments will start to get smaller. Your work hours will get longer, but your pay will decrease. You'll see family and friends less, and find that in time you care less about them. Every day you'll find yourself lowering your standards for everything: work, food, relationships, etc. Job security will no longer exist as a concept. You'll notice houses and apartments shrinking. People will start hanging on to clothing longer and longer. Less people will get married, even less will have children. People will engross themselves in technological distractions and fantasy while never truly experiencing the real world.
Whatever dream people used to have about what their lives were going to be will become for them a distant memory. The only thing left for them will be the reality of their debt and their poverty. And every minute of every day they will be told, "You are stupid, ugly, and weak, but together we are free, prosperous, and safe."
That is the collapse. The reduction of the American man into a feudal serf, incapable of feeling love or hate, incapable of seeing the pitiful nature of his situation for what it is or recognizing his own self worth.
>computer mother board
>is a shitty low image quality picture
>central chip not connected to anything
>massive waste of space
Go back to ancient aliens and bring us something good you retarded fake-ruskie
Electricity was always an option.
You are just a transistor.
Hillary Clinton LOST
Wut do?
If Coronachan can't do the job they'll just do another plandemic. Again and again until you're begging to get chipped
You tryna say a pyramid has the same complexity as a chip with 10’s to thousands of transistors in it? I design these for a living you utter idiot!
Go back to your art degree faggot.
I'm getting 730 a week in unemployment and trump bucks, and i already have a few thousand saved already. i hope this lasts a long time.
High school teacher here, starting our "distance" education today. It's a complete shit show. Ask me anything.
I dont want things to go back to normal yet. idk why I just dont. empty roads maybe.
Will you quit your job and be my live-in gf?