why is americas youth so cucked? without a single exception just nigger music on the charts...
Why is americas youth so cucked? without a single exception just nigger music on the charts
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it’s just weird. they make up 10% of americas population but almost 100% of the popular music scene
You already know the answer to that. Jews own all the record labels and brainwash everyone through their control of the media. Propaganda is working too since every white American female wants to get fucked by the cool black rapper and every white American man wants to be black/a rapper.
Jewish controlled media
The future is black whiteboi, deal with it lmao
We don’t actually listen to radios or buy music anymore. That chart is just another form of propaganda. Only niggers would even bother streaming that shit.
>Lil Baby
What’s up with nigger rappers and these retarded names
These people are literally retarded.
Its jew music, niggers are only the face
A black face if you will
>the charts are the future
lol how stupid can you be
Does listening to other race music make you a cuck?
I'm not defending that list, rap is the nigger of music
I like this music from the delgados a scottish indie band
What do American girls usually listen to then? Here all the girls still listen to nigger artists primarily though, like Drake, The Weeknd, Young Thug, Chief Keef etc.
no of course not, Jazz is great too! but I’m just astonished by this over representation of black rap
A lot of women I know aren't really interested in music.
>Apple Music
weird Amazon's top 100 is a lot different
They're a musical people
interesting...but spotify looks the same, maybe amazon music listeners are older on average?
and still listen to garbage
I think rapper are just not money/business savy
That's why jewmedia promote rap more
Think about the average nigger, they think sneakers are golds or some shit
The rapper think he got all the money by having all those cheap drugs, blings, whores and sneakers. While in reality the jews took more than 90% of his earnings
This, but unironically
LOL. cumskins mad that black people make much better music than you. Rap is infinitely superior to any other forms of shitty white music.
>Dance Monkey
Says it all.
maybe that’s the reason! The average normie lost interest in music and big corps like warner can push their agenda and nobody cares.
Also when listening to it, it’s more background trash than actual music...
because america's youth is 50% niggers
I don’t think white people buy music so much any more. Still, niggers, Mexicans, and white trash may buy/listen to that shit. Easy 50% of the population. The other 50% are white and are to busy working.
Meanwhile in Austria. Austrian youth is just as cucked lmao. Nigger music is a disease. This is why my southern ancestors should've won the US civil war.
This first song is so awful i had to pause it in the first 10 seconds.
Either we deport them all or it's over.
funny you say that as an indian
>whites split off into hundreds of genres/subgenres (country, metal, rock, classical etc)
>enough content in each of these genres to comprise the entirety of their music
>blacks uniformly line into combination of rap + R&B
>oops turns out 100% of blacks in a single unified listening block win the 'first past the post voting' of top 100 charts when compared to 20 different groups of 5% of whites listening to their own genres
this could be true
We are worthless media fed pigs. Our children are literally retarded and our education system is one of the worst. I want nothing to do with this godforsaken country anymore. Please just finish us off already. America is finished.
Most of america is downtrodden and working class. Rap has always been a fuck you to the abusive status quo.
IE its the music of anti-authoritarianism, which is like the only thing we need to be happening right now.
I'm old enough to remember this fight in the late 80's and 90's too.
yes I know it’s horrible! the arabs and russians rule the rap music here! the russians are a little bit better but trash too
the charts are run by the jews running the labels, so they put what they want as the top ten, not what the public or the kids actually like
A funny thing happened to me last year. Had someone hack into my spotify and the only thing they did was loop the new single from a single artist. I was curious how long the would do it and decided to leave it open and watch the queue to see if anything changed while I worked. It didn't. For three hours straight, they only played that one single, on repeat. This got me thinking, how easy it would be for marketing groups/producers to do something similar. Just set up bot accounts and run the newest single/album from their clients through them to boost position on the charts. I don't know for sure if this was the case with my account, I kicked them off and changed the password and haven't seen anything like this since. But still, something to think about.
Yeah it's strange, rap from europe seems to be completely from sand niggers and in a small case africans. I was unaware of russian rappers.
anti authoritarian? it’s about suicide and fucking a hoe...
good point, sadly
A scarier thought is this is how normies actually listen to music and that's how effective the programming is
Because Amerigoys are soulless ultra-normies who just listen to whatever they perceive as popular and not what they genuinely enjoy (Not that these normies are spiritually developed enough to appreciate good music anyways).
And since malevolent kikes control the music industry at almost every level, they decide what is popular. And they make it ALL garbage tier nigger monkey rap music to dumb down society and keep it spiritually undeveloped as well as to normalize the culture of inferior monkey nigger people amongst whites.
and from what I heard is that the charts are not about which music is played the most, but which sold the most! and since rappers always have these “big ass” boxes with childish t-shirt’s or whatever, this might explain something as well! In other gernes this is not the case, except maybe rock!
KYS you degenerate cuckboi. Imagine actually listening to nigger music and then defending your objectively terrible tastes on a white nationalist forum.
You are a loser.