Who is in the right?

who is in the right?
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Bradin Walker is going to burn in hell for hating God. That's all you really need to know about this situation

Doctors because they and nurses are on the front lines.

God gave humans free will, so the crash wasn't His fault


Shit like this is half the reason I stopped being a Christian. The bible says you can go to hell for simply calling someone a fool and wearing blemded cloth clothing. You have called people fools and worn blended fabrics, so congratulations on earning hell many times over The other reason I stopped being a Christian is this hypocrisy from people like you.

Gaytheists are blinded by their hatred for God, they don't care about this.

Based Brandin Walker.

Sounds like you were never a Christian in the first place with that retard tier understanding of Christian theology

walker is the correct one

a god does not have anything to do with such events or their outcomes, but one's faith within can guide them towards better outcomes, it is that strength within that is what matters, without it only misfortune will come upon you

Keep it up. Keep up the insults. You couldn't follow Jesus's commandments if he personally slapped you across the face with them.

>The bible says you can go to hell for simply calling someone a fool and wearing blemded cloth clothing.
Where does it say that?

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You're wrong and a poor Christian.
Bradin makes a fine point no matter how delusionally you choose to frame it.
10/10 dude is mad based, the left hook finale is hilarious

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I'm an atheist but I can't imagine still being in the "disagree with all religious people or anyone who mentions God" phase of being an atheist
Is it still 2007 in these people's minds? First time you heard a fucking Hitchens speech? Do you still follow that faggot Richard Dawkins on twitter?

>He thinks you have to follow the commandments to be saved

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what said. I'm not going to call you retarded. but you literally stopped because you didn't understand.

so why wouldn't Brandin be saved?

Wow mad based. Praise R NHS right guys? I bet you clapped for Boris too didn't you.

A lion doesn't concern itself with the affairs of the rabbit.

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because he hates God

Because based on his patronising fedora-tipping response, it's obvious that he doesn't believe in the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins

people being hypocrites and believing in god are two separate issues though
the one and only step is to believe, which he doesn't

>haha keep breaking your rules to your imaginary beliefs I have no respect for! When you die and nothing happens I’ll show you!
Atheist and theist are just as much fags as the other

I think he's just trying to give recognition to the people who actually did the work instead of cliche reactions to the situations

Kek. Ahhh, also the sperm of father's father. God made lots of booty.

>basing your life on millenia old jewish folk stories

well i just see a guy on whelee surviving a crash and showing middle finger to camera.
why zoomers are like this?

Elaborate on that

Pretty sure both he and Jesus understood this already. What was your point?

>Implying edgy patronising atheist responses aren't cliche

the surgeon was in the wrong for saving this stupid nigger

Who gives a shit?
Why are people still discussing religion in 2020?

God is in the wrong for saving that nigger and the surgeon should be praised for doing their job without prejudice.
Thus, fuck God and praise the surgeon.

>R peepl still dicussing the meening of life in twentitwenti?
Wow that's so cucked

Because he hates God like God exists to him.
I never understood this from atheists. They like to trash God like He cursed them. I don't understand this. I understand, there's many religious people that hurt others, but even Christ was killed by people who claimed to be so close to God.
Don't compare yourself to Jesus, obviously, but even the Son of Man was killed by people who said they loved God.

But most atheists hate God for no reason it seems like. They hate Him just cause. Yet, the believe He's not real? What?