Who's your favorite 'philosopher' out of everyone in pic related?

Who's your favorite 'philosopher' out of everyone in pic related?

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Wheres the black science nigger. Or Will Smith's son

Best: Zizek
Worst: Ben "Talk Fast = BiG LoGiC" Shapiro

It would the world's most amazing rabbi Sabbatai Zevi who lived before Karl Marx and crypto-converted to Islam and gave us the concept of being as big of a degenerate Jew as one could be to bring about the Third Temple's construction.

Sargon and Zizek are worth listening to, everyone else can throat a dolphin schlong

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Ethan Ralph of the Ralphretort Killstream

Philosophy is for limp wristed faggots.

What??? I dont see any philosophers in your picture
You prolly accidentally chose the retards picture

Behold Goys: A Jewish attempt at a joke...

all of these people can't tell me something I don't already know and to add to that, their all mostly faggots. Sargon is the only person here I somewhat care about and he still annoys me sometimes.

Agreed zizek is the best from km on this pic.

Zizek is the only philosopher on there.
Socrates and Plato did wrestling, they would have chocked you out bitch.

Zizek is a philosopher though, it's not fair to lump him into that picture

Fuck you Nigger

none are. that being said, zizek

They're all pretty subpar, before Bill Nye went full progressive autism mode I would have said he was the best because he was a New Atheist, but now Sargon is really the only one with non-autistic opinions on there (as much as I don't care for libertarianism)

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Ben Shapiro is my favorite because he has a ethno nationalist philosophy.

Zizek is the only you can call "a philosopher" there. And he is a mediocre one.

This is a rigged test. You're forcing us to choose the based commie even if we're not commies.

I mean who on their right mind thinks Sargon or Destiny are "philosophers"?

And Ben Shapiro was completely emasculated by pic related

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I dont like any of those Jews. Fuck off.

>le talk fast manlet thinks hes smart
They are all trash kys.

>And Ben Shapiro was completely emasculated by pic related

Oh, source plz?

Ben Shapiro lmao



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Philosophy is gay
Read a book or something manly like that

Uhhhhh how about no to all of them. Get on my level, faggot.

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>this policy is a return to the dark ages
>I'm not biased, what are you talking about, dumb american, here in britain we have no bias in the media

chichek, I like how he talks and talks and never says anything, just like our comical hero cantinflas

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Nothing you say will change the fact that Benny boy got eternally BTFO by a british conservative

Shapiro is probably the most intellectual of the people in the image but he's still a Zionist conservative Jew which makes his opinions shit