Did it occur to any of you that we just sacrificed our careers and economy to bail out the boomers again?

Did it occur to any of you that we just sacrificed our careers and economy to bail out the boomers again?

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no, we did it no not have millions of people dead and entire countries collapse

I thought this too. Coronavirus is just the sniffles for anybody who isn't a diseased boomer. Boomers are way too scared to die. Just look at John McCain's funeral. It was way too big a deal for some senator.

My wife and I have never stopped working, if you aren't essential services, you should probably just kill yourself because you provided nothing anyone really needs.

I doubt you and your wife provide anything I really need, tbqh. I am quite capable of getting water, food and shelter without your input so what crucial role is it you're filling, Oh Great One?

Did it occur to you that your city boi way of life is the problem
God, guns, farm, in that order
Stop being a degenerate faggot and blaming your problems on your parents/grandparents

ok inbread

we shut down our economy instead, millions will now die of famine and financial collapse

cool but honestly your only essential because of the virus after its gone we don't need faggit psw or nurses

A country does not collapse when old people die.
It collapses when young people are out of jobs.

good one, faggot.

Plague will destroy you city boi
I have a storm shelter that can survive a F5 tornado
Hazmat suits
Canned food to last months
Ammo to last years
Dogs that will rip your balls off
When you're begging for help from the ditch
Your women will throw themselves at me for mercy
Your total failure as a man will be complete in that moment

only old sick people die because they're the most vulnerable and virus is contaimed + health system is managing. if there were no virus containment measures health systems would be overwhelmed instantly, there would be too many sick for the healthy to take care of and we'd get mass disruptions in food supply,internet,power,water and so on and when you get those you also get something far more deadly than the virus itself which is the human response to it. dumb normies with no emergency supplies would panic,there would be looting and rioting and ever escalating violence while most of the police are sick and can barely walk.
the virus outbreak itself would be finished very fast but the damage would be far greater and persist far longer as social order will be gone everywhere.

The health systems get overwhelmed with the severe cases - mostly old or sick people - triage can prevent this.
The majority of light cases can cure themselves at home or are entirely symptomless.


a lot of people in their 20s died from this and that is with good treatment, if you avoid anti virus measures it would kill tens if not hundreds of millions with the virus itself + ensuing chaos

>a lot of people in their 20s died from this
A few cancer patients and faggots with HIV.

Young people dying too; and not just those with health problems
This virus is vicious

"career" is a meme to keep you on the slave-leash. There is no real happiness in having a "career". Find what you love, not a "career".

Hey greatest ally,

Could you let the yiddishim volk know that in the US?

>millions dead

Watch it there Schlomo

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Can you of all people not argue the point. Jews have a massive case of over exaggeration when it comes down to death tolls.
Most of us are secure and safe behind our wooden doors.

yes 6 million could die

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You fell for a BANK BAIL OUT SCAM and are here blaming normal people.
How stupid can you get?
Banks were bailed out IMMEDIATELY and are still getting money while everyone else waits.
You are a retard.

Why did boomers destroy their own retirements? Boomers own all the rentals and no one is paying rent. Nor do boomers appear to give the slightest fuck about their own health in general.

The true panic was caused by the media,/cvg/, and their shrieking army of numales and roasties.

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tbqh a bit of famine is going to help with the young person survival rate, they suffocate from their inflamed fat-padded airways.

I work in a lab that just started testing for the virus so my job is safe.
So i don’t really care

Everything is done for the boomers to benefit. They have all the money and power. If we had any sense we would wipe them out for what they did to the west.

>LARPING that the Shanghai Sniffles is anything more than a cold so you can justify eating a tub of mac n cheese you kept in the basement for the last 10 years

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Any other pieces of demographic information on those under 50?
Like those suffering from morbid obesity? Or compromised immune systems?
Or any other affliction that is not only deadly every year that we have a flu season, but also could still kill them at any time for little to no reason?

>Fuck you, got mine

Yep. Fucking boomers. Oh well. Life sucks, then you die.

Based af

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