Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Oi-sbär Edition

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Attached: eisbär-burger.png (373x526, 129.17K)

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You think the past was better than the present? Then COBOL might be your thing for the future.

Attached: cobol.png (646x581, 300.79K)

huh too bad I don't understand German.

>shows screenshot with Python and no auto-formater run (hope the team got a git commit hook for that)
> doesn't use string interpolation

Attached: 40986962530_342f660758_o.jpg (2048x1356, 2.56M)

Might Germany see a stronger orientation towards China, despite all the rhetoric? The German industry, heavy on export, needs China perhaps more than it would rely on its European partners. It did so after 2008 and possibly even more so now.

It's your lucky day, because the 60 y/o programming language COBOL is written in English. And it's needed (again) as the old programmers retire and a lot of infrastructure still runs with it.

Attached: Refinery-plant-area-at-night.jpg (1024x1001, 118.85K)

>no vampire looking people
Ugh normies.

Will Söder become our next chancellor?

do you remember that you just insulted me yesterday?

would be good for Bremen+Bhv due to the container shipment biz

Attached: spiritedaway2.jpg (768x1024, 213.33K)

>screenshot with Python
At least they changed it from their usual HTML screenshot or the bread baking algorithm.

The undead are in other movements, pic related.

Attached: gruenejugend_final.jpg (1222x612, 73.33K)

I would be DTF with the majority of the females in your pic lel

Attached: Osthold-bei-einer-Fachtagung-der-Polizei-Bremen.png (300x217, 11.8K)

>inversed cold war fronts soon in Europe

Attached: totally_reasonable.gif (500x300, 1.64M)

Kinnas, is Mittachszeit. Essen is feddich. Gibt Spaghetti mit Sauce.

What's good for Bremen is not necessarily good for Germany or the West.

Had to google that...

I think this isn't decided yet. Internal struggle to side with US vs. China is going on.

Attached: krautpol_essen-ist-fertig.jpg (843x1897, 277.01K)

>would be good for Bremen+Bhv due to the container shipment biz
Wilhelmshaven would benefit too, the Jade Weser Port is Germany's only real Tiefseehafen.

Good morning...

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The main question is I think WHAT transatlantic network will achieve dominance in Germany.


Attached: kitten.jpg (500x725, 142K)

>Normale Grippe tötet 25.000 Deutsche, niemand juckts (
>Corona tötet 3000 Menschen, dabei wird jeder der stirbt, während er mit Corona infiziert ist als "Coronatoter" verbucht
der größte Fake seit langem und dafür wochenlange Einschränkung von Freiheitsrechten, bejubelt durch #wirbleibenzuHause-Untertan-Sören

Attached: KOSM.jpg (800x533, 225.1K)

Is this also considered a female?

Attached: Cunt.jpg (235x568, 19.32K)

Who the fuck is that?

Attached: 1586611924460m.jpg (1024x1024, 161.38K)

Und wenn man es wagt, deswegen Verfassungsbeschwerde zu erheben, wird die Homepage gesperrt und der Staatsschutz rückt an, um den Applausverweigerer auszumerzen

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Correct. So far the established one (Washington swamp) is still strong and I don't see the new one (Trumpian) emerging. This might change after Trump's reelection and if he can establish his kind to influence the US for the time post-Trump, otherwise nothing will happen.

Attached: nur-auf-sylt-isses-schön.png (353x259, 87.94K)

Ach und was ich noch vergessen habe: Warum wird eigentlich jeden Tag die Zahl der "genesenen" mitgeteilt. Es wird doch sonst auch nicht erzählt, wie viele Menschen einen Schnupfen (und nichts anderes ist Corona bei 97 Prozent der Betroffenen) unbeschadet überstanden haben

Attached: 1585168892512.png (960x638, 1.19M)

Nice reader comment from the Spectator article. You might like it:

>"For its future prosperity, Germany may be forced to look east." It looks as if "der Drang nach Osten" has been replaced by "der Zwang nach Osten", especially as Germany also relies on Russia for its oil and gas.

Attached: cannot-become-a-german.png (1188x274, 157.52K)

>Who the fuck is that?
this faggot

Attached: Cunts.jpg (1228x626, 119.3K)

> getting trolled by EG 10 shills
she is kinda cute tho

Chinese dicklets will make pills out of the remainings to support their pathetic erections.
It's all so tiresome.

Attached: images (12).jpg (225x225, 6.81K)

Morning, purebred.
Kek pussy activism. If he virtue signals enough, he might get his dick wet.

>If he virtue signals enough, he might get his dick wet.

>If he virtue signals enough, he might get his dick wet.
How likely is that?

Polar Bear Benis Enlarger, magic recipe, only 88 Rimibimi.
Might that be a business model? They buy all kind of shit and ship it to China, why not Kraut/pol/'s magic benis enlarger?

Exactly what I mean. The last push of the Trumpians did underperform quite a bit as it appears to me. Problem is that you cannot easily pull a "regime change" in Germany as the swamp rot is not only affecting the head but has eaten deep into the body of the state. Most of the bureaucrats (the lesser nobility) are fully indoctrinated ... or maybe just "treu bis zur letzten Patrone". Similar goes for the populace. NATO psyops were a bit too efficient on this once-frontline I guess. It has become a natural part of the country just like the corrupt oligarchs are a natural part of Russia. I start to think that the Trumpians are by now following a similar Weimar strategy as I often proposed ... Germany can only be salvaged from its own ashes. It must go down he path of the Phönix. Right now it is unsalvageable. One does not simply walk into Mordor, one does not simply dislodge the indoctrinated Beamtenapparat. Only fire can wash away those sins. ;)

>Zwang nach Osten

Fucking kek!! :DD

Attached: Drang_nach_Osten_gone_too_far.jpg (509x509, 32.53K)

>Kraut/pol/'s magic benis enlarger
>famine, pestilence, war, suffering, death and genocide

You do want me to dry hump the thread again ...

Attached: cock_rampage!.gif (212x225, 90.49K)

>How likely is that?
Pretty likely. That fat one might give him a drunken handjob. Since women are far more slutty, even absolute betas tend to get some temporary scraps. I've seen it with my own eyes, but dear lord is it pathetic lol

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Not funny. I really hate the Chinks for that. They will have to leave whatever living area we move to. My entire famalam is able of this *hurr durr we live here now* move. Corona just shows that my sentiments were entirely justified.

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Niggers destroy civilization touting muh dikk, chinks destroy nature touting muh dikk. Big think.

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