Moroccan scum in Amsterdam attacks Italian homo couple

This happened in Amsterdam yesterday, a group of North African (Moroccan) scum attacked 2 Italian homos on the street. These homophobic Islamic bastards are far too gone, they need to be kicked out of Europe asap!

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>yo BASED sandnigger
>Truly BASED Moroccans are based
If you are about to post this, you will hang on rope day

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lefties will ignore it and Amsterdam will run in decay for decades to come.

All those involved should be deported to Antarctica with no supplies.


ideally everyone involved should die

Had those punks been white Dutch kids you just know that bystanders would have found their courage and started calling them out and defending the gay couple. But due to NPC programing they just look at the ground and walk on, despite being aware of the massive elephant in front of them.

Also there would be HUGE media outrage. Now it's just one slightly rightwing outlet reporting it.


How he DARE?!

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The cosmopolitan dream.

Does this shitskin walk with a purse ? Lmao shitskin are faggots

yo BASED sandnigger
Truly BASED Moroccans are based

Based Moroccans

It's okay. We're aware and more people are becoming aware.


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Good. Commiting the sin of faggotry in public shouldn't be tolerated

Based and morocco pilled. Will Geert try to combat this by showing gay porn as he usually does?

based ahmed BTFO sodomites
OP is a raging faggot that knows what's coming for him

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>luv me some islam
>noo you can't be homofobic just because of your religion
>islam is the scourge of the west
>fuck gay people lmao

Why are they both so contradictory? Can't we just agree that in this case, the moroccans were subhumans who attacked europeans? And then it's only 2nd that they were degenerates. Still that shouldn't justify niggerdom. We should deal with homosexuality on the level of state, not on the level of the individual.

>and Amsterdam will run in decay for decades to come
ah yes
if only we've let those sodomites run around publicly exposing their degeneracy, then we can save amsterdam from decay
kys sodomite

fuck those dirty paki bastard cunts

No White guy has the balls to do this in today's world. Islam made the Moroccan guy confident that homosexuality is wrong.

>We should deal with immigrants invaders on the level of state, not on the level of the individual.
this is how you sound cuck
you deal with the problem directly

Islamo-fascism < Homo-nationalism
fight me

areospatial engineers kek

>sandniggers murder fags
>get executed for it

That way everybody wins.

Says the shitskin


Allahu Akbar

Community service, their school quota fulfilled, diploma earned, and now off to higher education.


Shooting/beating up/cussing at faggots/sandniggers will solve anything how? You just become another part of the "muh raciss whaitoid" scapegoat.

Then what should we do?

No, fucking take over the state. A failed fucking painter could do it in a crisis in the thirties.

Still not as bad as Paris tho

>Had those punks been white Dutch kids
sure, because white kids won't beat the shit out of you or knife you for not "respecting" them. there's countless examples in sweden of boomers who get turned into vegetables and even killed by migrant "youth" gangs because they believe they react like normal teenagers. never intervene unless you're armed or have friends that are prepared to use violence to back you up. they aren't people like you and me

I don't know user, seems pretty based to me desu

Yes the kick muslims out so we can go back to our gay, interracial orgies.

Weird thing is Morocco is rampant with homosexuality

Morocco is rampant with western tourists and their catamites.

>be faggot
>larp as hitler 2.0
>get shot


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Based , fuck the gays

It's just their culture, and you're being racist against a proud diversity

So Russia?

i have mixed feelings.........

Kanker case

and yet he will go home and fuck his bonzi boy three or four times believing hes straight

Europe is THEIR home.

I don't give a fuck about what happens in Holland, actually i fully support moroccans and the other minority living there


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No it made him a whingy faggot when he couldn’t exist in his own country so had to leave and persecute natives for their actions. Also, fucking hoodie this isn’t the 90s. Also, the thot trying to be the face of mediation

its the same in America. HUD will build Section Ape buildings in nice boomer suburbs and the boomers have no experience with them. Then when the groids are fighting in the street the boomer will come out and yell at them and then they knock the boomer out and stomp him to the point of seizuring.

The do-gooder types simply have no idea what kind of people they are dealing with.

They do though. I got suckerpunched from behind and kicked in the back by some 18 year old skinhead at a bar because I told him to take it easy after he bumped into me from behind resulting in him spilling half his drink on me. Granted that this behaviour is more common among MENA people, but there are shit heads in all societies.

Even a broken kankerclock is right twice a kankerday

>needs to carry a weapon om his person and have at least 2-3 friends with him just to have the balls to start a fight
Toplel. Fuck your Islam.


Not very self-aware. Italy is also full of migrants.

based moroccans

both think that 2+2=4
yet, both need to fuck off anyway.

This tho. More people die of the flu every second than fins get beat up by moroccans.

I hate sandniggers but I also hate fags.

And then if those two queers turned around and stomped his shit, he'd run and cry over all 4 corners of the earth about racism and Islamophobia.

Loudmouth fucking Nafri apes need to go back to their own shithole countries an fucking stay there.

It's not unlike that story in some Asian country, I think either China or Korea, where some Arab went to open a restaurant and then he had his friends visit and some Asian guy beat the fuck out of him and he whined and cried about how Asians are racist against Middle Easterners.

What he DIDN'T tell you was that he was at their table talking about the food, he asked the guy's sister if she would like to "taste his milk" referring to his semen. They're always starting shit, but somehow, they're also always the victims. Really gets the noggin' joggin'.

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>the real brave ones are the bystanders who dare to nothing alone.