Srs question. What do you plan to do if you end up in prison for years, or get hit with an attempted murder charge? I mean your life would essentially be over, how do you foresee things playing out?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Or women could just learn their place.


Day of the roastie is soon upon us

>anyone on this website is a women beater

You are bad at governing your family if it gets to the point you need to start hitting them

If you read any thread concerning women you sure do get the impression that there are multiple would be wife beaters here.

once you have worked with women and married one or two you realize with a quickness that women absolutely deserve a good beating every once in awhile. they cannot understand logic or non-emotional and completely true arguments, but they understand the back of your hand well enough

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Wife beaters claim to be men, but throw temper tantrums like some kid.
What kind of pussy can't even control himself.

You heard the fuckin NPC anons, women who attended public school are already soft killed.
Not just liability and unrelatable.

that would require wives

they're overly aggressive retards

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go fuck yourself slope
and maybe you could learn to like tyrones cock up your ass

No, children need discipline to stay in line and if you were redpilled on the nature of women you would realise they too share much in common with children and respond to the same disciplinary measures.

I'm 30 and only had to bitchslap my ex twice in more than 8 yrs. What's your excuse for dating stupid women and being dissatisfied with life? Regular beatings is lower class.

It’s literally the opposite, are you from Reddit?

You’re beloved normies that are not “misogynist”, are actually the ones who are abusing women, but stupid ass women decide to date them themselves, then decide not to leave because their obsessed

It’s their own fault, women are stupid

I slap my gf in a playful way and call her a whore, nothing wrong with that


It almost never happens, the girl will side with the man who beats her over her own family.

Being a man means taking a position of authority and not tolerating certain behaviours around you and by those you are about.

The sad excuse of a “man” is the guy who lets his girlfriend or wife so as she pleases, even when her behaviour belittles or disrespects his authority or worse their relationship by exposing herself or others inappropriately

Not sure if cuck trolling or if you edgy faggots are literally still this blue pilled on women

If you beat your woman you've failed every other means of controlling her. A man able to assert himself without wavering doesn't have the need to.

Never heard of doorknob accident?

>go fuck yourself slope
whiter and more Yas Forums than you :^)

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if you hit her hard enough without letting marks she will never put charges and will increase her love for you

I have a rules
1. Open hand only
2. One strike per incident

fuck up and get hit. bitches gotta learn.

Incorrect, the opposite actually, the man that has to resort to using his voice in arguement and reducing himself to the level of the woman to “convince or “justify” things to her is the weak one. A real man acts without talking. A real man punishes indiscriminately and without justification because it should be obvious why he does what he does, and a man that has to exhaust himself talking for 20mins to get across a point that could have been with 1 swift and forgiving slap or push is the ultimate weak well-trained nu-male

Slapping 2 times in 8 years isn't as bad as actual beating, but it sure does feel like you're projecting.
Maybe don't take out your frustration on someone else like a toddler?

absolutely based

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What a Chad

women cannot be convinced using words. their brains don't operate this way. you can present a fully coherent and undeniably true fact to a woman and her emotions will override it and she will act out. a good smack will set her straight. any "man" who disagrees with this is an incel.

no your skinnyfat twink body that looks mutted isnt as good as my thin white blond c36 cups sorry. and yeah if you have anger issues like a retard kys theres never a reason to hit a woman

have sex incel

>High testorsterone is correlated with crime and unemployment.
Sad but true, biology is a two edge sword. Most of these people by default have a very low IQ,so when you ask them about the future, they can barely opperate in the present, and they even do it in a chaotic and careless fashion
So we're going to have to deal with this with law and order, I believe that we can afford having peaceful resolution to problems, one thing that is true is that the incentive system of current societies make women into insufferable bitches, so that doesn't help...

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If you can only assert your authority by hitting you've already lost. In her head she's already fucking a man who can assert his authority without hitting. So she can leave the boy-man behind.

I don't disagree. To a woman you state what you want, your intentions, and that's it.

>theres never a reason to hit a woman
I believe Chris Rock addressed this in like the early nineties?

Bruh ur a damn 30 yr old livin in ya moms basement. Fuck outta here C-cup my ass more like mantits

>High testorsterone is correlated with crime and unemployment.
>Sad but true
wrong. niggers actually have lower testosterone than whites in white countries. this is partly because of vitamin D deficiency

niggers are niggers because of low IQ and low impulse control
Aggression-related Gene Weakens Brain's Impulse Control Circuits
Exploring the association between the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene promoter polymorphism and psychopathic personality traits, arrests, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior
The 2R was related to arrest, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior.
>These associations were only observable for African-American males. >Only 0.1% of Caucasian males carried the 2-repeat allele.
>MAOA genotype modulates default mode network deactivation during inhibitory control
>It has been demonstrated, in a long line of research, that the low-activity genotype of the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene is associated with aggression.
>The 2-Repeat Allele of the MAOA Gene Confers an Increased Risk for Shooting and Stabbing Behaviors
>blacks are 9x more likely to have the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene than whites

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I fuck three times a day babe. someone with a actual body that's actually 100% white seethe more nigger

nothing dries pussy faster than a man who wouldnt resort to violence

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actually you can use a stick not thicker than your thumb

>What do you plan to do if you end up in prison for years

prison for beating up a woman? that only happens in cucked white countries.

lol owned my own house at 22 jamal. and no im a woman.

>attempted murder charge
imagine being this useless

>Maybe don't take out your frustration on someone else like a toddler?
Fuck off, fag. Women are retarded creatures and will do anything to piss you off and have it your way.
Your white knighting bullshit only goes so far to show us you have zero experience with women.
Women and children beatings are a necessity.
Kys, fag.

You have no idea what I relationship is my man. Men are meant to hit their women. Why do you think abused women always stay with their man? Because they love it. They act out on purpose so you can beat them and remind them of their place, which turns them on. Anybody who disagrees is literally either a virgin or a cuck. I have not met one happy relationship that didn’t have this dynamic. Grow the fuck up user

lmao you're a chink "male"

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That is very interesting riceman. I was wondering about how high T can also be found on succesful men who opperate in society without getting themselves involved with violent acts. I guess you can have high testosterone AND be smart, then outcomes will change. I know niggers and spics beat their women more ofter because their IQ tends to correlate more with each other.

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Damn. Did that pibble bear her ass?

I told my wife during our last fight if she called the police I would kill myself.
Old trick out my dad's book.

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Reasons to hit a woman:
1) They deserve it
2) It’s fun
3) They like it
4) Really gets my cocky hard too
5) It pisses off faggots like you

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here's you (((you)))
now fuckoff faggot

Wife beaters are the type of people who get their ass beat on the other side when they leave their physical form and their women leave them for men who ain't afraid of them and treat them better.

nigga shut the fuck up with you garbage arse post's

dumb people often have better instincts than smart people

>men are all logical
>no men on Yas Forums can agree with each other on anything
its almost as if men are fucking retards and the white race needs to go extinct

Wife beaters should be beaten.

Imagine being such a pussy you have to knock your wife around. Jesus, how pathetic.


t. seething changaroo

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either a 12 yer old larping
or a dumb bitch flaunting her whoreness

your not even white know your place and lick my toes faggot wop
I don't ive never been turned on by violence
I hope you do
your the only slope rice eater here

What I picture when people say this shit;

>'W-women need to l-learn their place.'
>No gf
>More then like Yas Forums poster.
>'That user is a quite fellow isn't he? A bit of odd but he seems harmless enough. A nice guy. He could do with an extra bowl of porridge in the morning.'

>look at me I’m somebody’s cum sock that means I’m a valid person
Thanks for reminding us of the inferiority of your gender.
>Wishing many smacks ur way xox

ching chong ping pong?

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Women will try to piss you off by any means, but I don't think I've ever once taken them seriously when they're threatening to kill my family, or just cussing me out and calling me a fag.

I simply move on. At worst I've had to change my phone number and judo throw the bitch when I ran into her on the street.

Seethe; dilate

he knows the rule, no girls on internet
else he should shut the fuck and lurk more

my wife was violent to me for years. warned her forever. finally snapped when she hit our kid while throwing a fit. choke slammed that bitch on the ground and told her never to lay hands on our child like that. she runs to daddy and says she had to bravely move our child aside tp save him while i charged her and violently choked her. i barely had my hands on that bitches neck. years of fucking hitting me whenever that cunt wants to throw a fit. so now im over here colonising women and going to janjan till i get an std and going to fuck her ass with my infested dick and make her fat and leave her penniless. its a long game but it will be worth it.

Fuck off with your shit-tier shitposting subhuman garbage trailer trash harlot

Sure smells like incel in here.

women are meat, you beat them with your hands or with your dicks

go drink petrol abbo. you should be ashamed if your still in mummys basement at 20
seethe and masterbate alone while crying virgin
theres literally zero chinks in ontario

Women are not equal to men in any aspect, they should be kept on a leash, a tight leash until they earn their right to be respected.

>not ritualistically beating your wife via BDSM
>not turning her tits into purple swollen monstrosities with your fists
>not caning her so hard she can't sit down for a week
>not making her thank you the whole time

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>marrying a white women

seethe and cope more zhang-ping wing

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