Let's say that there is in fact a global conspiracy that, whether threatened or not...

Let's say that there is in fact a global conspiracy that, whether threatened or not, has decided that the dipshits that frequent sites like these need some 'thought correction', I have a pretty simple question: why bother? Why would anyone even half familiar with this site or any of its boards ever think of any of you morons as a legitimate threat?
Let's break it down, what do these groups have in common?
>The Klan, the black panthers, ISIS, boko haram
They are or were threats to any civilized society, they represent extremist ideologies such as white power, black power, muslim power, etc. They all act/have acted on these extremist beliefs in violent ways, with real responses from governments across the globe. They are real and dangerous, but here there is no reality. This is an online board full of larpers, wehraboos, weebs, and the like.
>but mah ultimate gentleman
Right, every once in a while, a fag gets it into his thick skull that larping online isn't good enough, so he larps IRL. He kills a couple of people, gets in the news cycle for a week at most, and it's over. Why would alphabet agencies bother tracking this board, and why would they need to. None of you are threats. Even if one or two or a hundred of you morons actually took up arms and tomorrow went house to house killing people at random you wouldn’t scratch the surface of terror that can actually be realized through cold, calculated groups like extremist terrorists, or rogue governments.
>tldr If glowniggers actually gave a shit, and were competent enough to actual start an active psyop against this faggot board, how and why would they bother doing it?
>Also fuck the 2k limit.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Lastly, what stops these groups from doing, what may have happened, something as simple as make a couple bogus threads, sprinkle in some doubt that’s beyond typical summerfag shit, and then leave. All they have to do is instill in you sheep the simple idea that they can come on these boards, and they can larp, very easily, as if they’re a normal Yas Forumsak or Yas Forumstard, and no one would have any real way of proving that they’re glowniggers. Then all of you can, and likely will, simply hijack any real and good discussions with
>this fag is a glownigger
>wow another bug shill, what’s up chin
Couldn't put in OP because 2k.

Cal sunstein “conspiracy theories”

tl;dr lol

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imagine being black sun.

Because we're a wrench in the CoG.

Lol right. A bunch of fags larping behind screens are what's fucking up the infallible "jew conspiracy" that is right around every corner waiting to snatch up white kids to hand over to blood thirsty niggers for rape and slaughter.

Because consciousness creates existence. Not in a metaphorical way - influencing people to do things that will effect blah blah blah - directly. Thoguhts create things and alter events past, present, and future. They have the material aspect of the world safely locked down. Consciousness is their only remaining vulnerability. Hence thought policing.

Exactly, there isn't gonna be some major uprisings where the majority of whites in the world suddenly become nazi's and want to make an Ethnostate or wipe out others races.
Most people on this board are fags who have wet dreams about something that'll never happen.

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because theyre all extremes of the representation, and extreme positions always turn the common man off. extremes never succeed unless EVERYONE believe in the same extreme. that is when change happens.

and following that, the best way to get people to take an extreme position is by masquerading as a more reasonable position first. that is essentially what Yas Forums represents. an extreme that can also make and take jokes. it is only a matter of time, and they realize this, that such a gathering is a far more real threat than the extremes that already noone cares about except those extreme people.

the real red pill is comes much deeper than this though, when men realize that the only reason they even needed to care about all this is because we dont even have our women. they fucked up by not letting us keep our women so wed stay content, but then at the same time, controlling our women was what allowed them to get this far in the first place. it really only shows the resilience of the white man at the end of the day. not smart enough to prevent the worst from eventually occurring, but at least with the wits to correct the wrongs eventually. that is the white mans struggle.

i raise this beer to a cheers toward the day when our genetics proffers a higher baseline IQ, as all humans should desire. kanpai.

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Let's say that's true. Let's say that somehow (((they))) control everything because they're just that fucking smart. Why not simply expose this board to the public without context. Why not peddle that every SINGLE motherfucking last evil in this world is directly caused by this board, and people who think like this, and talk like this with nigger this and kike that? Wouldn't that just make it so much more dangerous to be here, wouldn't it be so much easier than to actually have to actively fuck around on this board, write bots and constantly monitor none threats, when there seem to be actual active agents that constantly try to take the world for themselves.

Not sure what you're imagining exactly but they do and have run various media ops against the board and edgy internet culture in general for decades. As I said, don't really understand the scenario you're describing in this post but one thing they don't want is to draw too much attention to a place like this that's full of disallowed ideas and information. There's a reason for the "you're here forever" meme. Some of the information here can't be unlearned once you understand it and some of that information makes it impossible for the recipient to ever have a mainstream world view again. They can only point occasionally at the infamous hacker four chan and say that he's very bad and don't go there. As a boring example, you can understand why they wouldn't want to draw attention to the fact that there's a large population of young people who don't believe in the holocaust story and then direct a bunch of people to go read Yas Forums memes that make the holo-op look ridiculous.

This place is heavily moderated and thought policed

You seem like you're on the beginning of your journey but honestly interested in learning so kudos for that. You should watch these. They're probably pretty relevant to your current way of understanding in the world. Each documentary has a full transcript with full citations linked in the description. No jew conspiracies either since that seems to trigger you. Just a factual presentation of the undeniable fact that there is a somewhat unified ruling class at the top of the world who hold the levers of power in every industry and authority structure, and that those people have a more or less unified world view and agenda. They should be watched in order - first "how big oil...", then "why big oil..."


There is a reason that professors are given tenure.

Its so that they can explore ideas and thoughts that society deems unacceptable and unpalatable.

The reason that universities protect these deviants is that such inquest provides benifit.

Thats why they tolerate you, and even put up with a little bit if leakage into the real world which they try to minimize. Happy?

Again, you're peddling a "redpill" that's not real. Logical fallacies can be "unlearned" and there's a reason that the "you all ruined my life" meme is a thing as well. Mentally handicapped will be led astray by some of the dumber shit on this board, sure, but I think the vast majority of people will be turned off at the mere mention of nigger on screen. IRL people don't typically take you seriously if you say nigger, and here some people actually use it as a slur, while most of the board, and board goers, typically use it as an edgy meme.
>haha look at me, I'm using no no words!
Again, simply taking some of these threads and showing people them, without context, would most likely reaffirm to most people that
>the Yas Forums hackerman is real, and that he's a big ol meanie and I shouldn't associate with him.

Wow, inquests is really the wrong word. Inquiry.

Glowies get turned by reading pol themselves

>logical fallacies
There's a lot of information on Yas Forums. You know you're being dishonest by putting it all in one box labled "fallacies" and forgetting about it. That's why you're here now having a fit instead of forgetting about that stupid board full of "fallacies". There are bad arguments and false information here. There are also good arguments and true information. You know this already which is why you're here. It just makes you uncomfortable.

Are you saying that Yas Forums is part of (((their))) plan? That this is more of a fishbowl for the mental handicaps so that they can 'study' you? The hundred monkeys with a typewriter scenario?

why were the measures brought forward by 5 years? what is the reason for the panic and bringing the plans forward? what else threatens?

I didn't mean the whole board, I meant exactly what you said, and in a way labeled the holohoax scenario, that you pointed out, as that. A logical fallacy. Not the entire board, because I know, and have been around long enough, that there is some good shit on here, but I think the vast majority of it is not "dangerous" or "deviant" just deeper or honest at most.

I didn't present an argument. What fallacy are you referring to or do you just not know what that word means?

You lack an inability to see the larger picture. This is memetic information warfare. Pol won an election, pol has real world influence and can crowd source information resourcing on a level on par with intelligence agencies, pol is like the unconscious of the internet, pol directs thought.

Get Gud you glow in the dark nigger and watch out for cars at night

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>for the mental handicaps


>Why does anyone consider you guys a threat
Ask your boss
>>this fag is a glownigger
>>wow another bug shill, what’s up chin

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Exact scenario that would make a psyop fucking retarded. I've met indoctrinated people, but a lot of them have weaknesses that something like Yas Forums would eventually try to exploit without intention, by mere chance.
You said that a large number of people finding out about this, due to the mainstream bring it to attention, could be bad because of holocaust deniers. I am say that the typical information that is presented on the holocaust, and it "not happening" can typically be described as a series of logical fallacies. You then said that "this info can't be unlearned" as if those fallacies can't be unlearned, which I say is untrue. SO the mainstream bringing people here as a means to destroy this board, instead of glowers, makes more sense than just that, glowers. Get it now?

Well color me surprised, a leaf and a wharf doing exactly as planned! Better report this to the higher ups;)

It's not that the jew thing triggers me, its that it's boring, and rhetoric that IRL is typically spewed by either the uneducated, or simply repulsive. I grew up around dipshit white trash rednecks, and many of them could be described as "redpilled" or maybe even "blackpilled" but they weren't. They were simply weak minded individuals which bought the jewspiracy shit, and personally I don't. There could be a couple of people at the top, sure, but I don't believe them to be unified, because that goes directly against the general nature of humans. Nobody that is driven enough to rise to that level of power would ever be satisfied with sharing it. Then there's the whole reason behind it. Why stop when you're at the top, what to live like a king? That's it? Really? Have you not noticed that those that are born into power do petty shit like that, but those that rise up to it, always try to get more and try to do something with that power. That's why I don't buy the kike shit.

You don’t know how any of this works, or you’re a legit a glow nigger.

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Information is the greatest threat to evil people. God gave us intelligence so that we may prevail in all that hurts us

Please tell me then leaf, how does any of this work. Why would the glowers, like me, be afraid of you? Because you post edgy maymays? Because you don't go outside to spread your ideals to other people? Because you're just so damn charismatic that you actually have an effective presence that affects the real world in a non violent way? I didn't use terror groups as an example because I want some of you morons to actually do something, but simply because those groups have had very obvious structured responses. Please tell me what you, and people like you, do that threatens (((them)))? I mean

because they think it is more efficient to advance through one world government, but if they didn't try control(and waste a lot effort and resources) then nations would race to space again

imagine if they didnt start the globalism meme, where would we be?

That was actually kind of what I wanted to talk about, but then got derailed. Do you think that a non unified earth has a greater chance of colonization/space explortation, than a unified one?

>Then there's the whole reason behind it. Why stop when you're at the top, what to live like a king? That's it? Really? Have you not noticed that those that are born into power do petty shit like that, but those that rise up to it, always try to get more and try to do something with that power.
That sounds like an argument for the idea of overarching ruling class agendas not against. Anyway, watch those if you actually want to understand why it's undeniable that a more or less unified agenda exists at the highest levels of (at least visible) power. There's no argument. They've been open about it for centuries.

Which part, to live like a king or more?

And I will, although again, I doubt (((they))), if they exist, are in a very close and tightly knit alliance, and are more than likely scheming against one another instead.

The fact that people with power would not be satisfied with merely enjoying the rich life suggests they would try to enact grander and grander agendas to enlarge themselves. That's exactly what they do. Why would they work together in any sort of unified way? If there's something overwhelmingly more powerful that you become aware of when you're at that level. If you're a power-hungry psychopath and you come across a force that appears completely impossible to defeat or even meaningfully oppose, your best move is to serve that force in exchange for whatever rewards of power it can give you. That's why they're unified - because they're not actually the top. They have their internal squabbles but this is like infighting between the underlings in a gang - they may fight eachother, even kill eachother sometimes, but they all serve the higher levels. If you're interested in what these higher levels may be read this montalk.net/gnosis