Yas Forums scares me

You make me think of conspiracy theories that blur the line between fiction and reality. You attack Christianity, my grounding for reality. It's like you're trying to cause psychosis in people.

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Here's a softball for ya, buttercup!

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Anime sissies are built for BBC.

imagine being black sun.

if you are ego beast of course you get hurt

welcome to thunderdome bitch!

Read books newfag

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None of these comments even make sense. I hate you weirdos.

The origin of the term conspiracy theory is the CIA, meant to label and harass JFK truthers and conceal the world plot. Yas Forums did not do September 11, nor spread communism by skullfucking.

Underground child sex trafficking sacrifice satanist defense force, please go.

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>he cares about what people think on Indonesian anime forum

That's my exact experience from watching animeh

This whole thread is bots arguing

kike on a pike :^)

If you can't suffer criticism and dissenting views you deserve psychosis followed by suicide.


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aw thats kinda cute want a hug?

Built for bbc.

Christ is Lord and kikes get the rope, always, constantly, and forever. That is literally all you need to know.

> You attack Christianity, my grounding for reality.

It deserves to be attacked, as it is literally rabbi worship designed to destroy the Aryan race

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You need to strengthen your faith if attacks on Christianity here phase you.
There really are people that rule over all of us. I wouldn't worry too much about the supernatural but we really aren't actually free and there really are plans in place to try to shape the world.
Jews really are Christkillers and they have been hated for good reason. They really have been changing the world since the beginning of the first world war. They really are vengeful.
Read your Bible more. Read things that are found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Those are texts which were destroyed by the Pharisees.

>It's like you're trying to cause psychosis in people.
Can confirm. My personality has split many times since I started browsing Yas Forums

Yes. Also holy shit, just mentioning I base my reality in Christianity made the shills go apeshit. This has to be some kind of kike and faggot den. Idk where else I've ever seen such hatred for Christianity.


Black suns pretty based. You kill for credits but aren’t directly responsible for the atrocities the Empire.

99% of anything said here is a retard fanfiction larp

Just remember: gas the kikes, race war now. You work your way up from that. It is your base formula.

Black suns were built for bbc lol

Christanity was the first marxism, appropriated from old European stories (flood, etc.) by useless, violent, cant write or do anything for shit, Edomitic retards.

You are literally believing Scorsese or Lady Gaga are Italian here

Or that Kubrick is based

Or that Trump is your guy

You are literally hanging on on made up shit.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a shill
This is why everyone hayes you christkikes.

Your grounding for reality is a set of jewish fairy tales...? How? Do you have friends? No family? Is there nothing real and tangible there in your life for you to protect?

>I can't function without external dogma that goes unchallenged and is impressed upon me by others with unknown intentions
>thinking for myself scares me
It's going to get harder for you before it gets easier; but you can no longer turn back and the ride never ends.

This is why you are having problems. Christians are brainwashed to protect and serve kikes and we hate kikes here. Do you see the problem here?

why is you id different? :/

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discord raid thread

>grounding for reality
That's not how it works, user. Christianity is like a cure for all mental diseases. You believe in God and you don't feel like you're a weight on the world anymore.

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all day every day
based nepal


Yas Forums is this:
>Calls itself "Nazi"
>Hates Conservatism
>Hates Whites and Europeans, especially Germans
>Hates Christianity
>Hates White Women
>Loves Traps
>Loves Homos
>Loves BBC porn
>Loves non-White women
>Fetishizes Racemixing
>Internalizes Islamic and Jewish fetishes like virginity and purity
>Admires Jewish presidents and e-celebs (Trump, Varg, Sargon, Molyneux, Sv3rige)
>Worships pagan and Gnostic cults
>Dabbles in the occult
>Worships an African snake god as the embodiment of evil and chaos
Does any of this sound Nazi to you?

The reality is this: Yas Forums is actually pretty far left, it's just the antisemitic left, and not the philosemitic left. We have Communist and Islam generlas now, but no Christian and/or NatSoc generals. The userbase is obsessed with Islam and Judaic laws, occultism and anti-European narratives.

This is Yas Forums now.