One year today

>one year today
The force is female

Attached: 4186D052-6D38-48FB-8D32-0CB556BAC191.jpg (600x493, 48.96K)

>completely forgotten
>the discovery has been useless
lol roasties

the discovery was actually man found and the team consisted of 99% men. she was useless but since shes a woman she got the glory.

>first ever image of a black hole
>It’s just a computer crunching some numbers

Goatse edit?

Look at the size of her nose

i forget what she actually did?
it was like 2 weeks of editing a file or something right?


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That sad thing is you probably marked this in your calendar to make this post. Your misogyny is pathetic.

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I would marry that girl

"She led the project, assisted by a team from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and the MIT Haystack Observatory."

literally nothing. she got a bunch of horny CS spergs to do all the work for her and she claimed victory. typical woman.

she clicked the run button on the software built by like 20 guys. why arent more woman in the scientific field? they do such great work.

You should fucking kill yourself unironically


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are you a retard? What was accomplished that day? Fuck all
Give me 5 minutes and GIMP and I can do the same

got the Goatse one?

youre absolutely right. literally nothing was accomplished. we knew and had strong evidence black holes existed and what they looked like decades before this picture. it was just a news stunt to glorify women again even though she did nothing.

only a year? Time has finally slowed.

dude, it was only synthesizing an image which itself was useless, not the data
we already had evidence that Black Holes exist and confirmed since the last decades
absolutely nothing new wither
a fucking image... A simulation would have been better

there was no new data either. all the data has been there for as long as space telescopes existed.

I’ll be impressed if someone can record a black hole swallowing a planet in full 8k res

idiots this was a huge step for female equality

closest we have is Universe Sandbox 2 but you need a strong CPU-bound machine, my 8 cores is sweating after a while
>Make a blackhole appear a million mile away from the sun out of nowhere
this is fun


>trying to hide the massive schnoz

She literally didn't do shit, but cucks will be cucks and of course no one bothered stepping up probably because it would mean losing their job

>black holes are totally a thing that exist and not just a McGuffin whose postulated existence conveniently balances our retardo gravity-based theoretical mathematical formulas for the movement of the galaxies, stars and planets throughout the cosmos

>he'll start talking about dark energy/matter next

And i'll lmao.

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the guy in the background cracks me up everytime

> head of the project was male
> lead scientist for project was male
> all the theoreticians were male
> data collection scientists were all male
> imaging algorithm made by an asian male
> four imaging teams, her team's images weren't even used
> her role was so unimportant she doesn't even appear on the organizational chart

yet somehow the media splashed her face on the TV for *weeks*. I swear feminism is some sort of brain cancer, it makes people stupider.

thank you

yo i just realised the goatsee guy has a wedding ring on.

Sta, bre, koji kurac prdis ovdje? Sve je to jedna velika prevara...

me too, I was going to post the same