Masturbation is not only a sin but a mental illness

So why does 95% of all males still do it? There might be a linear correlation between betas and non-stop cooming.

We are turning our world into a sissy fest filled with faggot men. In a hundred years men will be no more, instead we will have girls and girls with dicks. Is this what you want faggots?

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masturbation is a bad habit.
lust is a sin.
don't conflate the two since you can lust without self-service.

but you cannot self-service without lust

nice try atheist, maybe next time

Fuck off with your shit reddit memes

What issue do you have with me jerking off my dick after a hard day of work you fucking faggot

why is it that reddit fags always invade threads with "this is what reddit does faggot"

are you a reddit expert by any chance?

>Old Testament

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>Is this what you want faggots?


what do you mean ?? you don't like the bible ?

You gotta feed the geese to keep the blood flowing, relax and keep the rhythm below the belt.

Fuck off back to reddi t now.

You are from r/nofap. Go back.

Old Testament laws were changed and clarified in the New Testament, if you actually believed in the values that you're so preachy about you would know that

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redditors spotted

this meme of self shitting is getting old guys, fuck off.

>"old testament"

It's called the ONLY TESTAMENT you blasphemer! All you who claim the christian faith yet sin against almighty God will surely burn in hell along with the fornicators and sodomites!

I know, but I love the OT as much as the NT

Not quite accurate there, Jebediah.

not even dignifying this blatant troll with a (You), i'll see you later man

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Not true at all.

>thinks Chad Vs Virgin is reddit
How new are you

i want to see a clitoris work

only subhumans can become horny from nothing. are you two chinks by any chance?

ok chang and wang. only subhumans become horny from nothing.

its basically like a pp

beating your meet is subhuman bugman behaviour. Atleat try to limit it and dont go more then three times a week

Fuck cooming

based leaf

>There might be a linear correlation between betas and non-stop cooming.
Well maybe that's because we can't get gfs? Geez, isn't this a hard one?

Is there someone who hasn’t coomed in a while, and got laid because of that? I barely think. Not cooming won’t change your inferior genes.
Also what the fuck is wrong with you, if your dick hurts because of cooming, that’s not a normal issue.

Bruh once a week is an absolute maximum and literally only to get the tension out if you can't handle it anymore. Three times is bordlerine coomer, I mean how are you supposed to feel the benefits and if jerk off again after 2 days?

>Is there someone who hasn’t coomed in a while, and got laid because of that?
Yeah indirectly. I mean it wont magically attract women but you'll feel so much better and "powerful" (not in a cringe way but just able to do things) and this obviously helps when going out too.

Are Hungrians subhumans ??

Do you even understand the consequences of cooming specially to porn and it's affect on the human brain and body ??

What a Kike

Maybe u have a point, good luck then
I can do both

Ok, literally who flag

What's the point of these worthless anti-porn anti-masturbation shillings? Are you guys some kind of religious group or something?
Why don't you fix the actual issue that causes men to consume porn? Why don't you acknowledge that these men need girlfriends and wives to cum inside of but they can't get them? Why don't you fix female obesity? Why don't you fix the arrogance and entitlement? Oh because it's easier to ignore all that.

Masturbation activate your HPP axis, filling you body with Prolacin a hormone responsible for lack of self control in men, losing interest in things you love, let alone it has the capability to change your gender by time, you see now why jews promote porn, because they wanna cuck everyone, and change you into a bisexual half male.

This user is using a VPN and actually lives in Okaloosa county, Florida.

what a fking kike, dumb fking jew

here is why :-

You faggot, it turns on your Prolacin and hpp axis

Making you more feminine than you are supposed to be
and killing your motivation

Yeah I mean if jerking off works for some people I don't mind, it just makes me feel dizzy and lazy and I tend to overdo it so I just quit. Porn is literally the devil though, you might as well shoot heroin.

>you fking kike, dumb fking jew
>thinks watching porn will turn you into a female
Ok, I think I'm done replying to third world flags now.