The Great Distraction - COVID19

Hello Yas Forums, I am an insider, for lack of a better way to describe myself. I have businesses in healthcare industry across various niches and I have lots of political connections and inside info about the whole COVID19 crisis.

Just a few things to get your almonds activated, ponder a few questions.
1) Why were there so many CEO resignations in Jan?
2) Why is the US, of all countries, the worst hit by COVID19? We have the best economy in the world and arguably the most healthcare resources available. Doesn't it strike you as strange? Perhaps it's spread was accelerated by those who would benefit from the smoke screen?
3) What is happening behind the scenes? Who is getting arrested? What indictments are happening? What criminals (traffickers and pedos) are being taken down?
4) Why are 'they' so scared of Trump? pic maybe related
5) What would China benefit from COVID19 by releasing it on their own people purposely or otherwise? Economically they will be set back YEARS with all the companies and countries picking up manufacturing and production from China and bringing in house. Japan gov $2.2B paying major companies to relocate back to JP. + Kudlow talking about same, US could foot bill.
6) What else could the smoke screen be covering for?
7) Why is the Crown not paying their bills, 4-5 weeks now?

Just things to ponder, I'll be back in the coming days to give more info. The reality is much much more dark and sinister than even I think Yas Forums could fathom. The amount of evil in the world is mind boggling. You don't have to look far, just look at the hospitals refusing to buy medical supplies for their staff because they're trying to cheap out. Hard reset of the world. Politically, economically, socially, religiously, I think it will be for the better for the country in the long run, and we will only pull through because Trump is at the helm, but anons, I still worry. Pray for America. I'll BBL

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Trust the plan?

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bill gates, the rothschild and the establishment will just chip everyone and state a new virtual currency

if you are a jew run to gold and be rich with them

Dont do this gay cryptic Q-tier question bullshit. If you have something you want to tell us then just fucking tell us.

fuck off qtard
If you have something to say just say it and stop acting like a faggot

Stock up on silver, gold will do good too, but silver performs better in crisises. Virus is no joke, it was engineered to kill people. Stay at home, relax, stock up sensibly on food, learn what employable traits you can if you don't have a ton now while you're sitting at home. Book keeping, perhaps learn about manufacturing, or do research into a trade you could do. Our economy will recover, but won't be the same for a long long time. Blue collar and trade skills will be highly valued. Learn something employable is basically what I'm saying.

Has nothing to do with Q or any of that. Global pandemic + medical supply shortage is a great smoke screen for shady actors.



HAHAHAHA you fuckin fag

Are you an imposter user? Aren't you afraid of having your mouth shut? Why bother writing your (supposedly real) name in the title and your position when JIDF and the FBI lurks imageboard pol boards and you could potentially get executed/ or silenced for extracting insider information. Even simple workplace rules often silence you or report you to the police for breaking work rules (i.e your boss can see you saying shit of the workplace in a youtube vlog of yours). If you are true then, I shall await your return.
>Pray for America
nah, desu having it burnt down and rebuilt from the ashes without any jew influence would be a better idea

Yeah no shit, youre preaching to the choir, the answer everyone here wants to know is what is the end game of this whole lock down? Do you have an answer for that or no?

>Why don't you answer your own fucking questions? That would be more interesting than this fake "I have insider info" crap you're spewing.

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>The reality is much much more dark and sinister than even I think Yas Forums could fathom

Is it your asshole? Is it full of shit?

OP makes a thread of saying insider information, yet proceeds to bitch it off just says to stock up on shit, what a kike

fake thread

rather Edward's mind is super dark

No you dont lol you're literally 26 and have never worked in your life Bobby.

Just say what you want to say faggot, I'm not jumping through all these hoops to reach the conclusion you want me to reach.

Does Q know you're stealing his material?
C'mon man, at least be creative enough to start your own fanbase of retarded americans that believes in you and analyzes everything you say.

Gold and silver is an absolutely fucking WORTHLESS material to horde in times of crisis. In the event of an economic collapse where you imagine gold and silver would fill the gap, a societal collapse will immediately follow. In the event of a societal collapse, all the gold in the world won't stop some chad raider from putting a bullet in you and stealing your actually valuable shit, like your food and bic lighters.
If you absolutely must stockpile a precious metal, brass and lead will serve you much better. Stop falling for this stupid kike bullshit.

Yes I heard Bill Clinton spread the bioweapon to the bat pussy then Chinese ate it. #LOCK him and her up!!! MIGA

ok thats all nice and what not but when will something actually happen publicly. we've been on lockdown 2 weeks, its time to start the fireworks. nothing ever happens

based and satanpilled. thanks lucy

Just answer your own damn questions bitch. Holly fuck not that difficult.

thinks. the measures are actually not sufficient for dangerous viruses. we have simple protective coats and too few insufficiently sealed masks. what do the tests test? calculate the numbers. the world has driven roughly the same number of contacts. why do the numbers differ, what do the scientists say. what do the authorities say? Play their game

what forces all measures to be brought forward 5 years? what threatens and who

Tell their fairy tale. Play their game

Rent fucking free

>Hi pol, here's my LARPing blog about stuff everyone has known for months now from Yas Forums, Infowars, and press briefings.
OP is a faggot.

What do you reckon things will look like by July? My son is due in 3 months and I'm getting worried

>Shady poster vaguely explains his supposed origin to disclose something

>Shady poster just gives questions instead of answers


i swear to god, if you're just larping again imma get your citizenship and vote democrat out of spite

I'm already voting democrat to cancel out the vote of a Q poster shitting up this board.

U r smart

Seems to me the time is now to build the new society, start a victory garden and form a civilian defense corps

The government has folded, corporations are now illegal

You can't buy land with bullets