Go out for a walk on a sunny day

>go out for a walk on a sunny day
>stopped in your tracks by pic related
>"you done took the wrong corner white boi"

what do?

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>"Yeah whatever cunt"
>*walk straight through them*

What now bra?

>offer them some weed
>walk away

I'd use a squirt bottle to spray highly concentrated carbs into their mouths while threatening to scuff their shoes.


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There are no niggers where I live

you don't make enough money for gear by mugging people on the street

Shoot them down. This is america ffs

And by the way...

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That's why it's expensive.

Hmm, supose I am able to disguse myself as a kind of female to male using a kind of voice acting trickery.

Then suppose I suck my way out of the situation.

(women about to get raped can oftentimes simply suck off the rapist. in such a case they would not figure my penis and then murder out of a disgust reaction such as the trans panic law states.)

im gonns buy a gun

>pull out .45acp
>put two rounds into each
>follow it up with insurance shots to their heads
>continue about my day

sage goes in options

I might inform what the price of the left specimen is

"I'm not white though."
>"Oh sorry carry on my nigga."

What does the ting say?

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>go out
Ha, no

Imagine the smell.

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No it's quit the opposit. I live in the middle of nowhere I don't even have neighbours it's just a house on a mountain. The only downside is that there are no jobs nearby and winter is pretty bad too since they don't open the roads to your house

>follow it up with insurance shots to their heads
Why waste ammo like that?

Manlets, when will they learn?

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>what do?

I would confuse them with a math problem, then while distracted, I would finish them off by telling them a story about me and my father enjoying a day at a baseball game.

yell NIGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and take my chances that i outrun these beefcakes

This board is obsessed with Black Men


>Then suppose I suck my way out of the situation.
But what if that just makes them want to fuck you? You’ll be like “no please” but then they rip off your shorts and start gunning your cheeks.

>Niggers are being niggers
Imagine my shock

>being afraid of dehydrated "bodybuilding" midgets
Are niggers really this stupid?
Legal reasons. 2 shots comes off as an execution-style attack. 11 shots comes off as "I was afraid for my life, officer."


No I mean why shoot their heads? Might as well shoot into the air

This all sounds like excellent shine defense. The only thing better is to also put moats in. Shines don't swim. If you ever find yourself wondering if living amongst a group of people who refuse to speak the language as you do, are aggressive, uneducated, amoral and have nothing to lose is really as bad as they say it is, take my word for it; it is.

>this thread again
Like fucking clockwork. Imagine the life this faggot lives, collecting photos of niggers and then spamming them here.

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>Are niggers really this stupid?

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Lmfao dude can't even sit properly nor type on a keyboard with those clubs.


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>Stare the nigger manlets down
>Be the nigger and stab them with a knife
>Steal their iphone

>go out for a walk on a sunny day
>no niggers loitering in the streets in your country
Feels good.

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I'd whip out my tactical employment form and they'd run away at top speed.

>That windup
>No instant knockout
You nigs are weak af