Hello, based department?: Philadelphia bans cashless stores

Say what you will about Democrats but this is a pretty based move. I’ve hated this shitty trend particularly advanced here in Korea, of pushing everyone to use cards instead of cash.

Cash is anonymous, no paper trail, you don’t have any explaining to do in terms of where it comes from or where it goes.


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i dont get it how is this a good thing ? if you're autismo about government knowing you bought cereal you can always use anonymous debit cards, i used those as a kid when i wanted to order shit online but had no bank acc

shut the fuck up kike
if i want to pay with cash to avoid the fucking niggers in power from seeing i dont pay a lick of taxes then im allowed to do so

Those who choose security and convenience over liberty and privacy deserve neither security, convenience, liberty, nor privacy.

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>Say what you will about Democrats but this is a pretty based move.

Black people don't have bank accounts so its impossible for them to purchase stuff in these cash free shops. They do this to avoid child support payments and alimony. This was just the Democrats in Philly supporting the blacks because Philly is a black majority city

t. Philly fag.

AFAIK it is illegal to refuse US currency in the US

Is it now?

Well you don't know shit. They can refuse the reverse, no cards cash only. So why shouldn't they be able to refuse the reverse?
I'm a little on the fence here. 1) stores should be able to do what they want, but 2) on the other hand, if I want to pay with cash then fuck the store.

>So why shouldn't they be able to refuse the reverse?
Because of that thing written on the back of your money that says legal tender for all debts public and private

Never let them take that from you. Fuck the kikes.

>be private business owner
>decide that my store is card/electronic transaction in order to make book keeping more efficient and for safety of employees
>don't have to deal with money transports or worry about store getting robbed
>"But user! This is so inconvinient for people who mainly use cash, such as the elderly and certain minority groups! You're also going to lose out on their business!"
>"Well they're welcome to shop elsewhere. I'll let the free market decide if this is monetarily worth while."
> :-0
> >:-0
>Enacts local legislation that forbifs your cashless enterprise
>Niggs rob the store a week later
Blue states seem intent on digging their own graves for machocistic reasons.

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>Fuck the kikes.
Living life as you wish to, is the best way of fucking the kikes.

Apparently they can legally refuse based on their being no debt if they won't sell you the product.

Who cares? The motive is irrelevant. The outcome is based

“Legal tender for all debts public and private.” It is unconstitutional to reject US currency in the US. This is most definitely based.

Yeah imagine if anyone with a family gave a fuck about that lol

Faggot. Cash is anonymous, doesnt have strings attached to jew banking services, and is yours to use when you want.

Its nigger Jeromes human right to use cash or other untraceable payment media

But you are not rejecting US currency, just method of payment. This is legally a different matter entirely. If stores have accept cash then so should hospitals and government services like the DMV.

Private enterprises can refuse cash. Government offices must accept cash.

There's a few cashless stores in my area, it's mostly because the employees steal the money and prevents stores from getting robbed.

they can't, they can only insist and hope that you don't know they're not allowed to do that. you can lose your business license over that if people complain

cryptocurrency & credit/debit cards needs to be banned
only cash should be accepted everywhere

>thinking cash is anonymous
This is only true if you actually take the time to make it go through multiple individuals since the time it gets taken out from the bank. If you just take cash out from the bank it's identifiable by serial numbers.

>thinking cash (fiat money) doesn't have strings attached to jew banking services
>is yours to use when you want
Yeah, till the jew banks print more to "prop up the economy" and it becomes about as useless.

It is legal to refuse cash, it can't be refused as a legal tender for debts but if the store hasn't and refuses to sell you anything then you are not in debt to them.

They do moron. Every where accepts cash especially if you have enough of it

no, it's not. it's legal to refuse a sale, that's not refusing cash. and it's legal to refuse a counterfeit because that's not cash either. but you're not allowed to pick and choose what legal tender you use. can't say we don't accept 5 dollar bills or nickels for instance. additionally, it's more likely a store would try shenanigans refusing a card to avoid the fee/fudge their taxes. hence all that $20 minimum shit, which isn't remotely legal but only enforceable if people complain about it

Yeah right all niggers get debt cards from the government that gets money directly deposited on it months. Niggers are literally leaches on society. Why the fuck they are allowed to freely roam cities while getting financial support blows my mind. They all need to be forced into fucking labor camps or big prison cities

There's no federal law stating buisnesses must take cash, they're allowed to decide how you pay them which means they don't have to take cash. The reason these states are passing laws banning cashless buisnesses is because there's nothing on the books saying they have to.

Those cards come with a fee you dog fucking jew

the funny thing about this is that bank accounts/checking accounts are free for the most part. So long as you get it from a decent bank that doesnt charge monthly maintenance fees.

gotta get shekels somehow

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I hate every single jew

same, probably more than you

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