Beijing tightens grip over coronavirus research, amid US-China row on virus origin
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Totally not a lab-made virus.
Bump. Tawian is the legitimate China.
Should drone strike Xi or some chink generals.
What’s the point? Everyone knows china is lying already and the only people aren’t buying it are chinese themselves which will never believe it.
Goddamn fuck China
>"China has imposed restrictions on the publication of academic research on the origins of the novel coronavirus, according to a central government directive and online notices published by two Chinese universities, that have since been removed from the web."
Yeah, totally came from a wet market guys.
Eh it could’ve still. China is just trying to save face from its people. They don’t want china tied to the virus.
But it didn't. No fucking point in even pretending. If there was even a chance of that being the disease vector, they wouldn't have reopened them and they did, weeks ago. Even that specific fucking market they use as the scapegoat.
Can you show me where they opened that specific market?
Also China has a bad history with wet markets. They always pledge to close the markets but end up opening them up again.
Also check out shit like "Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) proteins of different bat
species confer variable susceptibility to SARS-CoV entry" -
>Here, we extended our previous study to ACE2 molecules from seven additional bat species and tested their interactions with human SARS-CoV spike protein using both HIV-based pseudotype and live SARS-CoV infection assays.
>Chimeric ACE2 construction
>Construction of bat ACE2 mutants
>An HIV-1-luciferase pseudotype virus carrying the SARSCoV BJ01 S protein
Ok, never mind. That specific market seems to be closed down still. Every other wet market in Wuhan is open for business though.
But China is going to classify dogs as pets and not for food, so I guess that's a sufficient penance for them, right?
It's still a fucking lab made virus and they fucked up containment because communists are cheap fucking retards.
>Western countries always complaining and insulting China
>Expect they allow their researchers in
The absolute state of westoids
I’m against communists as much as the next guy, but not all wet markets are the same. A wet market is just an outdoor place where they sell meat. Australia has them too.
But there’s no credible evidence yet that it was made in a lab.
Generally they have a problem against their government not the people in general.
Yeah, we're retarded and weak. Our options at this point are slow decline into oblivion, or total war.
>But there’s no credible evidence
Except for Chinese behavior? Send in the PLA to destroy samples and research? Use the WHO under their pet ex-communist terrorist to obfuscate? Strip the world of PPE so everyone gets infected in an attempt to further obfuscate where it originated? Send out wild accusations of it being an American and Italian virus at the same time?
No, this has all the hallmarks of an escaped lab virus. This is so much more than just "saving face".
Can you show me where they blamed Italy and where they ordered to strip resources from the world? I’m aware of them blaming the US but couldn’t find anything for Italy.
Yes, I'm privy to CCP internal orders. Stop being a retard. Do you really think they're letting just about anyone inside the country out of the borders to roam the world freely? The chinks roaming our countries are not fucking tourists.
And they did indeed call it an Italian virus when Italy was at its worst at the same time they were blaming you. Look harder.
Very interesting the Chinese government is willing to risk sacrificing the lives of the worlds citizens to control the narrative.
The Chinese government is not interested in "risking to sacrifice" the out-group. They actively wish you eradicated from the face of the earth. Lebensraum is limited, resources are finite, the struggle is eternal and the Chinks, as opposed to our governments, knows how to play the fucking game.
So no evidence....
we can’t be like them and make these kinds of wild accusations. There’s enough already to hate on them for, no need for this noise.
Fuck right off.
>Muh evidence
It's us or them.
Thanks for trying
No really, fuck right off with your appeasement bullshit. You can appease yourself right into a grave.
Fucking Christ... the Nord is right. Occam's razor.