Why don't people understand that there is 2 factions of kikes? the nationalist zionist jews and the liberal diaspora

Why don't people understand that there is 2 factions of kikes? the nationalist zionist jews and the liberal diaspora.

One just wants to exist and be protected, the other are manipulative and infiltrate every government and institution to take it over and spread their mind virus.

Hitler was a zionist who wanted to eradicate the liberal jews spreading communism and degeneracy.

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That's utter bullshit. They're working together in every matter nigger. And no Jew alive is liberal, inside


Yes, this is essentially correct. It's the diaspora kikes that are killing western civ and need to be dealt with.
>t. Rabbi Noseberg

>One just wants to exist and be protected
Ignorant bullshit. Read the talmud, for fucks sake. They're not supposed to co-exist peacefully with other ethnic groups.

all goyim exist to serve us, we will conquer all nations and guide the lesser goyim races in greater israel

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>One just wants to exist and be protected, the other are manipulative and infiltrate every government and institution to take it over and spread their mind virus.
what's the difference?

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Rabbis almost always support Israel

When push comes to shove they stand as a united front

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They play both sides.
It is science of soul corruption serious and regardless, a self proclaimed war enemy.
70% of all USA jews voted democrat and what it stood for in 2016.
War through deception taking lethal, cowardly advantage of the USA.

Lmao jewfucks are exterminating you while we were the first judenfrei country in Europe. amerimutt cringe reeeee


no fuck the both of them, and hitler should of known better; they stabbed him in the back anyway and charged him with a fake holocaust.

OP is right. What you are witnessing is in fact the following:
On the (real*) zionist side, a simple calculation is made. What would fuck zionism more, siding with the nationalists or with globohomo?
Nationalists are inherently more compatible with zionism, however we know that you are so far gone in your mind that if you were to get power you'd get rid of all jews, including us. That is to say, we stand as a united front because you treat us as a united front. It's in our best interest.
Should nationalists stop being faggots and accept us (for real), we'd easily prefer you over globohomo.

real, meaning, not just someone claiming to be Zionist, and in any case, not someone who supports policies that are against Zionism directly or indirectly.
A Zionist is he who supports a Jewish state on the land of Israel. Any other additions modifications or requirements are not Zionism.

There are more than two factions, but all the factions have two things in common.
>Explotation of goyim
>Giving Jews special treatment

>Goyim we just want to have our own land
>And yours to, now war for us while we fill your countries with non whites
Kikes already had their chance in the early 1800s in Russia, and from 1945 and on. They've proven they can't run shit in Israel, they deserve nothing but a bullet. Herb in all fields

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Freebie example:
"I'm a Zionist but Israel must be democratic therefore non Zionists can be in parliament" for instance, is not a Zionist.

>Should nationalists stop being bad goyim and accept us
You wore out the nationalist line and the only ones that exist are National Socialist. No

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Yeah I pretty much explained why this is your fault and it is undeniably, your fault. By you I don't mean all nationalists but rather, actual antisemites, who blend with everyone else, literally forcing us to be against all of you.

>This is all our fault
No, one could say it's our fault for falling for the Jew in the world wars but everything of this timeline is your tribes fault.

>If Nationalists would just work with us
So you can backstab them and leave them hanging waiting whatever goy you're using next?

>Literally forcing us all to be against you
Your religion and ethnicity pits you against us no matter what. Even so much as standing near a Jew negatively effects someone 100 years later when your cousins at the JIDF try to make false connections. Your kind deserve nothing but a bullet to the skull. Your kind don't deserve to be on the pages of history or exist in this world and reality

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That's an awful lot of text to say "it's the joos". If you have anything rational to say that isn't just "the joos" in many words go ahead, otherwise take your pills.
And your last paragraph is moot, it only pertains to ultraorthodox but (again) you can't seem to tell the difference, and this will be our (yours and ours) undoing.

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Jews have ruined their reputation with real nationalists and continue to do so at this very moment by literally setting up and funding the moderate do-nothing controlled opposition ala AfD, SD, DF, RN, GOP, Tories and many many more.

>That's an awful lotta text to say da joos
And yet it is,the Jews

>Your last text is moot it only applies to these other group of cultist schizos
No, it applies to all of you. There is nothing of your culture or people worth saving, worth enjoying. You've been spending all of humanity trying to enslave one nation after the next for your shitty little book, enjoy being among the real diaspora once Israel is destroyed and no European country takes you in

>Well destroy each other
Doubt it. The anti semitic aspect National Socialist can only truly become of use once someone has had enough encounters with your kind. I've seen it among the liberal atheist, the Zionist types, and the ultra Orthodox. Jews can kill all the Nazis, but we eventually come back. Nazis however, can kill all the Jews and none would return because in doing so we'd rid the world of it's ideology, remove its influence and trace from society, and make sure it never receives by letting it simply fade into obscurity with every other tribal cult.
The ancient enemy returns, the dues of your race are wanted, and the only payment will be accepted in blood.

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The whole point is that Zionists don't want to, but we have to because of cunts like the schizo over there.
We won't destroy each other. Globohomo will destroy racial differences, indirectly destroying me and you. The only way you can hold it off is via parliament / congress. If you can't stop the demographic shift there's literally nothing you can do. Absolutely nothing at all. It's not you vs us, it's you vs spics niggers arabs poos chinks etc. At some point they won't need your Boogeyman to let them in your home, they will let themselves in. Hell, it may already be the case.

Made me realize

The biggest winner of North Korea being a dictatorship at war with South Korea is USA because this grants the excuse for have a dozen military bases at large of the Pacific

Thus, who's the big winner behind Israel?

No, they are both part of the same dialectic. The solution - the final and only one - is to reject the entire dichotomy and minecraft them all.

>Well destroy each other
Globohomo will kill itself before it does that, and when it can no longer give commands or maintain law and order is when there really won't be anything to save you

>The only way we'll survive is if you can do it through my Jewdicial system
Think again Moshe, National Socialism is revolutionary

>If you can't stop the demographic you lose
Nah, so long as it's contained once shtf. Whites can retake the land back after a decade. It'll be a Chechnya warzone on steroids and there won't be anything keeping them from running back across the border once their barrios go up in smoke. As if they won't anyway once the welfare is gone, the rest of non whites will kill themselves off

>It's you vs my many minions
It's us vs you and you've played all your cards yet. You're the main target and throwing every other race in our way will only bite you later in the ass

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They're both on the same team moron.

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When it does, the demographic shift will be beyond the point of no return. It may already be the case, after all. You wouldn't kill Jews so much as run away from liberals niggers and spics while China and Russia fuel it for good measure. Our death will come from the breakdown of america, not because of neetsocs hunting us. You're deluding yourself.