You can joke and insult Christianity all you want but Judaism no-no

Jews fucking hate Jesus. It’s a sick pathological hatred, they hate Christians even more than Whites. And they put shit on the only good Jew that ever lived through media, movies, books and every platform imaginable. But when yousay anything about their religious cult that allows usury, fraud, murder of pregnant White women, murder of White people in general because they’re “goyim”(cattle) or their batshit crazy Talmud booklet in which all of that is written - you’re labeled as nazi bigot. They’re subhuman. When you talk about Jews you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel of humanity.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>they hate Christians even more than Whites
Show some instances of them attacking Christianity in non-white nations then.

Evangelion has some answers. They want to devolve humanity. Whites are genetically the most logical humans, the closest to God and pure Christianity is Logos worship. They told zoomers they're just sophisticated monkeys and once you spend enough time in that animal disguise you start believing it and acting the part. It's like Stockholm syndrome of the soul. But maybe the jews are right after all and nigging out is a more viable evolutionary strategy than peaceful debate.

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>this stoic concept exists and kinda makes sense, therefore the entirety of the jewish mythology and history is true
"Whites are genetically the most logical humans" - that explains a lot about these threads.

Christianity is true because it works. Unfortunately, normies think this way in reverse. They start with the belief that atheism is true and then because they believe it is true they assume it should work, but it doesn't and leads to degenerate societies that don't reproduce.

>Christianity is true because it works.
It works in what regard? Be specific.

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>It works in what regard? Be specific.

Christianity works because it saved Germany. It was a transformation that must take place. Christians were resented for their leading role, but without that leading role and without that transformation Germany would not have survived.

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Cringe memeflaggot and brobably kike too :DD

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Only fake (((Christians))) love and protect Israel because they're retarded, they also accept faggotry and all. An honest Christian who read the Bible knows that Jews are our ultimate enemy here on earth, they are the synagogue of Satan. Jesus was not a jew, He is the Son of God and part of the Trinity

>An honest Christian who read the Bible
The Bible was written by jews
>knows that Jews are our ultimate enemy here on earth
Why do you worship their god then? Why is their holy text included in your holy text then? Why then is Christianity little more than a slight deviation on Judaism, a type of Judaism with a Messiah (which is another jewish concept, by the way)
>they are the synagogue of Satan
This overused line in fact proves the jewish nature of Christianity. It was said in response to how jewish priests ran the jewish temple. Even the term itself reeks of jewishness. It refers to a jewish temple, and the prime jewish demon, whose name is Hebrew for enemy. Every time a Christian uses this line, they expose the jewish roots of their own religion, and they don’t even see it. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so fucking sad

Everyone thought it was soooooo fun to make fun of Scientology, South Park opened the floodgates, all it did was make it even easier to criticize religion. It normalized assaulting religious beliefs.

>The Bible was written by jews
It was written by christians who denounced their Jewish ancestry to instead live fully among the "goyim" and warn them of the evils of the world. They were essentially ancient whistleblowers. There is no "jewish" God. Jews practise devil worship and their religion is based wholly on the Thalmud instead of the Old testament. Ancient Hewbrews aren't the same as modern Jews.

"The truth," he said, "is, indeed, as you once wrote: one can only understand the Jew when one knows what his ultimate goal is. And that goal is, beyond world domination, the annihilation of the world. He must wear down all the rest of mankind, he persuades himself, in order to prepare a paradise on earth. He has made himself believe that only he is capable of this great task, and, considering his ideas of paradise, that is certainly so. But one sees, if only in the means which he employs, that he is secretly driven to something else. While he pretends to himself to be elevating mankind, he torments men to despair, to madness, to ruin. If a halt is not ordered, he will destroy all men. His nature compels him to that goal, even though he dimly realizes that he must thereby destroy himself. There is no other way for him; he must act thus. This realization of the unconditional dependence of his own existence upon that of his victims appears to me to be the main cause for his hatred. To be obliged to try and annihilate us with all his might, but at the same time to suspect that that must lead inevitably to his own ruin -- therein lies, if you will, the tragedy of Lucifer."

chistianities function in advanced societies: high birthrates, pair bonding zeitgeist, less crime of all sorts, more community building, shit what DOESNT christianity bring to the table for society?

the "great" america that neocons reference with trumps campaign catchphrase was built by christianity. a time when you didnt have to lock your fucking door at night.

I don't think so.
But I bet their Rabbis and stereotypes educate them from youth to be aware of Christians.

Just like we were thought, be aware of those Catholics - kid fuckers, or those protestants demon possessed.

Who is smart and inquisitive can find the truth.
It's brainlet tier to partake into these disputes and fights.

Unfortunately something happen in the households and people go to schooling system with a broken faith that is one push away from atheism.
All that hell-fire scare, inherited guilt retardism, modern literal Biblical exegesis and treating of Bible as some sort of sacred object that came through a portal from heaven.

In the end it only hurts individuals in the present, God will save all anyway.
Being a Christian and receiving generous grace from God all the time is the top-tier lifestyle, but it's next-to-impossible for one who tips fedora aggressively to experience that.

They hate Christianity because they hate the truth, simple as. Also because they're full of demons

Then there are no honest Christians in the west.

The book of James call the Church congregation our Synagogue and expects some level of Law obedience.
Book of Revelation was clearly written by a Jewish Christian who accuses the gentile converts of being fake Jews for not following the commandments.

Ofc. Christianity is technically a Jewish sect.

All of the Gospels work around OT themes, scenes, references to build up their case.

And the God of reality incarnated as a first-century Galilaean carpenter who spoke Aramaic and could read Hebrew.
(if he could speak any Greek, he certainly did not do so when teaching his disciples or preaching to the multitudes in Galilee and Judaea).

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Christians and Jews answer me: WHY did David collect 200 foreskins?

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>Jews absolutely despise Christi-

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We hate being killed and abused by Christians, yes

You must be very young because this goes back way before South Park and especially before their Scientology episode which is a cult, not a religion. Shitting on Christianity started in the 60s with putting satanism into movies, then music and has only gotten worse and more sophisticated every decade.

>reality kinda iffy uhh
>paradox gives me a stiffy uhh
the jew that calls out the jews is the only thing that can defeat the jews

When we were 90% white? Seems like racial thing, not religious.

>Bunch of jews using the Christian depiction of hell to make some Shekels.
God forbid if Christian make fun of the Jews depiction of hell. The ADL would have a fit...

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>Syrian Christians
>Iraqi Christians
>Israeli Christians

Why does it keep happening though?

You reek of 90s fundie ChristTARD who blames all of societies problems on video games and the internet and Marylin Manson. Neck yourself.

>pure Christianity is Logos worship

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they do have a zeal for attacking whites though because we are the only nations born from christianity so they want whites and our history destroyed