Women are the real victims of COVID19.
Women are the real victims of COVID19
They could have married me, instead they married violent and crazy.
dykes are known to be exetremely aggressive
you wont get a hug if you munch on the rug
They fucking love it and will be back for more. This is for their own good.
Yeah... People find pacifists less hot, but they're a lot better to be cooped up with.
hahahahahahaha how the fuck is domestic violence real hahahaha like nigga just walk away from your boyfriend like nigga choose different men haha
Looks like shes getting dicked down
Dead. Her spine got accordian'd
This. They chose this
This but unironically
So why don't they call the police and/or end their relationship with the violent partner?
Sounds like they should start putting dinner on the table on time now. It's not like they have anywhere to go.
Let this be evidence to feminists that if girls had a brain they wouldnt be caught in this kind of situation in the first place
my ears are the victims or women's complaining
>what its like to chew 5gum
>Women are the real third yellow plague victims from being trapped inside with violent (male) partners
>Also implying women en masse have partners
MGTO is the only way to go
Purchase yourself a freshly minted 18-year spayed seamonkey then use for a few years then rinse and repeat
>women can smell virginity and misogyny
>somehow they can't smell violent assholes when they are chads )))))
Women are such memes.
Because they actually spend all day mentally degrading their partner causing fights to break out and every time they try to leave the guilt left in their very tiny scrap of conscience prevents them from doing so.
How about not being with a shitty partner? Oh but of course not, women only like "bad boys" and niggers.
Women like men who they KNOW are dangerous, because 1. they want to control that power and 2. they want to feel safe and protected.
They will put up with being chokeslammed if they know their guy will do the same to anyone she tells him to.
>oh no my stupid life choicesare getting to me
>its all fault of this pandemic
Darwin would say otherwise
Then they can remain safe by staying in the kitchen making my sandwiches
Women are solipsistic narcissists.
Gymbros are real victims cause our gyms are closed. It's not fair
Is weightlifting big in Russia?
>russian broad carrying a fucking log.jpg
A real abuser wouldnt let her have a car. She already would be stuck in the house and isolated.
too late i already coomed
Haha haha nice I was searching my meme folder for that 1