Who was in the wrong here?
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The writer of the article because the headline isn’t grammatically correct
Why the fuck are niggers still a thing. It's 2020 ffs
>beaner thot and two nigs removed
i think we all win here
>mexican that would've shit out 20 welfare babies anyway
fucking niggers. every single time
>Niggers mugging 3 pairs of sneakers
What the hell is wrong with you, America?
Fuck, covid-19 claims another innocent child
Jews for allowing them all to be here
>What the hell is wrong with you, America? niggers
The niggers would have shot your white mom, sister or daughter all the same faggot. Understand the order.
First, death to white traitors (always)
Second, jews and niggers third.
Her boyfriend was lucky.
>A bullet grazed Berben’s arm, police said.
While she got shot in the torso and died.
>those ghoulish soulless negroid faces
more animal than human. would kill you on a whim.
>Andrea Camps Lacayo was killed earlier this week in a botched sneaker sale
You can't make this shit up.
Literally exactly the same race as you Olaf
Honestly the bf was in the wrong. Who the fuck still sells shit in person, shit that niggers will want, in a shithole called Miami.
this, I’m laughing, but also crying in pain!
These two niggers are both 19?? WTF??!
That happened almost 4 miles from where I live. Going down that way the neighborhood get shittier. Way shittier.
Homestead Air Force base is near there.
This whole area is low income, or at least used to be before people started building entire townhouse neighborhoods here.
My house more than doubled it’s value lol don’t doxx me
It continuously blows my mind how young people piss their lives away on the stupidest fucking criminal schemes. Robbing someone for a $1k pair of sneakers? Fine. Whatever. Murdering someone for those sneakers? How fucking dumb are you? How fucking goddamn stupid can you possibly be?
Niggers are literally demented animals
>These associations were only observable for African-American males. >Only 0.1% of Caucasian males carried the 2-repeat allele.
Aggression-related Gene Weakens Brain's Impulse Control Circuits
Exploring the association between the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene promoter polymorphism and psychopathic personality traits, arrests, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior
The 2R was related to arrest, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior.
>MAOA genotype modulates default mode network deactivation during inhibitory control
>It has been demonstrated, in a long line of research, that the low-activity genotype of the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene is associated with aggression.
>The 2-Repeat Allele of the MAOA Gene Confers an Increased Risk for Shooting and Stabbing Behaviors
The mall in our area is famous because a niglet got shot trying to steal a new pair of Jordan’s off of some white boomer. I don’t think it made the news because it was clear cut self defense
>Her boyfriend was lucky
I wouldn't call "watching your gf die in front of you" lucky.
maybe she was pregnant
And at an abandoned house.
That hood's been going downhill ever since Andrew hit back in '92.
How stoopid is OJ Simpson?
Mexicans are our racial cousins. We should not have open borders, but I don't agree with demeaning them as racial aliens.
You funny.