/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3166

► Detected: 1,854,174 (+1,949) ► Died: 114,291 (+97) ► Day: 95 (-18:39:23)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 6.2x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,457 strains have been sequenced —


US running out of sedatives for ventilators

Trump's top advisor says US should have reacted sooner

1 killed, 45 arrested after coronavirus riot in Brussels

Israel places Orthodox Jews into lockdown to stop spread

Ebola kills second in Congo, over 200 people being traced

Infection might cause male infertility

22 year old patient dies in Pakistan

Rapidly mutating

Virus can live in the air for several hours

21 year old football coach dies in Spain

China "suspected" deaths outnumber "confirmed" 6 to 1

Germany "lost" 2,000 samples before testing them

UK is undercounting deaths, according to official data

"Flu deaths" include all pneumonia deaths, virus rarely confirmed

Pandemic to last 18 months and include multiple waves

00:24: 442 new cases and 23 new deaths in Mexico
00:20: 212 new cases and 38 new deaths in Germany
00:13: 704 new cases and 96 new deaths in Spain
23:46: 98 new cases and 9 new deaths in Georgia
23:45: 82 new cases and 4 new deaths in Alberta, Canada
23:40: 67 new cases and 9 new deaths in Colombia


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she's winning!

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Who else /leave they gloves for wh*teboy to pick up at Target/ here?

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So anyone else thinks this is reactivating?

#1 United States 560,433 (22,115) #2 Spain 166,831 (17,209) #3 Italy 156,363 (19,899) #4 France 132,591 (14,393) #5 Germany 127,854 (3,022) #6 United Kingdom 84,279 (10,612) #7 China 82,160 (3,341) #8 Iran 71,686 (4,474) #9 Turkey 56,956 (1,198) #10 Belgium 29,647 (3,600) #11 Netherlands 25,587 (2,737) #12 Switzerland 25,415 (1,106) #13 Canada 24,383 (717) #14 Brazil 22,318 (1,230) #15 Portugal 16,585 (504) #16 Russia 15,770 (130) #17 Austria 13,945 (350) #18 Israel 11,235 (110) #19 South Korea 10,537 (217) #20 Sweden 10,483 (899) #21 Ireland 9,655 (334) #22 India 9,240 (331) #23 Peru 7,519 (193) #24 Ecuador 7,466 (333) #25 Japan 7,370 (123) #26 Chile 7,213 (80) #27 Poland 6,674 (232) #28 Norway 6,525 (128) #29 Australia 6,351 (61) #30 Romania 6,300 (316) #31 Denmark 6,174 (273) #32 Czech Republic 5,991 (139) #33 Pakistan 5,374 (93) #34 Malaysia 4,683 (76) #35 Mexico 4,661 (296)…

#1 Mexico +442 (+23) #2 Ukraine +325 (+10) #3 Pakistan +144 (+2) #4 United States +133 (+10) #5 Brazil +126 (+7) #6 China +108 (+2) #7 Israel +90 (+7) #8 Argentina +66 (+5) #9 Hungary +48 (+10) #10 Australia +38 (+2) #11 Bolivia +30 (+3) #12 Thailand +28 (+2) #13 South Korea +25 (+3) #14 Kazakhstan +22 (+1) #15 New Zealand +19 (+1) #16 Lithuania +9 (+1) #17 Bulgaria +1 (+2) #18 Czech Republic (+1) #19 Moldova (+2) #20 Afghanistan (+1) #21 Uruguay (+1) #22 Somalia (+1) #23 Oman +128 #24 Kyrgyzstan +42 #25 India +35 #26 Uzbekistan +31 #27 Paraguay +13 #28 El Salvador +12 #29 Georgia +9 #30 Gabon +8 #31 Taiwan +5 #32 Honduras +4 #33 Latvia +2 #34 Montserrat +2 #35 Montenegro +1…

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Can you fuck off you dumb argentinian Jew?

Gary is gay

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You first mountain jew

What a bunch of disingenuous shit

Some asshole told me to stock up on canned chili and instant mashed potatoes 2 months ago because they are shelf stable foods.

I have eaten so much canned chili and mashed potatoes over the last few weeks. I curse this man who inflicted this horrible fate upon me. Do you hear me? I CURSE YOUR NAME

You're not being very positive right now.

I wish we had realistic numbers from China

>Nigerians are being mistreated in China.

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The Argentian is making slide threads every 30min because 100 more people "died". Flodding the board with his shit. He has been doing this daily. He is literally paid to keep you mongrels in fear of a non existant threat like a this fucking flu. 60000 old fucking decrepit boomers! wow!
We are tossed into a depression so we could save some old decrepit boomers from dying 2 years early then normal.

>can't go back to work due to doomers
>hurr just get your 1200, that's enough right?
what the fuck is wrong with you people the world isn't collapsing and places where there aren't a problem should go back to work. 1200 is not nearly fucking enough

Theyre also countries with very strict immigration requirements


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A fucking plus sign

As this, soon we’ll see article about these countries doing poorly

Kek go shill elsewhere mountain jew

the spain italy race is kino

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how do we make china pay?

stop buying chinese shit for one

Yeah no shit, this was obviously just for big businesses and we got the crumbs, what’s new?

wtf i love women leaders now


Imagine she invites you over to her house to try some TaStY BAT SOUP that she cooked especially just for you.

What do you do?

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I just leave this here for who has lost it.
amazing grace at 18:40

This is my comfiest year since decades, wish you all the best.

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Kill her and wear her skin

good lord, what a retard

This is now a zombie happening. So says the digits so says kek.

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>the world isn't collapsing
nice digits but Hitler would know more than you about the state of Weimerica

REMINDER that we're all fucked.
World will be fucked for a very long time.
Things will never be the same again.

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Amazing, isn't it?

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>let the governors decide
>governor defers to the retarded ass mayor
>7 deaths
yeah no, telling the governors to just do some open ended laissez faire shit has royally fucked the people of slc this is retarded

Question: when they say the virus will mutate, will the mutations ALWAYS be more lethal mutations? Or could it possibly mutate to a weaker strain? Like doesnt the virus WANT to survive and not kill the host? So, wouldn't mutation not necessarily be a bad thing?


On worldometers/coronavirus for some time the recovered section for UK was stuck at 135, the lowest listed recovery rate compared with known infections. Now, under recovered, it says "N/A."

What the fuck?

Can I eat her pusy and ass instead?

I just washed a bag of Doritos. I'm getting tired of this virus.

You are correct that it is just a show, most anons get it (this is a satirical board). Please try to understand, there is no need to be a bitch about it.
Tl;dr: suck fewer dicks and it will be ok

are you a fucking bot?
Answer: mutations are by definition random retardbot, some are better survivability some are worse. a virus 'wants' to be less lethal so it can duplicate in the host longer and spread more of its genes.

dude you have to wash it first. you know the rules.

"""Official"""" second wave incoming?

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I think UK stoped counting recoveries for some reason. It almost as omnious as our gov refering to recovered as "recovered" in quotation marks

You can't 'taste' her unless you taste her BAT SOUP.

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N u k e

Now let's talk about Sweden, and Finland

Let's hope for another 20mln chinks


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these are the real sexists, always making a point about how women are better then men at something when in reality it makes no difference

Because you know there's no such thing as recovering from it. TGE recovery statistic is literally pointless if reactivation or reinfection is possible

it can go both ways (more lethal, less lethal)

>Like doesnt the virus WANT to survive and not kill the host?
since most of infections will be by asymptomatic spread, it's rather low chance that the virus will become overall less deadly.
even if it was +80% lethal, the virus wouldn't be influenced negatively, because the spread would have happend anyways.

>So, wouldn't mutation not necessarily be a bad thing?
all in all, the mutations make it nearly impossible to make a vaccine, IMO but i'm not a scientist.

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Naw, it just murder/suicides T cells instead of zombifying them into doing their bidding.

Has rabies ever mutated into a less lethal strain?

lol based annoyedfag.

>Like doesnt the virus WANT to survive
It doesn't want anything, it's a biological machine

The recovery*

Clean it up wagie

>Instead of leaning on vaccines to inoculate us, doctors could treat SARS-CoV-2 infections like they do HIV. With a cocktail of drugs that manages, but does not eliminate, the infection.
The fuck? What other ramifications would this entail? What if you got coofed on again? Would the virus begin right where it left off or would the shitty antibodies at least stop that?
Christ what if you got a chest infection or the Flu while you have this thing too?

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/GBG/ - Greek Borders General



"recovered" = "we haven't had any news about them in two weeks"

I mean, some viruses can stay dormant and reactive so its a possibility. But I think its reinfection

Could be. I know we had the lowest number of recovered on worldometers than any other country with any wear near as many cases as we had.

What about all the other countries with similar case numbers, but 50x higher recovery rates as listed on that site? Ours was the only country with so few "recoveries," and now ours is the only one to have "N/A" in the recovered section.


You should bitch more that will surely make it all go away

i also washed a couple cans of coke because i need something to chase this whiskey. i'm getting paranoid. i already wiped down the 12 pack with a clorox wipe, but you know, what if the virus got inside? how long can it last? better wash the cans.

Is it true that EU is flattening coronachan?

How is your pm doing? Considering he's now officially not recovered.

It's over.

>But I think its reinfection
I believe that's called a relapse.

still digesting this. thanks


that's just being pedantic my dude. I know proteins don't have fucking souls and wills. OK, should I have said "it would be more successful for the virus not to kill its host and thus a less lethal mutation would be a net positive for the virus"? Yea I could have but "want" was a useful shorthand. Thanks for rustling my jimmies. Always Bongland. Always

Every country has different metrics for what "recovered" means. For example Germany literally just guesses how many maybe recovered and estimates it. S. Korea tests you twice within the span of two weeks, and if you're clean of the virus you're "recovered", that's why they were able to see the reactivations of the virus in patients

He seems to have recovered. I don't think he was even ill in the first place, and it was probably all theater.

I know that. It still doesn't explain why our recovery rate is listed as "non-applicable."

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after i had h1n1, even after i had "recovered" and was no longer contagious, it was another month before my voice was fully back, and it was at least 3 months before that lethargic feeling fully went away. that shit was bad.

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"After several incidents on Friday, riot police spent several hours on Saturday dispersing young protesters who had gathered following a call on social media"
>young protesters
Its hard to imagine that fine upstanding and civilized Europeans, especially those of French and Dutch stock, would resort to rioting. Sad!

Good morning friends

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For a long time, user. Not forever

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Okay so I have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and I think the reason alot of older patients die of heart attacks from this disease is because it causes the center of your chest to swell alittle bit. I also think this is the reason a lot of patients of say they have a out of breath feeling without any bad Xray results. It sort of feels like if someone is hugging you tightly. I think the way you can treat this is to specifically treat the inflammation in that area of older patients.

I'm only saying this from personal experience, if any doctors or nurses have an opinion or question about my personal experience ask me.

shut up mountain nigger