What really happened, /pol?

What really happened, /pol?

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He really hated country music.

The fact that it had been memory holed so easily means that something more than just the greatest mass shooting in the US happened.

nothing about that makes any sense

there's still no information on this guy or his motive whatsoever

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Assassination. Go and look through the hotel's cameras, see who you can see being escorted.

got sick from eating comped sushi

The guy doesn't necessarily need a motive, but there are too many other gaps in info that makes it seem like powerful people had motives behind this and are keeping it quiet.

You don't find it all odd that there happened to be an arms deal going down with a saudi prince at the same time?

He has a degenerate racemixer who hated white people. What else?

Not sure, I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't always an arms deal with a Saudi Prince happening at any time.

Someone should photoshop the picture of the dog watching a gay blowjob into one of the windows.

That was a casino employee escorting the swat team you disinfo fuck.

MBS was in Vegas, probably meeting w/ Trump and Sheldon Adelson about some middle east deal. Al-waleed bin Talal (who owned the Four Seasons on the upper floors of Mandalay Bay) and other saudniggers like Jamal Khashoggi tried to stage an assassination of the Crown Prince. They hired an intelligence-backed weapons dealer (Paddock) to bring the guns to their MS-13 hitman Jesus COMPos. Obviously, the assassintion failed and bin Talal was jailed, beaten, & tortured a month later, and Khashoggi was bone-sawed a year after that.

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it was deal of the century

Anti-Trump loser decided to take out as many red-staters as possible while attempting to get semi automatic rifles banned (and succeeded in getting bump stocks banned). Fin.

So what was the deal?

The Americans where comped

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Saudi arms deal that went bad

trade involving BBC studs for their white wives


Memoryholed within a week lmao
Also reminder that ppl actually cheering cuz they thought ppl at are conservatives lmao

Setting the foundation of greater israel and the rebuilding of the 3rd temple on the temple mount
by selling egyptian island of sanafir to saudi and in turn saudi gives control to israel of the islands opening the entire coast into eilat and the red sea granting them full control
the jordan valley will be annexed along with the west bank settelments, the golan heights will become an offically recognized part of the country

Alphabet fag tried to sell arms to haji. Haji shoots him and others. The long story is already out there


thats what happened

The guy in the basketball shorts and jersey in the center of a armed squad was an employee of a ritzy hotel? OK idiot.

Long since debunked you tard, the hotel room is larger than you think.

If by "greater isreal" you mean "steamrolling kike pedophile rings out of Saudi Arabia", you are correct.

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I require long story tonight. Please they make me go through at least 6 CAPTCHAs to make one post. I need to know what happened

Interesting... so Israel profits by aquiring strategically located islands and expanded annexation. What did Saudi and the US get from the deal?

How do you check post count?

One post at a time my man.
Got a count em all

checking trips of obvious truth. i'm inclined to believe human trafficking with the saudis. what do you think pastafag?

also off topic, is it really as bad as they say it is over there? the rona?

Here was playing softball and came to work because there was a fucking emergency you dimwit. You clearly weren't here for the happening.

>What really happened, /pol?
A guy went crazy with some guns in a casino in Las Vegas and killed a whole bunch of people before killing himself. As usual conspiratards come up with also sorts of deep state/false flag BS ranging from the CIA to Zionists to the Illuminati. Ultimately an old fag with some guns killed some people and killed himself. That's it.

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Yes he was a floor manager. The prince people tried to claim it was... look him up, not even close to a match, he also walks in a different direction than the paramilitary guys at the end of the video, they aren't escorting him, he was called in to help with the chaos.

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