Former coomer here. 30 years old. When I was 20 i fantasized about normal sex where I take charge. Now I only fantasize about women pissing in my mouth, spitting on me and me rimming them. What do?
How to reset sexual preferances?
Quit Porn
Quit masterbating for 1 month, then go to a prostittue and let her do these things to you, you'll be too disgusted and will never think of it again
Will do, but I bet I will love it. Thank you tho
Seek God
built like a horse
Comprehend the odor
Maybe you're just a fag. I'm a current coomer, 35, and have been cooming for 20 years. I still like the same shit I liked 20 years ago too, one hot chick with one guy. No weird shit. Anal is meh, sometimes if that's the only scene but otherwise nah.
Don't be gay.
It was within you all along. Ain't no Michael Jordan Magic Juice you can spray in your mouth to make you less horny for your kinks
DMT injection to the penoid vein
start watching fox news. it will help lose that feminine masculinity. or you can just admit you have a fetish. this is actually a common fetish. There's a reason we have dominatrix's. Idk why i spent my time replying to this when its probably satire.
Yeah i'm thinking i might be a fag. Will just be celibate if so.
Is coffee good for you?
you're 35 years old on pol at 3:30 in the morning
dude ur fucking 30 listen to yourself
Holyshit that's huge vagene
But why the spitting bro?
and Im fantasizing about me dying in various ways
killed,crashed, gunned myself with a shotgun, blown up on a mine,having taken euthanasia, the main thing DEATH
Dunno. Made a whore spit in my mouth once. It's just hot.
Based show tits and vegene pajeet
This bitch committed suicide, right?
That makes more sense
maybe would be great to make up a plan about killing myself
That's the normal progression. Nothing to be concerned about.
When i was 20 I was disgusted by the thought of anal, what sick freak would even do that?
Im 22 now and almost exclusively watch 4'9 teens ride BBC like their life depends on it
Fucking ADHD medication, this only started happening after i started having 8+ hour long fap sessions
live out your fantasies of course!
Stop fapping all together and your natural biological instincts will return
just no fucking wish to live ,to make anything
why must we live,read,talk,have friendship and be happy
cause anyone has said us to do that?
I don't have ADHD, brother, but I have done 6 hr edging sessions to legalporno shit. Little to no interest in real women anymore
It's so different on amphetamines, I don't even enjoy the act of orgasming
but seeing all the thumbnails and shit, I really have to open every single one of them that looks interested, page 1, page 2, page 50
After that you have to actually watch all the videos you middle-mouse'd and begin the process of elimination to figure out which one of those is the winner
The process of finding new content fucking juices my dopamine receptors
Discord code: kzTUCG
Wow didn't know that the JIDF blacked initaitive was working on you guys. Again proving that nords are the eternal cucks of the european sphere
Unironically try reading pic related you submissive beta fag
I do that too. It's strange though, i feel very little during the coom when i fap to porn compared to using my mind. It's the buildup that is crazy intense with porn. I'm addicted to it.
>fox news
> feminine masculinity
Stupid nigga, you mean stop watching MSNBC & CNN. Sure, FOX isn't perfect but you're a shill if you're trying to promote FOX as being more cucked than MSNBC or CNN.
Do it once.
I know a couple dudes who THOUGHT this was their fetish... until they tried it. Take a big ole messy dook on your chest/face. You'll INSTANTLY wish you hadn't.
Same thing with piss. I heard of a dude who went blind from an infection he got from a Thai stripper pissing on his face.
Be careful with your fetishes. Safewords exist for a reason, but remember, once you start pooping, you really can't stop until it's done.
Only those truly Christpilled can transcend their base carnal desires to see reality clearly.
AT LEAST. 90 days of no cooming at all in any way. No looking at sexual imagery. I know it sounds extreme but you have an extreme problem and don't even know how bad it is. It makes me sad to see you post that picture though, it makes me feel like you aren't even that serious about this and are just fucking around
Worst fetishes of all time:
Muscle girls
Pubic hair
Best fetishes of all time:
You might already be a lost cause due to the nature of your kinks!
You'll find to see that females are naturally submissive and you'll have to find a female that plays "pretend" with you out of pity because there is no such thing as a woman who gets off at what you want. I'm unsure what could help you since this thing is now ingrained in your conscious. Maybe therapy and being exposed/surrounded by normal people on a slow exposure might try to rewire your brain into something more realistic.
Idk, It's just something new, I've watched white dicks pound pussy for over 10 years
There's just something about a cute girl being an absolute slut taking a cock that's half her bodysize
Thats an inner thigh muscle. Go to the gym you twink.
Well you don't do it with fucking whores and strippers. I lick my gf asshole and let her piss on me every single day. Haven't been healthier.
You got the right answer here, yet you decide to do this? You're letting your dirty mind get ckntrol of this decision too, just quit porn and fapping, soon you'll get boners just walking round town seeing 7/10s