Incredible Australia falls to 10 new cases yesterday

This is just so amazing. They conquered the virus. Now they need to tell the world how they did it.

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They stopped testing citizens for the worst outbreak for 100 years for a few days off over Easter....


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I think it’s amusing that faggot germans talk about their genetic superiority but when a virus hits they boast about following rules, hiding indoors and wearing masks.

Germans are piles of shit.

This Being an island with a fairly spread out population helps, lots of DSP neets and not many multigenerational households helps as well

Its not over yet.

Social distancing is the status quo over there. Check their population density.


We're not even allowed to go for a drive and our cops are taking it as their moment in the sun, issuing thousand-dollar fines for trivial nonsense

Why can't the rest of the world be an isolated landmass where the entire population lives in 4 easy to control cities?

Among actual countries, only Mongolia has them beat


>following rules
>hiding indoors
our parks are crowded, only 2 states have a soft lockdown, everyone else has no lockdown
>and wearing masks
In 2 towns, 99.5% of Germany is not under a mask requirement

Hows the virus going in India? Do you have quarantined shitting streets yet?

Flatten the curve just do less testing.

it's because most of the cases in the first place were off cruise ships and so we got our measures in before it really got started in community transmission.
Also travel bans. so being an island basically

By not having a retard like trump as president

>By not having a retard like trump as president

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Our testing capacity is pretty useless.

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saw a bloke pull a knife on two cops when confronted yesterday, the conversation was something like "hey mate you know the fine for being outside without a reason is xx right" and he just stood up and pulled a fucking knife

they took two steps back, stared at him for a few seconds and left

Trips of truth.

Weren't we leading the world in absolute tests done at one stage

>community transmission
what’s this?

what colour was he

In Adelaide we are not being fined and still allowed out as long as you keep it to max 10 people.
Everything is closed though that isn't essential.
The closed gyms is what's really killing me though.

Having chinese statisticians helps, that and chinese MPs.
And total dependence on china is a requisite too.

white, i was bloody stunned he wasn't even homeless he was some annoyed looking 20 year old cunt

25 million people living on an island who do what their govt tells them is how. also having fuckall cases to begin with helps too.

that's what they're tasked with ffs. i hope a good portion of you cunts who go out and about just because you want to rebel, like a toddler and assert your freedom, get the virus and fucking choke

90% of the population lives in tortuous overcrowded cities of 1million+ the real reason for our success is lack of testing.

Australian police work for China so it's very difficult living here at the moment.

Some countries have responded better than others and you know where the buck stops. Trump isn't the only retard head of state. But he is one.


We have one of the highest rates of testing in the world.
It did drop a bit over Easter but we had a strong trend down before Easter too.

The virus will die out soon as long as no more cruise ships show up.

Not true (in NSW at least)

Thats from the same mob who said the same as you, testing had stopped for the weekend (ie panic merchant dogs)

Fuck off full
Pic related is also full

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Australian immune systems are fueled by a pure hatred of the Chinese.

passing from person to person. That's not why our numbers were growing on the chart in the first place. they were growing because more and more cruise ships and shit were docking and more people were getting brought back from overseas (who were isolated). It never actually made it to a spreading situation

We still are, that guy is a panic merchant piece of shit

The fine is cheaper than a hitman on call.

Cops can't win this one for the Chinks. They should go into hiding like their masters and wait for the giftgas to come take their moral judgement to a higher place.

>need to tell the world how they did it.
>trips of truth

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Sorry for not being a good goy a sitting at home consooooming media, food and porn. Fuck the government's useless rules

Being this much of a bong

>Now they need to tell the world how they did it.
Not electing a failed reality TV show host with mental disease would be a start

Refers to unexplained cases of transmission.
As opposed to cases linked to previously known cases.

Once you have unlinked cases you lose control over it, can't guarantee you got everyone possibly infected.

You guys have a chance. Makes me hopeful but alotta the bullshit seen here and in media makes it seem like your going the UK route. Fuck if I know anything real but I like hearing what you said even if it was some hill billy chav shit, whatever you guys say.. bogan? I dunno man. Rooting for you.

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just run them over lol

chink enablers get the rope. I'd rather die of "THE VIRUS(tm)" than live in commie china

you mean merkel?


“Community transmission” = the terminology we are using to refer to corona cases that:
1. Aren’t a person who was recently overseas
2. Aren’t known to have been caught from a person who was recently overseas.

This term is used like 50 times a day in the news. Kinda strange that it isn’t being used in other countries

You are full of shit. Testing continued over the weekend.

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>fuck da rules
you just proving exactly that it's the toddler's emotional rebellion and nothing more.

I dunno bro, I pay a lot of attention to politics here and a fair bit of the western world. I have pozzed entry level political science degree and all that but with that said I don't get the trump is a retard bit. Not perfect but I feel he is strong and competent compared to most. I don't think changing mind to new info/changing circumstances makes one a retard but you might have a different view then me and I'm open to hearing your viewpoint.

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Australians are protected by this small Abos blood admixture they have almost universally.

why isn't merkel performing better than trump over this


Merkel only did Dancing with the Stars.

There always has to be that democrat shill, always.

blowing off koalas

>NSW Health has also identified several new areas where more testing should be conducted due to community transmission, including Penrith, Liverpool, Westmead, Blacktown, Cumberland, Randwick and Ryde.