Do people actually think we are "going back to normal"? Like how seriously retarded could you possibly be...

Do people actually think we are "going back to normal"? Like how seriously retarded could you possibly be. The entire world is in lockdown. They have all of us doing exactly as they say. Yet in a daily basis I hear "I cant wautbto get back to normal life!"

Guess what, retards. It will never be normal again. They would never give up the amount of control they have over all of us right now.

I hope you're all ready to shoot your neighbors for their stockpile of enfamil and toilet paper. That's exactly where we're headed.

>t. Conspiracy theorist

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Other urls found in this thread:

normal is everyday. if you aren't DOING NORMAL then you are part of the problem.

To what end op? Make us all murder each other and throw all of society into chaos? doesn't make any sense

Normal would be going to work. I am currently laid off. Going fucking stir crazy with my bitch ass hot ass girlfriend. Lots of phone staring and anger sex. Not complaining but fuck when is this going to pop off already?

People just just keep losing jobs more and more keep losing them. Let that sink in.

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the last chance for western civilization to recover and become healthy again was around 1950, and only if all the governments in the world collectively decided to sit down and recover from the traumas caused by the first and second world wars

we have been running on borrowed time for the last 100 years and the only hope we have for a utopia is the complete and final destruction of every country and government and an irreversible shift to a new form of civilization

perhaps 5000 people worldwide know this and are willing to implement it and the rest of us are going to be dogs in crates on a ride to the vet

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>They have all of us doing exactly as they say.
No, they're about to start a war and it's going to be fucking hilarious.

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I'm not sure what their goal is. They've destroyed the economy and made everyone realize they're in jobs way ready for the upcoming lack of easily accessed food. If they pull food stamps? Expect cities burning within the week. I think they are possibly turning us into a communist nation through handouts, being greater than your regular income. At what point does inflation wreak havoc on purchasing power? It's only a matter of time until shit turns bad. I see no other way out and am glad I live in one of the only countries that I can legally defend myself

hey buddy shut the fuck up and lurk 2 years before posting again

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>Pop off
It's not. You're a non-essential worker, your time is worth less now, enjoy.

>someone releases bioweapon, unsure at this point
>more and more research piling up saying /cvg/ was right all along
>there are lockdowns everywhere because this is basically airborne AIDS, governments dont want to cause mass panic but also dont want everyone fucking dying so they enact lockdown orders under the guise of "hey guys this will be over in a couple of months"
This isnt some big fucking conspiracy to control people like 1984, its fucked up shit that escaped a biolab and now everyone is scrambling to get it under control.
But yes, OP is right, life will never be like it was before again.

it will all be a big nothingburger and things will be normal by summer

Unless they start giving everyone unlimited NEETbux to pay for food and housing they're gonna end up with a lot of desperate pennyless people ready for revolution.

>pop off
it already did and is about to be on the recline. This should serve as a wake up call to help you swallow the ultimate redpill.
There is no secret cabal trying to run the world. Everyone is mostly like you in mentality:
They just want to do the things they enjoy doing without responsibilities or burdens holding them back, which lead into the corporate-ocracy we have today. There is no big conspiracy for a new world order to take over control of everyone. It's too much burden without the enjoyment; The logistics alone are retarded in scope and magnitude.

my life hasn't changed at all outside of shopping. I wouldn't even notice anything if my grocery orders didnt arrive with missing items and substitutions. I've about had it with that nonsense. I'll tell you something else; next time it happens I'm going down than and speaking to the manager.

Keep telling yourself that you pleb tier faggot. You clearly have zero understanding of basic economics and the zogs will to put us all in labor camps.

>t. Conspiracy theorist

there's no such thing

>"going back to normal"
People are begging for draconian laws and to be quarantined by the state. Yes, they're that stupid over a fucking cold virus. It didn't take much.

To starve small business.
You get to work for the monopolies now goy.
Be a wage slave forever.
Rent from rental businesses, not people who own an extra house.
Work at Amazon goy, you might get free prime.
Dont question the banks goy, just keep spending money.

shut up kike

What is /cvg/

My thoughts as well, user.

The coronavirus generals on this board.

Judgment comes.

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There's a cure
Everyone is sick of this, and you have had 4 "Just 2 more weeks bro" officially.
>Wuuuh it won't go back
I can tell you've never lived through a hard time in your entire life, gain life experience.

it hasn't even begun op.

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You know user, I'm arguably as "conspiracy theorist as it gets"
>flat earth
>bible 100% real
>jesuits and catholic church rule the world
But I think this is a literal nothing burger. Sometimes shit happens. Life will be back to normal in no time boyos. Now let's all get some sleep.

Bro I've been through hard times and this is just the beginning. If things are going the way I think they are it's going to make the spanish flu look like a picnic. This is a little beyond "hard times".

>I hope you're all ready to shoot your neighbors
Why would it be THEM, that you shoot ?

Good. We need more totalitarianism. Fuck roasties and onions boys.

>never lived through a hard time

What like ww2 or the great depression? No, I haven't. I've been generally comfortable with typical stressors and depression/autism preventing me from reaching my potential. I had a fucked up childhood and realized the absolute shallowness/selfishness of everyone I knew. But hard time? I'm sure quite most of us here havent lived through an actual happening, this being the closest one.

Ohh ok I thought it was some other board on some other chan

spiderposter detected
spin your wicked webs elsewhere

Remember when your neighbours didn't report your two walks a day to the Gestapo?
It was only 3 weeks ago.

I dont give a shit about any of that, ill work for whatever pays my bills. wouldnt that be less money for the government to steal because less business to steal it from?

Nice logical retort, well planned out execution you fucking dunce.

Not when the companies are the government.
We're dealing with the ultra wealthy Jews here.

cool story transperson

Based and red pilled. Doomer fags eternally BTFO

I actually prefer her sweet titty milk. Fuck that little baby, what's he ever done for me? I get the prime milk in this bitch.

>Nice logical retort, well planned out execution you fucking dunce.
I'm the dunce, yet you're the one too fucking dumb to listen. I said shut up kike.

I have to admit i'm from Moldova and here for work i got laid off but still have 10k savings.

I'm scared shitless for this whole corona thing. If the US economy goes down because of it, it will take the rest of the euro and the pound with it. My savings will be worth toilet papper and if the euro goes down my country Moldova will collapse on itself because the economy back home is like 1/3 service industry and over 60% of the GDP is from people sending money back home.

If the world collapses Moldova will simply wither away like a feather in the wind. I am scared because i was born and grew up there and Nato (Romania) or Russia (Transnistria) can absorb us at any time

God help us.

>Ultra wealthy jews that control currancy
>use currancy to control the masses
>For some reason want to devalue currancy
>so they can profit?
I don't get it user. you already have all the control and money you need, anything else beyond seems like exponentially more work for negligible gains

I'm not a jew you brainlet. Try actually discussing a topic before jumping directly to ad hominem "fucking kike" comments, you look like a joke out here.