Why do you hate Jews so much Yas Forums? What did they ever do to you?

Why do you hate Jews so much Yas Forums? What did they ever do to you?

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They killed their King Kike Jeebus.

It's time to get real, NPC.

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it used to be ironic edgy humor but attracted actual retards that have a single minded obsession.

Give it a quick scroll



They expressly, explicitly and deliberately organized a program of dedicated anti-white propaganda and lobbying to make our countries less white.


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>What did they ever do to you?
Stole my foreskin. I needed it for more effective SRS.
For that I will hate them for eternity.

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Mostly tired of their double standards and their lies

Make stupid laws that I don’t wanna follow.

invented interest and central banks

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Drained the blood of white children. Repeatedly

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didn't pagans get conquered by christians?


>took control of media
>turned my women into whores and my brothers into simps
>destroyed any semblance of a national identity by pushing multiculturalism
>mind controlled our children by training teachers at liberal universities

Because they ruined USA. There’s no reason we should be sending billions in aid to Israel

>The virgin pagan larper crayola crayon art vs the Chad Christian masterpiece

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I don't hate the hebrews themselves, rather their religion. It basically praises a god that tortures people for not following his teaching correctly. For instance the story of Saul, where he is supposed to raze the amalekites and their animals, but instead he saves a bull to sacrifice later. in turn god punishes him with an evil spirit to torment him for life. It is the religion not the people.

i love jews and muslims at least they are monotheists unlike disgusting pagans

The Soviet state's technological and manufacturing base, which was then engaged in supplying the North Vietnamese the armaments and supplies to kill and wound American soldiers, was built by US firms and mostly paid for by the US taxpayers. From their largest steel and iron plant, to automobile manufacturing equipment, to precision ball-bearings and computers, basically the majority of the Soviet's large industrial enterprises had been built with the United States help or technical assistance.

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You'll find out eventually...

Jesus being a jew is kike propaganda perpetuated by the people who hate him. He lived in judea and so was called judean, but wasn't a jew, he was galilean. Galilee bordered Phoenicia, which are more like offshoot arabs, but they're sure as fuck not jews and sure as fuck not arabs. If you want the truth, just look at how hard kike outlets try to shill that he's jewish.

>we will rendezvous
Stop massacring my beautiful language by mixing it with your shitty language, burgeroid. We hate you, you destroyed the west with your american culture and your mcdonalds. Get killed by niggers and mexicans.

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>1 post by this id

You people need to stop bumping dead falseflag threads

Just like (((Q)))

based frog

At this point it would be easier to list what they haven't done to save time

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> Why do you hate Jews
It's not the Jews

Hitler told the international bankers who have been funding white genocides for centuries that if the individuals who own the Bank of England fund another war against Germany it will be their peoples lives that pay in their blood.
Hitler made a threat that the bankers ignored and so hitler kept his word and obliterated their people.
Stop conflating all Jewish people with the people who run the central banking cartels that flood our countries with immigrants and create all the wars.

END central banks
end IMF
end BIS
End world bank

Only then can we be free and not slaves to a system that replaces our people.


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you created communism and feminism kike.
+you make money and influence on making other people fight each other
you deserve only extermination

Unronically this.

>muh international bankers

fuck off alex jones

it's the jews

They exist