Are you ready for moshiach?

Trump has fulfilled the 70 year prophecy and the temple is planned and ready to go. In the youtube hit "i pet goat II"
(known for prophetic imagery) the dome of the rock is destroyed by delta wing jets as the markets crash. Our markets are crashing now. The council of 70 nations is set, and the 5g beast system is in beta testing and the RFID chips are coming with your forced vaccine.

Its well known on Yas Forums that (((they))) worship saturn and that moshiach will be the "antichrist". What is your plan user?

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wtf did i just watch

Which one did you click?

Schizo posts are WAY fucking better than this, so I assume you are retarded or trolling.

Don't care bout judaeic prophecies
Simple as.

I got a temple shekel and your just jealous haha. Probably a spic anyway

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>quit drugs
>finish school
>get job
>get fit
>get gf
and ride this bitch out

The Anti-Christ is coming.

that weird cartoon

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Resist until i cant anymore, But I am really just a little fellow, in a wide world after all.

How the fuck are these numbers possible?

That is a cartoon from a few years ago it is kinda crazy if you try and decode it. At the end the church that crumbles is notre dam, look up some side by side videos its crazy. Also those tanks are called russian bat mobiles and didnt exist when the movie came out. The guy drowning in green stuff is venezuela, the volcano hasnt happened and the jesus looking guy is the antichrist

I am personally Non-religious but my religion believes that we are living in the end times, a part of irans foreign policy is to fulfill end times prophecies just like USAs foreign policy, it's a biblical war we are living in, the next thing that is going to happen according to the prophecy is a war, after that Israel will be destroyed in 2022, with the fall of Israel the messiah will come and after that you know what happens

I'm good. I've been born again and I know Jesus. Ready to watch the world burn. Repent and get saved now while you can

What In the fuck?


"Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope:
That say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come, that we may know it!” -Isaiah 5:18,19

Everybody is trying to make it happen.
This isn't the point of religion.
The point is Love God and Love your Neighbor.
Not destroy the world so that you can see God.
That is wrong. It's wrong. It's wrong.
You have it backwards and twisted.

time travelling shitposting

That is pretty wild. Everything is connected and this is the great awakening or revealing. Everything is coming to light

Didnt a big volcano in Indonesia erupt a day or two back?

Does Just That

The harvest is ready to be reaped.

This isn't schizo posting?

Yes but based on the imagery (nun holding child) i believe it will be a majority catholic country

I said I'm not religious, but this is what is happening

I didn't mean it about you.

yes it did right after the Crown of Thorns was returned to Notre Dam
the french owned the crown and the shroud at one time
the shroud was sold to Rome, the funds were used to rebuild a church in France
it is all facts

The shiite and evangelical eschatologies are mirror images, which is troubling.

We already have one

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Wasn't there some big rabbi saying Passover would be it? Is he revising it to the end of passover not the start now?

There is always some guy saying any minute, a lot think purim 2021