How much of the spread of Wu Flu in America is Trump’s Fault

The media keeps talking about how he was slow to act. While I kind of agree that his performance wasn’t that great neither was anyone else’s except North Korea

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>How much of the spread is Trump’s Fault
the only real answer is a negative amount because he used his authority to limit the spread

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Literally zero because anything anyone could have done, including what he did,was unconstitutional.

He reacted far faster than anyone wanted him to when he put travel restrictions on China. He did initially try to play the coronavirus down a bit until the WHO labeled it a pandemic. So not completely Zion Don's fault

Maybe so but it was for National security reasons to close the country. Therefore, it would be safe to assume that he hadn't violated the constitution, no matter how severe the measures taken

Let me put it this way

>china lied people dies
>usa has no longer the top intelligence agencies in the world
>his allies agencies are also retarded
>too stupid to foresee the consequences, even when italy was already panicking
>wreck the economy in the process due unreadiness
>bailouts due the us being unable to handle the pandemic

>he knew all along
>doesn't matter where the virus came from
>everything that has been unfolding was on purpose to reduce restrictions under the classic "to make you safer" pretext
>just like a lot of liberties were eroded after 9/11

your pick, because honestly none is actually good

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Considering cvg in January reached bump limits in 5 minutes I'd say he was a little late to the party.

>reduce restrictions
impose restrictions/reduce freedums

>400k traveled from China to the US during "ban"


There's a whole list of protocols that you can implement. Plus there's no evidence that lockdowns actually work

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Yeah Maybe the measures taken weren't the correct ones. Also to address pic related, coronavirus became a problem for Mexico far later than the western countries. They were far prepared for it because they had more data and information. Sorry to stifle your nationalism

Canada, the ideal of the Democrats as it is under Justin Trudeau was even slower than the Trump admin to do anything.

When Trump imposed the travel ban on China there were howls of outrage against his xenophobia by those same democrats. They seem to think that nobody can see this hypocrisy. They're a party being dragged along by the likes of Maxine Waters. If a plague hadn't been brought in by their financial benefactors the chicoms it would have just started spontaneously in the filthy petri dishes of LA and SF by the street shitting masses of homeless drug addicts they've been cultivating there for 50 years.

>he thinks there isn't a paper trail back to mid january when we began planning phase 1 & 2
nothing personnel kid

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Yes they were operating on more information, the initial measures taken were no different from the US. Differential diagnoses come about once you understand the virus better and how it presents in patients. Without the western countries becoming the sacrificial lamb, the virus probably would have gone rampant in Mexico. But then again, very few people travel to and from Mexico, which might explain why it took longer to get there


>the western countries becoming the sacrificial lamb
>*whispers into your ear*
>"die for us like you do your israelite whores"
these levels of cope man

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No cope. Its just a reality.

thanks for dying for us


If he were smart he would've called out the WHO even harder from the get go. Shutdown all travel with any country allowing travel from China, and forced only the elderly into quarantine.

But with fog of war, making that call would've made him seemed like a dictator so I can't blame him for the rest of the shit. The media making it seem like every 80+ year old was murdered by Trump when they croak certainly isn't helping re-opening everything back up.

At this point he should just use his executive power to arrest the journalist class and then re-open everything. I'd rather have Rikers island full of journalists than murderers at this point.

Wasn't our intent but whatever dude, no problem

Trump’s impeachment vote wasn’t until February 5th and everyone botched when he imposed a China travel ban before that. Good poltards were already stockpiling deenz and ammo in January.

It is literally just the flu. Stop being such a hysterically boomer faggot.

Constitution doesn't apply to non-citizens.

no matter what he did or even tried to do, Congress blocked him, and the media along with certain public figures and politicians misled the public into spreading it

>our intent
Mexicunts confirmed for jews.

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lynchings soon

True but restrictions also applied to US citizens as well

Constitutional restrictions only apply to government, not citizens.
All "laws" not conforming to the Constitution are null.

I meant travel restrictions not constitutional restrictions

Wuhan Flu. SARS. Swine flu. The Hong Kong flu. The 17th century plague. The bubonic plague.

Asia specifically southern China is and has been a cesspool of disease for a very long time, probably worse than Africa historically because of the population density. There’s a reason why demoted officials were sent there as a punishment, and there’s a reason why the British government reserved Victoria Peak in Hong Kong for the European population so they could be a little further from the swamps and from Chinese people.

The Spanish Flu which actually originated in Mexico was a noted exception to this trend of diseases starting in Asia and then coming over to hit the West hard. Certainly Europeans brought disease to the New World during the Spanish Conquest and the settlement of North America, but these diseases mostly originated in... Asia.

The reason why the West was caught so off guard is that we haven’t had to worry about any of this shit since forever so people are complacent, there are other factors like that the air isn’t filthy so no mask wearing culture, no real disease outbreaks since the 1910s so no real awareness of the dangers of droplent transmission.

Asians especially Chinese mocking westerners for not being used to dealing with the plagues they send us are top-tier pricks.

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