We are destined to become a society of simps and whores soon and there’s no stopping it

We are destined to become a society of simps and whores soon and there’s no stopping it.
do you agree?

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I have a better ass then most of those thots.

We've been that for a while now.

Yaaa, you guys tell em, oh, oh, get em!

Post those splits nude hijack this fucken post and post them!!!!

I do not agree, it's always the darkest before the sun shines, right now we are in the darkest age, I can imagine that you know what needs to be done.

Weimar Republic

We are that society alreaady and it's obvious now that just a temporary situtation because that mode is clearly not long-term viable.

Using CCP Tiktok.


No because you can go MGTOW and save yourself all the drama and financial loss.

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I dumped before I understood female nature. I don’t blame them, it’s their survival strategy. It’s biological.

Goddamnit you incels make the worst fucking threads.
Why do you fucking incel faggots obsess about women so fucking much.
Its all you fuckers think about. Its all you fuckers talk about.
Heres a newsflash morons: Women aren't that interesting.
Theres a lot more interesting things in the world to be concerned with than women.
And quit being so god damned butthurt if a woman acts sexy.
Fix your fucked up brains.


im not an incel you shitskin

There won't be a society for long after that

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Ok. I will.

Yes you are right, once in a while we need to just cut lose from the reality and play.

Supply and demand. If they all have a onlyfans account you think it’ll last? There is a limited supply of simps and simp money.

well we basically grow up with movies, music, schools etc telling us simping is the right way

I am obsessed with hating women


This. Women inherently desire for men to fight over them and if given power, will betray their nation to increase competition among men of any background.

Because you are a bitter loser.
You are the mirror image of the fat bull-dyke feminist.
Both groups are starting to really piss me off.
Fix your brains, you fucked up incels.

Weak men are creating hard times

Stop giving them attention in real life, they will go mad, make 6 kids and ignore the dirty bitch

>Stop giving them attention in real life
they will always get the attention of men who want to fuck them

Where are the spreading nudes?

Good one Beavis, you really got me.
No, actually I'm a dude whos sick of seeing a bunch of bitter virgins fuck up the board with low-quality threads bitching about "roasties".

You fuckers used to be on .
What happened to that???


Yeah, those media always portray romance instead of the sexual aggression women look for. On top of that, women hit their sexual prime much earlier. Teen boys aren’t on a level playing field.

Said a kiwi dude who let his PM who is women, dirty Jacinda Ardern to steal your guns lol

Are you retarded, literally the most consistently popular idea on tiktok is hating on dumb whores and simps

Good advice.

Nope, I'm saving my soul. I suggest you guys to also repent while there's still time. God loves you, he wishes good things happen to you, he wants to takes us to heaven, but we have to prove we deserve it beforehand and change our way accordingly. It isn't hard guys. Read the Bible. It's really comforting and you'll stop caring about things such as thots and whatnot.


if you don't post nude split pics you will die from COVID-19

Why is tiktok so popular among young adults when it's cringy as hell? I can see how it would appeal to the 8-12 demographic, but seeing grown "adults" in these music videos is laughable and shameful.

While I disapprove of this use, I guess I can also understand whores using it as a tool to advertise their bodies and services.

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>What happened to that???
If you can't figure this out you're too dumb as fuck to be on Yas Forums.

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this is now a nigger hate thread

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It’s just another social media app. People like social media.

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Kys tranny

13% of your population are not humans

You mean right now and for the last many years.

It's popular for girls because they like dancing and being called hot, it's popular for guys because it's funny as fuck and most of the good memes are there, as well as bullying people which is fun too

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Fuck, niggers are scary.

You make me ashamed of my own flag.

Not that I don't believe in god, but because your solution is to coward in your room in absolute denial praying for a god who probably doesn't give a single fuck about you or mankind

I believe in god but I hate submissive christ nuts. Fuck off

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tiktok is yet another avenue for women to be shallow

Fucking faggot

This is already a reality.

But it seems so infantile is what I'm getting at, like lip-singing to trashy pop music in brief clips. This is how you entertain small children. It's like vines, but at least some vines had some creativity put into them.

There is a mega link floating arround with 3TB of leaked vids from onlyfans

You can't demoralize me Shlomo

>Meme flag
Ask me how I know you're a jew

Already are

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Sauce on that catgirl

Lol you probably don't know how to use the app store boomer

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