He's Not 100% Invested In Sealed MTG Booster Boxes

Why does Yas Forums like being poor?
Enjoy your Trump Bux, losers.

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Based rudy

I could reply to your thread but I’m not going to.

I like this only because I feel like it might work.

You merely became poor. I was born poor, molded by it. By the time I could afford a booster box I was already a man.

Based spike

>playing cards with yourself
it will totally pay off

Sealed boxes and packs can be worth money if there's a card in the series that's game breaking.
Some unsealed packs sell for 10x what they retailed for 3 years ago.
You have to know the market. There are tons of these little investment bubbles across many mediums that can more than double an investment in a year.
The more people that know about them, the less everyone makes.
There's also beanie baby situations, where people can think their collection is worth more than it is

he did say he invested in corporate bonds.

>not being a timmy and buying singles that flop

I bet you bought beta, fucking nigger

Why does nobody rob these guys holding shit in their house.

currency, also the gay mandalorians

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what happened?

lmaoing at Rudy, nobody is going to give a shit for mtg luxury cardboard once the nº1 concern worlwide is what to do to eat and pay rent

I feel like Rudy is the type of guy to secretly browse Yas Forums.
I get the feeling he at least somewhat sympathizes with the right (he mocks WotC’s feminist bullshit with the “3% women” meme and such) but can’t publicly support us because the mtg community is literally infested with leftists.

I could reply to you but I am indecisive

>tfw no chill right wing bros to play with

If you have xMage downloaded on PC we can play a good game over the internet. What formats do you play, standard, pauper, modern, kitchen table?

You are like a little baby

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Lmao, I had a ton of Pokémon cards around the ex era (2005-2007ish?)
Now I wish I hadn’t opened them

I kinda hate that my heyday for Pokémon was 2005-2008
Now neckbeards have priced me out of my childhood, at least I kept my cards

>mfw you’ll probably never get to open a pack of Dragon Frontiers ever again

I invested a bit of money into players on football index but lost it because i don't understand football.

I know the feel

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This user is using a VPN and actually lives in Okaloosa county, Florida.

No one has played paper magic for like two months now. Rudy must be sweating.

I have 2 boxes of Legends sealed and 3 boxes of Arabian nights. I don't know what you faggots are going to do but I am set.

Not gonna lie, pretty jealous of this and i haven't even touched an mtg card in almost 2 decades. Got a bunch of mint revised somewhere though

if it makes you feel better I traded a set of moxes and a lotus to a friend for a modded PS1 and 10 games back in 1994.

Lmfao!!!!! How much is the lotus worth now?


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>Fake and gay

I shall purchase this even with the 30-day backorder.

On the other hand, I've collected MtG like a normal person who doesn't need more than 4 of each card since early 1994—exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling the Fallout 2 type prophecy of scouring the apocalyptic wasteland to finally complete my set of Power.