I've gotten to the point where I'm pretty nihilistic, but that is cringe as fuck.
Yas Forums politically how much have you changed since becoming redpilled?
I don’t reveal my power level, ever.
I was always racially conscious and politically against both capitalism and communism. People began accusing me of being a Nazi™ based on my looks and views. Turns out they were right. Thanks
Wtf, Nick lee is in alice in chains now?
I do only to people who are willing to listen and actually somewhat line up with me. I feel like it's totally useless to be redpilled if you just keep it a secret and don't try to redpill other people even if it's IRL.
In life a coward dies a hundred deaths.
>but that is cringe as fuck.
good, you're actually moving onward. the blackpill is for the weak
I got redpilled over a decade ago, but at this point I am focused on the relationships I’m directly involved in and supporting my local community. National politics is for snakes.
It has made me more blackpilled and less likely to engage with people in the real world. I don’t have interest in talking to Normies. I’ve lost interest in pursuing a career because it’s a rigged system. I can’t even talk to my family anymore.
im not even remotely redpilled. im just an old smartass. lick me where i shit you half caste homo.
It has made my life worse. I have absolute contempt for Normies. I know I am a loser and I know my life sucks but going back into Normiedom would drive me more insane. The only way out is through.
Thinking you're redpilled is the bluest pill you can swallow.
No, he's right. Lol, i dont either. Just...Holding.. It in.
It’s set new levels of expectation for myself being that I am not a nigger.
No more drinking, no more goofing around. Focus on family and jobs and systems to take my journey of life to places I would have never realized if not aware of my place in the world.
Cringe and gaypilled
It should have separated yourself from them. If you are still thinking of them, you are lost, and perhaps one of them. The real focus now is finding purpose at the lonely top. To become an Untermensch in every send of the word.
You have to reveal your power level. Not revealing your power level is fucking retarded. You just look like an asshole marching in a mask instead of a real person with real opinions.
Autocorrect ;)
And a *tip* to you too
No you don’t you fucking retard. Did hitler “reveal his power level” like a sperg, or did he enact ACTION?
>Age 12 get into Doom Metal, edgy Satanism and nihilism
>age 16 start experimenting with psychedelic drugs and the occult, sigil charging, manifestations, succubus entrapment
>Age 22 experiment with white magick and cathartic fasting and sonic chastisement
>Age 26 accept Jesus Christ as my savior, quit partaking in pharmakeia and the occult. Meditation, semen retention, fasting, oxygen cleansing, iodine, milk thistle, lots of red wine.
fuck you i dont do drugs
Damn, you just sound betapilled, not blackpilled. Grow a set faggot.
I wish I saw them live.
Ok, Friedrich. The thing is I need to have the feeling that there are people who support me and back me up. I don’t have any structure in my life like I used to. I am basically on my own. It’s easy to be an Armchair Quarterback like Nietzsche was and criticize people who lack anything short of an iron will.
It is hard for me to get motivated to do anything because Normies are just so fucking useless and they want to drown in Liberal profligacy instead of uplifting themselves and others out of it.
I have been on my Instagram trying to redpill former High School friends. Hundreds of them. None of them have ever reached out and told me they agree or even wanted further conversation. They fucking refuse to acknowledge that Jews have disproportionate power in media. I don’t understand how it is possible for someone who is redpilled to think these people are anything more than completely useless
Yes, he did reveal his power level. He also urged his followers to SPEAK UP instead of willfully getting plundered
I was basically born red pilled. I admired the nazi aesthetic as early as 3 years old (I looked at the pictures in history books as a small child). Was obsessed with military history and warfare of any kind as a child. I instinctively disliked blacks and Jews as well.
You have to balance the Red Pill with Dark Enlightenment or you will either go insane or get blackpilled. If you eat Red Pills and live in a Blue Pilled world you will go crazy. If you are Red Pilled and live with Blue Pill morals, you will go insane. Moderation and perspective are important tools to combat nihilism.
I was born redpilled nigger. And I was also a fully formed personality when I was born
I do too, Layne was one of the greatest live performers in rock history and that's undisputed.