Prostitution has to be Abolished for the sake of Society

I'm a Republican, a right-winger, and support free markets. I usually reject Marxist arguments like "bourgeois" and "proletariat" but when it comes to prostitution I think we all need to examine the world with a Marxist perspective.I see prostitution as the grossest form of capitalist oppression. It's bourgeois (men with capital) using their capital to exploit women (proletariat) into sexual activities. That is a form of institutional rape.

Keep in mind I'm a Christian and a Conservative but I see prostitution through a Marxist perspective. It also drastically increases trafficking which obviously must be stopped. And I'm not against all forms of sex I'm generally pretty Liberal, I like hook-up culture and think Tinder and all that is ok. I just oppose prostitution on practical and moral grounds. I think we ought to all do the same and demand more government action against this. Supporting the Swedish Model seems to be the best option.

The utopians of the 1960s envisioned a world with government agencies offering free transportation, education, internet (yes they predicted it), food, housing, and UBI. They sought to abolish prostitution as well believing it was not suitable in a futuristic civilized world.

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How much would you pay to fuck the supermodel of your choice?

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Zero, I'm morally opposed to prostitution

I honestly don't give a shit about supermodels right now I'm trying to pick up "landwhales" lmao.

What's the difference between dating an prostitution?
Help me out here.


Dating the girl isn't just in it for the money and is romantically/sexually attracted to the person.

it is actually the women exploiting men

OP's pic is so /comfy/. Listening to Windows96 right now and, whoa.

Explain your reasoning.

OP is a commie simp faggot.
Prostitution is literally necessary for a monogamous society. From medieval times until about the 1890s when reform movements began in low church protestant down-syndrome land (America) most of western civilization had BROTHELS, so horny unmarried or bed-death marriage men could get their rocks off without corrupting some virgin qt. I believe St. Thomas Aquinas or St. Augustine wrote on the subject of harlotry as necessary sin.
Those movements to shutter the American brothels that passed in like 1897-1903 were pretty fucking successful in stifling the practice... and then one generation later in the 1920s guess what? You had a generation of loose sluts called "flappers" fucking around casually, and now we have child trannies.

dating gives the illusion of exclusivity

Explain to me how abolishing prostitution caused the flappers.

Even if she was offering herself for 5 cents and she was extremely attractive to you?

And dating isn't prostitution because the girl is actually attracted to the guy.

I am morally OPPOSED to prostitution

But it does cost money right?
Do you pay for the date?

Prostitution disappeared as a pressure valve so a horny generation of young men returned from WWI with no prosties to pound their frustrations out on until they were ready to settle for a virgin bride, and the pressure was instead released by regular girls stepping in and becoming sluts.

This stunning whore cost me 80 dollars and she fucked me like there was no tomorrow. Not banging hot bitches because of muh values is absolute cuckery. What kind of idiot does that?

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People that want to abolish prostitution are the ones who peddle it.

Men typically pay but the girl isn't exclusively dating the guy for money.

Modern dating? No, not really.

You're forgetting that "sluts" only date 6'2 pro athletes or elites. You think the average incel soldier in ww1 would have a chance with them?

Men who turn to crime usually become robbers and thieves. Women usually become prostitutes.
Why do these women choose prostitution over robbing and stealing?
Marx is still retarded you dumb commie.

We should end wage slaving in poor countries instead.

her body, her choice

So you would fuck her for free but you absolutely would not fuck her if she required you to pay her 5 cents?

I do not know about you but I masturbate for free and I think I would rather fuck a plain or even slightly ugly girl for 5 cents than jack off.

50 bucks a.k.a. 2 days pay =)


>I'm a Christian and a Conservative
>I like hook-up culture and think Tinder and all that is ok

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>the girl isn't exclusively dating the guy for money.
Are you sure?
How do you know she's not in it for a free meal?
Don't tell me you take her word for it.

I agree with that, that's why I support the prostitution laws Canada has where only the buyer is punished.

Yum! 80 Reais or 80 US dollars?

So if he just gifts her money after and she consented before, it's okay?

> if you make x dollars, you can have my pussy for y time
> every woman's mindset

Prostitution is embedded in women's nature. Jesus protected prostitutes because he knew they were the most honest women in the world, for they at least admit their ways and not just mask it like every woman does. There is literally no difference between the way women select men and a prostitute's work, prove me wrong.

>scare quotes on the word "sluts"
Feminist confirmed.
That is simply not true, girls will fuck losers, too, if Chad is unavailable. And there was nothing like Tinder back then so not every girl had immediate access to their local alfa.

Trump likes hook-up culture and hates prostitution. I'm like Trump

Because my family is known as one of the richest in my entire city and no one has ever gone on a date with me or agreed to. If there was even one girl who just wanted money they would have came to me.

If the transaction was done for sex alone then that would not be ok

Women don't give a shit about a man's income. This isn't the 1950s where women can't work, today they can work whatever job they want and are encouraged to do so. They don't give a rats ass if they're dating Bezos or a pay-check-to-paycheck bartender.

>prove me wrong

My family is in the 0.01% of wealth, guess how many girls wanted to date me? Zero.

>likes hook-up culture
This is just called being a leftist. Congrats, you're not "conservative except for...", you're just a leftist.

Heh. Same as weed

Those laws are mostly just for show, and to prevent streetwalkers. The cities all issue business licences to escort agencies and erotic massage parlours, which operate out of storefronts. You can walk in right off the street and pick a lady and law enforcement never rousts them.

Keep in mind losers (people who make under 100K a year in todays money) were the vast majority of Chads. They could be found everywhere back then too.

>Women don't give a shit about a man's income.
Lmao. What world do you live in?

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>Because my family is known as one of the richest in my entire city and no one has ever gone on a date with me or agreed to.
How tall are you?

So by your logic is everybody leftist? No one opposes hook-up culture. Trump love hook-up culture, so does pretty much every right-wing frat Chad

Erotic message parlours are just handjobs though, not actual sex. That's why they're called "rug and tug"

And police shut down escort agencies.


LMAO you're clearly underage if you unironically think women want a rich guy. That's a lie they tell ugly guys to work hard their whole life.

This is how I know you're underage lol


Maybe we can focus on getting the anti-White racists out of the media...

Median income was 56 000 yearly iirc. How are sub 100k unworthy?

>prostitution should be legal
>hook-up culture should die
It's honestly better to pay for a hooker and leave it at that transaction than to sully a girl who may have had some chance of remaining pure. Hook-up culture encourages loose morals and ultimately leads to hurt feelings. Actual whores are ladies of business and I can respect that they're not trying to hide what they're providing.

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> everyone who disagrees with me must be underage

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Try standing on a pile of money manlet.

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God this is a pathetic larp.

80 dollars. 80-100 dollars will get you an absurdly hot whore, a woman that in normal conditions would be completely out of reach for a normal guy.

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>Erotic message parlours are just handjobs though, not actual sex.
lol no.

>And police shut down escort agencies.
I don't know what that one agency did to get themselves busted, but that is not the norm.

TLDR fuck you fuck Republicans fuck Democrats fuck jannies fuck boomers and double fuck you Legalize hookers and destroy the roastie market. Hit the wall at your own risk on the sexual Autobahn biocunts.

God you're a pathetic troll, enjoy your ban

Police do raids on escort agencies and stings all the time. I don't know what you're talking about.

Nice tranny

That is just sexual frustation mate. Years of rejection does that to a man.

Are you fucking retarded?