Pope supports NEETdom
Based and infallible
The Poverty Gospel is still as bad as Prosperity Gospel.
easy for him to say
Please god give me universal basic income. I need it so bad. We are not meant to be slaves. We are meant to be free. Pls give me universal basic income. Honestly, I'm not even looking for handouts, but they make you pay every month for the fucking "privilege" of just existing on the land. If they just left me alone I could live off the land, but they won't let me do that because of "rent" and "landlords". So fucking please god give me universal basic income
Man fuck this faggot.
fallen crime.
how much more cuck will you be
I thought the pope was only infallible when speaking "ex cathedra" no?
When have you realized a literal medieval peasant living in his Lord's land was freer than the 21th century western man?
He should put his money where his mouth is and start handing out cash
You're correct. Ex cathedra on matters of faith and morals.
Based but you are still going on a pyre for you consent on child fucking
Still should be replaced by Cardinal Sarah
>commie pope is a commie
News at 11
It's nothing surprising, ever since the church started recruiting cardinals and upper-leadership from these shit-hole countries, it was only a matter of time. This fuckwad will continue preaching woke, anti-western progressivism while stripping away and defiling every sacred tenant of the church while shielding faggot pedophiles. Fuck this pope, fuck the faggot pedophiles that have infested the clergy, and fuck their pandering to third world shitholes and progressives. Hopefully when shit hits the fan there is a good, thorough purge of the church's leadership. Let them flee to their third world sanctuaries and rule over the stupid nigger and spics and let the west reclaim and transform the church into what it used to be.
A few years ago on Yas Forums when someone posted this meme, and I did a little research and learned that the information on it is basically accurate, or accurate enough for it to be fundamentally correct in spirit, anyhow. At some points in history serfs did have it worse than its made out in this meme, but basically at any point in history they had it better than we did. And at other points they had it even easier than what's in this meme
Cardinal Sarah probably supports UBI as well tho.
I'm guessing the Vatican won't be selling off any of their many assets to pay for it though, right?
2 Thessalonians 3:10
Fuck lazy cunts
You have to get chipped to get the ubi
>NWO incoming faster
But with UBI St. Alexis wouldn't have had an excuse to sponge off of his parents and live under the stairs
why are the people who actually never pay taxes promote UBI?
people like the pic related shill or AOC who before getting a government job, worked on non-taxed tips.
>Reading the Bible, especially the Pauline epistles
Pick one
What to say?
It seems crystalline that this fits NWO perfectly and that this Pope seems to work towards that goal.
As Catholic I owe him obedience till he goes heretic, but yeah, spooky stuff, since this kind of twist was prophetized again and again in various theophanies.
Pray for him.
Why sell them when they can make money from tourism?
Dependence upon the state usually is not a good thing.
- t. guy who gets medical care from the state and stopped going because the doctors are government stooges
Vatican doesn't pay taxes. Why wouldn't they be for it?
its gonna have to happen with the rise of robotics and AI technology. its just the shitty jobs that noone wants anyway that will be replaced.
Pope is a heretic who denied the ressurection of Christ and is a Jewish communist who has hijacked the church. Catholics need to either get rid of him, or nail a big list of complaints to his door.
He's a Jesuit, and riddled with marxist liberation theology. It is my hope that a diocesan or Benedictan will replace him. Or Cardinal Sarah. It return some normalcy to Rome.
>nail a big list of complaints to his door.
Already done, with the Dubia written by faithful Cardinals and other compliants signed by theologians.
He doesn't care, ignores everything.
No he doesn't.