Is he trying to destroy the US economy on purpose?

Is he trying to destroy the US economy on purpose?

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Dig deeper user, who does Dr. Fauci work for?


the WHO, CNN, MSNBC are trying really hard in getting the same message out there and when trump finally have to reopen the economy next months or face the biggest economic implosion we have ever seen they will be in the position of blaming trump of playing with the health of people for an economic benefit. So he will have a very hard decision to make soon and hopefully he will decide to open the economy but he will get destroyed by the media and all after that and second term will be compromised.

I wouldn't worry about it. Go find some food you like and read some good books.

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Each day this continues the government's army (communist army) has more power over private enterprise
Trump knows this as well as Fauci it's all theater it makes both of them powerful while looking like the good guy fighting the bad guy.

Trump needs Fauci up there to keep the goyim entertained while several trillion dollars is stolen

>Trump needs Fauci up there to keep the goyim entertained while several trillion dollars is stolen


>So he will have a very hard decision to make soon and hopefully he will decide to open the economy
I don't think he should have ever closed it
The government should have given recommendations and let the free market take chances

Now that the government stepped in this is their problem.

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Oh no poor drumpfy is the victim, cry me a river

Get everyone healthy and without risk factors back to work, sure.
But those of us who live with and take care of people who are at very high risk factors are sitting ducks.

Shop and clean for your boomer parents anons.

Why though, Drumpf said it's just a flu bro
It's vlcontained bro
15 cases close to zero in a week bro

Oh wait

Lol muricans

Oyyyyy veeeeeyyyy

The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

Na Fauci is a faux. 70% of the economy is still open. Transmission is still possible through that. Shits been around since January.

That makes a lot of sense

It's weird how the government reacted by harassing people, even people enjoying nature by themselves.
They put us in a collective box to suffer through this together.
Any innovators trying to find a way to still conduct business were shut down.
Look at Dana White, he tried everything and Feinstein just had to make a phone call and threaten the indian reserve.

What we are doing isn't make any sense.
This isn't about a virus or health or economy in my opinion.
This is all about control and seeing what they can get away with.

They essentially put us all on house arrest.
I'm still driving around doing whatever I want but most people are acting like communist faggots.
My neighbor yelled over the fence to my friend and I about social distancing.
This is all a psyop and powergrab

Trump? the us goverment?

Yes Trump is trying to destroy the economy on purpose

Anyone with enough sense to look into the threat payed no attention to what orange clown man said.
I don't hate him, but I don't like him. I didn't like Obama or Bush either, I don't think it's possible to get a great US president again in this modern world.

you know social distancing ensures all communications are done through their devices
They have a pulse on our feelings and can execute their next move at the perfect time.

This has been dragging out for weeks now, and we're all getting lulled to sleep.

How many of you guys who got your ammo and supplies prepped to bugout are still expecting that to happen?
They are using fast pace slow pace news to fuck with us and stealing trillions of dollars and liberties along the way.

I'm glad I'm living in the end times, watching the collapse of America around me. It's a once in a lifetime experience.

Is that why Jeff Bezos' wealth got redistributed? oh wait

Reopen everything but schools. Kids are fucking disgusting and will get everyone in their house and all their teachers exposed.

Don't really know enough to convince myself it's a psyop and I couldn't do anything other than what I'm doing now if it is.
I do think Bill Gates has gone off the deep end if he thinks Americans are going to accept a subdermal identification chip though. That's something that could spark up a civil war. Why not I don't know, a card? Or any other reasonable form of ID.
But yeah, there's definitely a lot of good information being learned now, and will be learned for a while.

the economy is fine. stop being such doomers. are you mad because you didn't buy the dip?

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>mad because you didn't buy the dip

This is 100% correct. China is helping the DNC because they want Trump out. They want to end the tariffs and restart globalization.

US businesses have been pulling out of China since Trump took office. China, the media, and the DNC knew they were on the way to losing 2020 and had to hit the reset button by seeding the virus across the globe.

>why yes I did go to Yas Forums and am now financially literate how could you tell?

>muh kike economy
>Shekelberg will lose millions while it doesn't affect me at all!

Tucker, Alex Jones, Molyneux, etc.--all Jew-economy slaves who advocate for reintegrating already.

I say this as an economist myself, corona keeps EXPOSING assumedly "based" people. Even though we know the second wave is the real danger, they all want to lift regulations for le economy immediately. Probably because they know economy is Trump's only argument. None of your Youtube heads is better than Bill Mitchell.

MUH ECONOMY instead of actually waiting this shit out a few more weeks and having less
>white people killed,
>lung functions permanently impaired,
>ball juice forever vitiated and maybe retard children
and saying, "fuck you," to the stock market and millionaires who are the ones suffering the most from a shutdown while most of you could just chill at home or do some self-improvement.

It's estimated that 60% of people will eventually get the virus. Not only could we easily prevent that from happening if it wasn't for these people, we could redirect the focus away from fucking kike shit like the economy once and for all and see true values again, like family, race and belief. The government KNOWS it's way too early for lifting regulations, which is why schools will stay closed indefinitely, even though children are least likely to get the virus. Kikes don't give a shit about you, the average wagie, getting it, though. They put their own safeguards in place by now and don't have to worry anymore.

There is no one based in the media. Wake up.


>lower the regulations
>get back to work!

It's a literal 180° to when he was one of the first to call attention to the virus and argue for locking everything down. He has become a full-on Trump shill.

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The economy is fucked. You got shilled by government elites this time to "buy the dip" yet didn't catch on to why they'd be the ones saying that. Have fun being harvested.

He's got major grants from Bill & Mel. Gates Foundation. He works for establishment families.

His boss is trump, dipshit.

Yeah, this is part of the Jewish controlled collapse scenario. Project Zephyr.

Trump is so fucked no matter what he does.

Reopen the economy too soon = infection levels go to the roof and people blame him for the deaths.
Close the economy for too long = depression levels like 1929 and people blame him for destroying the economy

There is no way out.

any time you ever read the words "experts" become more skeptical of the claims that follow

our taxes are redistributed to jeff bezo's employees while he keeps the profits
our government gives jeff bezos tax breaks and special deals for usps

The communist revolution isn't going to come from the governments.
It's going to come from the megacorps and all the golem integrated into them to survive

Like this guy

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Yeah, everyone who shills muh conomy is either the people who benefit off the current system off the backs of the white debt slaves who support it.

I'm a seasoned trader through multiple crashes. This is bait, and truth is you shouldn't be touching the general market right now, bull or bear.

The money is in commodities and you can play this bitch however you like from oil to cattle. If you're right and stay patient, there's always a great opportunity.

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Dude, Trump is not a “victim”, that’s not the fucking point.

Just stand back for a second and observe how the entire media / deep-state / whatever-else-jews-control establishment has been throwing everything they have at destroying him since day one.

I don’t even really support him anymore, since he seems to have been pretty well co-opted by jewry. But clearly they still have some huge problem with him and are using this situation to fuck him over yet again

Fuck that. These old hats are worried about themselve. They don’t give a shit about the economy. At this point we are fucked. The western world is fucked. China knows this. It why they did it. Old art of war shenanigans


what effect does it have on working people to not be working, or to not be in contact with the people who often make them feel like their lives are worth living
is what you're demanding of them proportionate to the actual risk they face?