Bernini was 23 when he made this.
I'm 30 without anything to show, pretty much.
We're the middle children of history.
The rape of Proserpina
Other urls found in this thread:
>We're the middle children of history.
lol bro youre the homeless orphan of history
bernini what a faggot name
also I've seen this in real life, the vascularity and the ass is incredible, god bless those italian faggots
Arnold had 2 mr olympia
Stallone already made rocky one and rambo two
Bernini is a fucking wizard. And his David is superior to Mich's.
Literal niggers like you wanked to this piece and were gladly forgotten by history.
flag checks out.
> (OP)
>>We're the middle children of history.
>lol bro youre the homeless orphan of history
the late term abortion of history
Woah he made a rock, who gives a shit dude, he doesnt exists anymore
We are all gonna die, nobody gives a fuck about that statue or the artist behind it. Everything is irrelevant.
Unironically kill yourself then. If everything is truly irrelevant you should have no qualms killing yourself. Otherwise your argument has no merit.
>muh flag
Says the nigger with shit scribbled on his flag, sandnigger tier desu
Why the dirt below his knees? Do people touch the statue and the museum fails to clean it?
Based and pessimistpilled
Pretty sure, they also died at like 55.
I think you really gotta remember that when we were children we were forced into the public school system to be made into identical, replaceable, factory parts. You didn't get to he exposed to art at age 13ish, when you would have been considered a man, and then able to go study under a master for a decade. Our entire society has been gutted of all art and all virtue. This is is not a singular failing, this is a failing across all of our societies.
your cousin won't fuck you tonight so you decided to take it on me?
Notice how neither look Italian but Nordic?
(aged 81)
Listen, the fact is, in the wise words of the now decrepit something awful dot com, the internet makes you stupid. This guy had nothing better to do with his time than chip away at fucking rocks for 23 years straight. I started playing sonic the hedgehog when I was like 6 and world of warcraft at 13. That shit was never going to happen.
This actually makes me think, user. Interesting perspective.
whats wrong ali? had a fight with your goat? so no sex?
Italians aren't white homo there nigger turks
I don’t think so.
Nordics have HUGE foreheads. Inbreeding?
Italians don’t — like the statues
Do you want me to stop waiting nothingness?
I like eating, listening to music and look at qt girls. I have no rush for nothingness.
How long until this is destroyed for being problematic?
Kek, im not even islamic dog fucker
Even if you didn't have a Sega at age 6 it wouldn't have mattered. There would be no one who could teach you and if you found someone no one to purchase your art because in this modern world on form of function matters to anyone. Look at all the meaningless corporate art that darts the landscapes of the modern world and compare it to socialist realism. you'll see very quickly how the corporate elite selected the parts of communist revolution for their own gain. Removing God or virtue, replacing that with the state. That was the communistvl end goal. And here we see how what was once sought after replaced with vapid consumerism and corporate boot licking.
You also have to consider the climate of the time.
Back then you wouldn't lose your livelihood over wrong think.
The grip the communists have over our institutions would prevent a strong male being from being depicted.
They would show an african orphan with an abo woman next to a rocket ship or something
Marc Lescarbot sisn't write his Magnum Opus on the History of New France until he was in his 50's, and he wrote this in the 1600's
So I am not suggesting people wait too long, but don't give up.
The statue still exists. Something touched by his hands we still see.
>nobody gives a fuck about that statue or the artist behind it
>Notice how neither look Italian but Nordic?
No I don't notice that, I am so tired of Nordicists distracting people from intellectual conversations by pointing out physical features and derailing entire conversations into surface level things.
Well Bernini was living in the middle of the Baroque era. You could pretty much get patronized by some wealthy person or the catholic church and be well off. Also, to be quite frank, there are very few people in history that are exceptional. Nobody on pol is exceptional
>the year is 1606
>the bernini family discover their child has autism
>he keeps drawing rape porn and fapping to it
>dad is some rich cunt with papal funding
>gets funding for his kid to make rape art for the church
What a shame, the sad little nigger can't take some heat. Listen here, coon, it doesn't matter how much you are part of the most degenerate piece of shit country and know one gives a shit you now have internet and can beat it to marble pictures. There're plenty of skilled people nowadays, none of them lazy niggers like yourself. Shame on you to think history is to blame for you ineptitude. Face it, you are part of the problem and this is not your personal blog to vent your frustration. Teach yourself something useful and face it: you're the Untermensch we all talk about. Fucking kiked piece of shit country, you're a Jew's wet dream: a broken mutt nigger longing for the greatness you will never have for you never were.
Wrong. And demonstrative of the fact that polsters lack any class despite enforcing their views of superiority
>Bernini was 23 when he made this.
holy shit what
>1 in 10 million extraordinary renessaince talent, spending his teenage years perfecting his craft having resources to do so
>Normalfag without extraordinary talent, probably wasting time in high school like 90% of people from a poorfag family
Yeah we should totally all kill ourself blackpill jidf kike