I'm a coomer. Have been fapping to porn since the age of 11/12 back in 2009/10 and haven't stopped fapping since...

I'm a coomer. Have been fapping to porn since the age of 11/12 back in 2009/10 and haven't stopped fapping since. Is this normal? I did some research and found that all the symptoms of porno addiction I have. Such as anxiety, depression, social awkwardness, lack of motivation, lack of energy, headaches, poor memory, foggy brain, inability to talk to women, erectile dysfunction, sexual dysfunction in general and self-loathing. I also have decreased muscle mass due to all my hormones being out of whack and probably have some brain damage due to loss of grey matter and fried dopamine receptors. I've become an unhygienic coombrain since my preteen years. How do I fix years of this bullshit?

Pic related is me. This is what a coomer looks like.

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Are you the half Arab guy? You’re cute.

You're kinda cute, not gonna lie. Maybe just need a shower

>I have. Such as anxiety, depression, social awkwardness, lack of motivation, lack of energy, headaches, poor memory, foggy brain, inability to talk to women, erectile dysfunction, sexual dysfunction in general and self-loathing. I also have decreased muscle mass due to all my hormones being out of whack and probably have some brain damage due to loss of grey matter

>I've become an unhygienic coombrain since my preteen years. How do I fix years of this bullshit?

fapping is normal this isnt

you just have shit genes

I'll suck your cock so you don't have to fap

I could look a lot better with more muscle and self-esteem had I stopped fapping.

NoFap, go on (yes, Im about to say it) r/NoFap on reddıt

It'll help you out a lot user, im basically in the same spot; fuck porn, but i cant stop watching FUUUUUCK

Nothing about addictive masturbation is normal. It's a terrible sickness that has no bottom. Fight it. Fight it and those who promote it as "healthy" because they make money off of it.

>more muscle
Brads are more attractive than Chads

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Change your habits

Dude literally just start lifting. Start with pushups. Like right now, as soon as you read this. Do 10. And do 10 when you wake up. Eat clean, learn to meal prep. Cut the porn, like now. It's the worst thing you can do to your head. This will create a positive feedback loop, and you'll want to continue building on your progress. Don't get discouraged if you fall off the wagon; you're young, there's time. But you're not that fucking young, so let's get moving. We need strong men, and we need them yesterday. Good for you, for wanting to improve yourself. You're looking in the right direction, now you gotta start walking in that direction. Godspeed user, I believe in you

Um, porn addiction CAN cause those symptoms.

>you just have shit genes

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Once you tap, it takes about SEVEN DAYS for your testosterone levels to go back to normal. Now just imagine masturbating 1 - 7+ times a week, every week of every month and every month of every year for over a decade.


Yeah, I'm gonna agree with those other two anons and say you're pretty cute. Also, that pink table chairs in the background, are those your kids'? Do you have kids? You can't be that much of a loser if you have kids.

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at least your not stimfapping i've been doing that for years and i'm pretty sure i'll never get my dopamine receptors back to normal again i'm even skinnier and weaker then you too because you don't eat on stims.
its literally the best especially if your using meth but boy does it all come at a steep price once the comedown starts.

No, those are my relatives kids. I was at my family's house. And thanks. I usually look like shit.


stop blaming stuff on excuses, if it was a porn addiction you could just stop, but you just suck

fucking coooooopeee

no fap just makes you constantly horny to the point you re not able to think straight and it also makes you jizz your pants when you sleep

Wtf is a Brad supposed to be?

Be my bf

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ur hot op. id clean ur coom up

I did meth only once and all it did was give me an Adderall type buzz.

and THIS is why 2D women(and others) are superior

> Have been fapping to porn since the age of 11/12

I've been fapping for as long as I have memories of myself, which is at least as far back as four years old. I have no recollection of discovering fapping.

I'm not a woman, I'm just on hormones. And sorry I'm superior to women in every way.

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Sure thing.

A lesser Chad
Still high in the social hierarchy but usually meaner and more weasely than Chads
Will not hesitate to put others down to bring themselves up
Only friends with Chads for the social status
These guys were the middle school bullies while the Chads were the prom kings

Yeah except you have a muffin top and major mental health issues. I wish trannies would die

You have to coom sometimes or you'll just do it in your sleep. Get a gf or jerk off using your mind. Either way it'll happen.

Tell me more, leaf.

You guys don't even understand genetics, you just use it as an excuse to be assholes

This is creepy, you will never be a woman. Also you still have a man’s shoulders which will always be a giveaway.

A Chad is domineering, tall, muscular, and angry who gets what he wants through intimidation.
A Brad has a good face and magnetic charisma who's leaner because he spends more time hobbying and being fun rather than lifting rocks.

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>And sorry I'm superior to women in every way.
sure whatever just livestream your suicide lol

>Sure thing.

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Are you a leftist?

My kik is kaylacockz

Ew wtf.
