Not answering door due to Covid-19 = Cops break door in

A lot of the comments are getting deleted. I bet this vid will disappear soon. The second likn is a mirror just in case.

What would you have done?

Attached: corona cop.png (1247x740, 390.74K)

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That's what shotguns are for.

I wish I could pull a gun on these unarmed weak faggots and see what they do, I just wanna see their face

And you know what bugs me about this video, I don't think they had a warrant. But a bong will have to tell us if they need one.

Came here to say this.

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What if the guy just sated pushing them out though? I wish I had more context, they said they came because of a "disturbance" but the only thing I heard was his tv running in the background.

Pussy cops didn't even taze the faggot.

Cop hate thread?

I knew this was England before I even watched the video.

>What would you have done?
Give the cop a free haircut with a 24" machete. No joke.

They knew they were in the wrong so they had no choice but to stand there and take his abuse. Was satisfying to see. Like a bunch of naughty children getting told off.

Shame about his door though. He should make em pay for that.

I think they would have gotten in troucble for that:

>Since 2004, police forces have issued Tasers to Authorised Firearms Officers for use against armed assailants

we already knew the uk was a nanny state where no one has any rights

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That is one based bong

What was their stated reason for coming in? I don't speak Hogwarts

You larping faggots have no proof the cops did anything wrong

And isn't this unlawful entry?

um hello, based department

They said got a call about a "disturbance", sadly I don't have anymore context than that.

Thank you for reminding me this exquisite piece of extreme cringe existed.

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>tfw you know it's England just from the fooking title.

Mandatory daily enema.

Why larping? They clearly made a mistake and promptly left, after breaking his door. They broke his door and showed no warrant.

The eternal Bok Choy strikes again

No. Police can do what they want.

Are those Fiveseven bullets

Arrogant cops who know he doesn't have a gun since they are illegal there. They are usually more careful in the US, but not always. Now with covid here, I am happy that the left wasn't successful in taking our guns in most places here in America.


In light of the coronavirus, practically every country in the west (including Germany) has drawn up state of emergency laws which give law enforcement the right to enter your home whenever they please, for any reason they like. The governments did this quickly and quietly a few weeks ago when the lockdowns were beginning, most media didn't even report on it. I only know this because I read it on The Guardian.

Technically the cops can legally go to any private property because all land within the borders belong to the sovereign nation and they are its civil servants.
If they want to go to the night club to arrest hordes of drunk chavs, it is within their jurisdiction as long as they can provide proof they had a complaint, which they also obviously had for this case.

It is pretty obvious it was staged. The cops can and should sue and arrest the person/caller for wasting government resources during national crisis.

Shut up nob

I never said it wasn’t, I was just not the least bit surprised his happened in Bong Land. Clearly the cops are just abusing their power to trample peoples rights, yet at the same time ignore the Muslim rape gangs because of muh racism. Australia is not far behind to be honest.

>How we burned

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why are the faggot UK cops just kicking doors down? They don't even have guns. If there was a disturbance what do these pathetic bong cops think they are going to do to save the day?


The Chad tenant VS the virgin Bobbie

Britbong Police at it again

>pity the police weren’t this robust when Muslims are gang raping 12 yr olds
these cunts only apply the law to the already law abiding, shitskins get a free pass!

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I'm not being sarcastic - can you give me a link to this info? I didn't know that this was allowed in Germany.

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He didn't pay the jizya

No, the police entered my home without a warrant, i was arrested on fallacious grounds, the police walked into my home and woke my mom up at 3am. Bastards

>Global pandemic going on
>Cops have reason to belief your inside your own house
>Don't answer door
>Cops break in to check you're okay.

How can we keep people locked in their homes till they all die?

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>I wish I could pull a gun on these unarmed weak faggots and see what they do, I just wanna see their face
And that's all you will do, wish, because you're too fat and useless to actually do anything. You'd rather go on the internet and LARP about muh guns, fag.

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Jesus Christ time to buy a shotgun.

absolutely based norf

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They broke his door you pathetic little homosexual faget queer. Did you not watch the video?

In freedomland, bullets will break in to check if you're okay first.

Has to be an unironic Israel supporter

meanwhile the problem is HUNGARY

Bootlicking bitch boy

In what land do the police need a warrant to investigate a disturbance?
Now in this case I have no idea what the disturbance was and what laws limeys have.
But if the cops were called about a man beating his wife, they dont need a warrant to make entry and look around.

Can't you take legal action if it's a false arrest?

>What would you have done?
Communicate with the police to not give them reason to break my door lol

Good luck suing your neighbors when they have evidence against you.

The arab looking mom isn't a prize winner either.

I would have killed them, theyd have to kill me there right on the spot or else this would end bad for them
The right for privacy and the right of your property, apartment is one of the highest rights. Violating it, is like an attack on your own body, and you have the right to dismiss this attack with any form which is neccessary
I would have killed those motherfuckers

>Lady acknowledges that they talked before the door was kicked in due to coronashit
>Cops check for something going on, potentially the disturbance was domestic violence
>Cops still fucked up cause they didn't have a search warrant and left as soon as they couldn't find jack shit.

All in all though, if cops are this retarded people might as well make user calls about "disturbances" to people they don't like on Minecraft.

t. Dindu Tribesman

Police is a concentration camp and cops are sodomites.