If your political views involve shitting on healthcare workers

then you're fucking scum.

This woman is totally not a lesbian narcissist with a hero complex who craves validation and praise. No. Like all our healthcare professionals she is on the front line putting her life at risk for YOU!


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Proud scum here.

Nobody cares about this. Stop making threads trying to create some sort of "nurse hating consensus" on Yas Forums. It's fucking cringe.

Healthcare workers working hard I see.

We better more clap more like retarded seals.

The medical field has alot of gate keeping and they hide behind lofty medical degrees that should be a fraction of the cost and take half the time.


You son of a whore. They are keeping our country safe!

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I'd unironically fire both of those people.

Hospitals are trash. Disgusting vile traps. Their systems are self propagating

If these Heros have time to post videos on tiktok i guess the hospitals aren't slammed with Chinese virus victims right?

Whats your current job?

Says the retard that isn't in the medical field

It’s so stupid I think it’s part of organized talking points together in order to sow social discontent. The nothingburgers seems the same.

I have never been been so looking forward to my death as I have after seeing this pic.

I just want off this nightmare ride

AI will replace Pathologists and General Practitioners.
A neurologists shouldnt have to spend 2 years learning about Toenail fungus.

I am in the medical field and I agree. I work to make medical devices more ergonomic and idiot proof.
My main focus is the NICU because these dumb cunts can't be bothered to fill the humidifier reservoir, causing infants to have permanent lung damage, if they survive.
You're either a nurse or underage, but nurses are retarded and there are a maximum amount of nurses and doctors admitted to these schools to keep the supply of medical professionals artificially low.
TL;DR you're a stupid whore and no one will care if you get sick and die, or OD and die because nurses are notorious pill heads.

I'm an accountant, you?

I think it's funny that nurses always seem to be mentally damaged, no matter which country you look at.

Some lesbians have the appearance of looking attractive but after browsing their photos you see how revolting they are to look at.

Look at this Lancelot simp thinking he's gonna get laid.

i don't go out of my way to hate those in the healthcare profession, but i find myself doing it anyway when i'm forced into contact with them.

i had to go to the ER but i collapsed outside and couldnt move. they did a full "code blue" like when someone is dying and what seemed like 30 people came and put me on some stretcher and started injecting me with morphine. i was in so much pain that it made me want to throw up, but i was dry heaving because i hadnt eaten. i could barely see and i coughed in some fat beaner nurses face on accident and she like grabbed my face and made some weird threat and was like "dont do that again or ill make this painful for you".

like im literally dying and i cough on her on accident and she threatens to torture me out of spite.

i realized these people arent great people looking to help. they're mostly just idiot trash looking for a job that pays with a ton of benefits that you can go to night school to learn. they dont care about you or if you die and some will probably laugh at you while you suffer.

read george orwell's "how the poor die". he lays it out pretty well. hospitals are evil places and always have been going back hundreds of years. they were originally started just to allow people to die while watching them and taking notes. surgeons used to be confused with necromancers and dissections were carried out illegally in underground rooms, using dead bodies that were stolen from graveyards by bodysnatchers.

yet if you say anything bad about them youre an idiot.

>the woman on the right
>legit lesbian

lolno. I know plenty of lesbians. The butchy kind. Really good people, usually. Their gfs, however.... oh boy. Some are damaged waifs... some are batshit insane malignant narcissists or full-blown ASPD. This girl looks like she had more dicks in her than the R letter phonebook

id like a different doctor please

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My gf's cousin is a nurse assistant or some shit like that, and she makes $11 an hour to have boomers bitch at her and higher-ups yell at her. She said that all her female co-workers are terrible and lazy. Can any male anons who have worked at hospitals confirm this? All the anti-nurse shitposting has made me curious.

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Fucking based. Fuck faggot doctors and nurses.

You're not white.

Found the faggot.

Why do some people start the beginning of their bait threads by typing in the name/option fields? Is it a script?

Eh, Medical School in general is broken up with the first two years being lecture based knowledge, and the last two years as clinical knowledge (with the 4th year being basically internship with various specialties).

For what its worth, most med students generally skip lecture and just study in groups. Tho I do agree that medical school is retardedly expensive on top of shit pay during residency while getting assraped with loans.

>t. M3 medfag

That's a good use of PPE

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Worse, he's likely one of those faggots who "doesn't like women" but fucks them anyways every now and then.


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Stop being attention whores and go do your jobs.

>2 sons
>unmarried lesbian

Woman are the fucking worst at being gay, at least fags will stick to sucking dick all their lives. Lesbians will fuck a guy every other month and claim they're a gold star.

Scum healthcare workers are actuality.
In fact, most doctors practice the worsening of disease so they can maximize profit.
Like Frankfurt School joos.
This is well known kikeotic.

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It's lack of experience typing new threads. This is not a shill thread, it's an user who just has some great sarcasm.

She is totally not a lesbian narcissist.
Not at all.

If you post your tits, I will give you some super secret hospital insider info that is worth your while.

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>there are a maximum amount of nurses and doctors admitted to these schools to keep the supply of medical professionals artificially low.

Some faggots, the ones that aren't totally cringe (few), fuck women too.

>nurse assistant
That's what six weeks of "training" gets you.

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its not healthcare workers, anybody who dances on tik tok should be hanged
it should require a personality test to work in healthcare

Desperate much? The person you replied to never stated their sex, and even if they did, everyone knows there are no women on the internet. It's all just 50 year old faggots.