Nukes are not fucking "fake"

To the retard earlier this morning who made the "nukes arent real hurrrrrrrr" thread - lets keep the thread going.
Make sure you fully convince anyone ITT with more than two fucking braincells that nukes arent real. Stay may nigger.

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If you're that dense brained that you believe nukes arent real and that atoms can't be split because you couldnt see it - or that we have some 15-18 year old "edgy" retards who think going along with the opposite of the discussion makes you somehow cool - you're still a fucking shitposting retarded nigger virgin faggot. You will never change, your life will never change. Kill yourself.

Also, yes, surprisingly, shit happens outside of your field of view.

Its called cognitive dissonance, you fucking nigger. Also, Ironic shitposting is getting boring. Pretending to larp and be part of the thing everyone on Yas Forums complains about is getting old real fast. Neck yourself if you actually shitpost "ironically". You arent. You're forcing yourself onto the conversation because you're a socially awkward faggot IRL who literally probably got fucking beat up. You're not zoomers, either. You're a loser millennial who lives at home.

Whenever you kike nigger loving retards are ready to get the fuck off my board, I'll be more than happy. Especially the mods, too. Especially cucked out canadians and estonians and germans, and even murrifats. Especially faggots who follow e-celebs. Most of you are fully fucking uneducated retards and the last time anyone showed their fucking worth on Yas Forums was during HWNDU when someone knew how to read a fucking star map. Otherwise, all of you are fucking posers straight from youtube.

Get the fuck off my board. Thanks.

Also jannies and mods, if you think some of us dont know who you are, know what your youtube accounts / steam accounts are, or know how fucking gay you sound, lol, think again.

Look up cognitive dissonance by the way. Especially mods. Not jannies. Just mods.

fake and gay

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Ill take a ban btw. Jannies and mods are faggot kike nigger retards. You're all shitposting faggots who cant talk to anyone IRL without being sarcastic or facetious, and anyone not on Yas Forums, honestly, cant talk to anyone without being a beta faggot soicuckboi retard. Also, the reason soiboi is a "trigger" is because someone that's easily offended by the word "soiboi" is a mod on Yas Forums

If you're a newshit, It's time to have fun

Definitely fake and fucking gay, no condoms or lube.

Wait, did you think Im a bot? lmfao

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Just like nukes

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Oh, also, mods / jannies here are fans of tim pool and other fence sitting retards. Yas Forums is not, nor has it ever been historically "fence sitting", and if you think it ever has been, you dont belong here and you should fuck the fuck off back to

the meme comes from the fact that a fuck ton of them wont actually work anymore because they decay

hahahaha, shit....that threw me off my rant

>spending this much time and effort to get the last word in arguing with some /x/ schizo faggot who's been gone for 16 hours

Now this is trolling!

You definitely don't understand how this board works, for fucking sure.
Anyway, Im peacing out. Jannies do your fucking job and purge this shit you work-for-free niggers.

fuck off, nuke denialism is funny and based

>Today I saw a thread that said nukes are fake.

How fucking new are you retard? Way to give yourself a way. Shut the fuck up and lurk.

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checked but wrong. It's as bad as flat earthers.

LOL and you samefagged a bunch. Holy shit you're retarded. This is getting bumped for all to see.

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larping isn't going away, it's as old as time and when it gets old for you, a younger generation will still find it funny

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm you got me.
>I suck massive amounts of dicks and dont understand what a conversation starting thread looks like!
:The post

And even if they are real, more people die from an heroing every year than the average nuke death count. Nothinburger.

That's the point, nigger.

Based, checked and correct.

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and here we go rofl

>Anyway, Im peacing out.
>keeps replying to people

Haha what a dumb drunk schizo. Keep digging your own retarded grave.
>Guys some people said something flew over their house but I think it was really sarcasm.

Well damn, you embarrassed me now, i guess after that reply I'll have to peace out for real this time so that you don't roast me in front of 9 people kek

Lol exactly, while begging to get banned as well. Hopefully he's just a drunk schizo but he comes off as being straight up retarded.c

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you're getting off to this aren't you

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Also, to the retarded new zealander, you're legit retarded. You don't actually know what samefagging is. Lurk for another 1-2 years, please. Its true tho, you actually dont.

Those videos are fake you dumbfuck

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lol maybe

Let me guess the holocaust is real too?

Why even acknowledge his claim?

the ones dropped on the nips weren't nukes they were napalm bombs simp nukes still don't exist

You're serious arent you? Did you fucking pass ANY higher level of education? Please, aside from christcuck alex jones "hurr mark of duh beazt bill gaetz 5G" shit, prove to me that nuclear explosives, and - in that vein - nuclear power ( power plants ) are fake.

I'll wait, retard.

Can i internet fight you too op? I also want you to eat my jizz.

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Because he's stupid enough to believe nukes are real, just like he's dumb enough to believe the holocaust is real

Then explain how the sudden rapid compression of two metals results in a sustained nuclear chain reaction resulting in an explosion. Takes feet of shielding to reflect the neutrinos in order to sustain the reaction. They're hydrogen chemical dirty bombs retard, only chemical explosions produce a mushroom cloud. A nuclear explosion would only generate heat & light, so smoke no debris. The crater would like the terminator just time jumped in with a perfectly spherical crater, we have plenty of video of "nuclear detonations" that do not meet these basic scientific requirements. Its nothing but 1920s pseudoscience.

>Based leaf

if youve never seen a nuke then how can you say theyre real. youre just taking someone elses word for it.

That's a completely different topic but, no, muh 6 gorillian is a bunch of horseshit. Hopefully seeing italy unable to keep burning bodies due to coronavirus woke up some fucking faceberg normies, or, really - anyone, anywhere.

also, before I go
is definitely based. retarded, but based.

oh fud im having an existential crisis now

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your over-usage of jargon outs you as a newfag. fyi

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Uga big boom. Science man say nuk. Grug smrt, Grug know it nuk.

Even if you are just a brain in a jar, that doesnt change anything of whatyou are doing here and now in your perceived reality. Go back to sleep.

There's some bloke, Bruce Cathey I think, who reckoned nukes could only go off in certain places at certain times due to the resonating frequency of Earths magnetic field or some shit...
I don't pretend to know what he's talking about but he was supposedly able to predict the time and place of top secret nuclear tests using this method.

He reckons CIA NIGGERS called him up too.

>Before (you) go
You're here forever; Nothing personell, kid.

Click on the numbers to reply to people newfag.
We're gonna see more of this lonely redditor type bored out of their mind and looking for attention. It's inevitable.

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samefagging is gay, sage

>before I go
wait for it...

I attend an Ivy League school actually.

It's obvious you're just a CNN gobbling mentally deficient child though.

There's a team of disinfo shills, who go on here and call everything fake. They're trying to constantly stir up shit to cause discord and get everyone pissed off. Notice the spike in "coronavirus is fake" threads recently? its them

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Why would you take the time to try to convince a stupid conspiracy theorist about this? Do you also argue against flat earthers? Is this a slide thread?

Ithought you typed "It's obvious that cnn is gobbling mentally deficient children" for a moment.

Best evidence they're hydrogen not nuclear is that a stone bank in Hiroshima survived a direct hit from a "nuclear" weapon.
Its because you cant prove they're real