look i know my arguement is kinda shitty but these fucking liberals on twitter won't even give me more than five words as to support their point of view. At least show me what you think instead of insulting me
I can't even argue with these people
are you retard? liberals can't into logic
Liberals are BTFOing you because corporoations actually should pay their employees a living wage.
Because they cant. They just memorize rhetoric. Theyre not even having a real conversation. its more like poetry. Theyre expressing emotions in the format of a political debate. Thats why theyre called npcs. They just repeat dialogue with no thkught behind it, andnwhen youve exhausted their script they make an excuse why they cant continue.
ur wrong
"you're not supposed to live on minimum wage"
Well we have millions of minimum wage positions that need to be filled and not enough transitory workers to fill them as it is so what exactly is your suggestion?
Who told you weren't supposed to be able to live on minimum wage?
why are you arguing with these retards?
only a fool tries to convince retards to be less retarded.
they have defective brains.
leave them to their Special Needs carers and stop banging your head against their wall of ignorance.
but why should they? Why would unskilled labor that anyone can do give anyone a living wage for years to come?
i just wanted to see what would happen
cool prageru take
Raising the wage wont effect corporations, they will just absorb the cost.
> corporoations shuld pay a "living wage"
damn youre stupid.
they pay what your labor is worth. if you think thats too low, try to get more.
if they wont give you more and are willing to let you walk away, maybe your labour isnt as valuable as you think it is.
this logic that people are supposed to do slave labor for a non-living wage is really Jewish. are you Jewish, OP?
no but can you tell me why i'm wrong? i;m not trying to start anything i just want to know what yout think
Uses liberal twatter......com on man
because happy people create a happy society. economic growth should not be the main goal of a society. do you really think we're better off now because corporations can make a few extra bucks at the expense of the mental and physical wellbeing of the entire nation? if you answer yes you're a retarded libertarian who cares more about profit margins than your own people
> corporations are in the business of "absorbing costs..."
> doesnt understand that Costs get Passed On To Their Customers!
> durrrr, dey wont raise prices to fulfill their new costs
> dey wull juzt eat dat new cost!
damn youre stupid.
Then build pod apartments that serve gruel through a hose. "Living wage" is completely subjective.
ya, just let millions of beaners, chinks, and indians be exploited because you won't lower yourself to their standards. retards like you are why the US is dead. WW2-era Germany kicked all the yids out and paid their workers and still managed to be an economic powerhouse.
Listen here pal, no one gives a fuck about ur little sissy girl twitter fights with other normies, so what about you stay there and never come back? I want to believe this is bait, but i think op is more retarded
Leftists don't actually debate they focus on acquiring power. A constant stream of lies is all they communicate.
If you don't have any skills, why should you even exist?
well shooting up the minimum wage to $15+ will make people a bit happier but it comes with an economic downside. I don't on;y care about the money but the economy or money or whatever is the only thing this argument applies to
Why do we have farming subsidies then? Or oil subsidies? Or any of the dozens of bail outs that are happening? Why would companies that are failing get a free hand out?
You've attached minimum wage to some sort of moral failure in your mind, as if people deserve to suffer when the game has been systemically rigged over decades.
You're a dumb shit who thinks he's a badass, it's cring.
If your company isnt paying you a wage worthy of your time, find another company
corporations aren't too keen on absorbing costs
> slave labor...
nobody has a collar around your neck, nor a whip at your back you cunt.
if you dont like your job, or your wage, you can fucking QUIT and look for something better.
slaves dont have that option.
you are paid what your employer thinks you are willing to accept, at the low end.
your employer will pay you at most, what your labour is actually worth at the top end.
he has no obligation to keep you in the style to which you are accustomed.
youre as stupid as a random bitch trying to bag a sugar daddy.
even your sugar daddy will give you as little as you will accept, and no more than your pussy is worth.
min wage is designed to be a living wage, no one in this country should lose 40 hours of their life a week to someone else and no be able to live a comfortable life. It was how it was designed and should be the goal of any first world nation
Walmart did it with the tarrifs on china, if they don't absorb the costs people will go to someone who does.
yeah i know im retarded idk why i came here
>dude, just quit lemayo, the grass is always greener.
you are an idealistic child.
Cool story, let me just use those millions I inherited while I chill in my bunker, oh wait, I don't have any of those...
Do you ever stop to wonder why such a small minority has such massive ownership of assets? No of course you don't.
if the government can spend trillions bailing out corportations and banks every few years it can afford to give its citizens a livable wage
To flip a burger?
you already battered him
you walk away at that point
make them eat the shit sandwich and peace out
remember to abuse the hauty shit they do
as soon as you dead end them, call it a w until they return to catch more hammerhands
people need hamburgers flipped, it's a service. create a robot and replace them.
>t. pro demographic invasion 50+yo boomer
you can always quit, but employers don't give a shit they're still gonna hire some guy who will take what he offers
> i cant quit because... reasons?
if you "cant quit", then take classes at night school or hustle so hard your employer decides your labor is worth more than what youre getting.
just dont ever let your employer know you "cant quit", cuz then youre fucked.
you can either negotiate more pay, or find something better, slaves have no such options. thats the fucking point you dipshit.
>Who told you weren't supposed to be able to live on minimum wage?
That central planner of the economy, he made min wage jobs for teens then you get an adult job that pays more while in college followed up by that 150k starting job once you have your degree.
Oh wait that's not how it works at all, and no jobs are supposed to be for anyone other than make work jobs offered to teens by local governments.
Yes, only you’re only choking out small businesses and giving corporations a bigger monopoly retard
>hard work pay, not jewish nepotism.
It's not the 50's grandpa
then tell that to the government instead of forcing the employers to pay more for unskilled labor worth half as much at most than they're giving out
ya, as long as there is a flow of desperate immigrants(legal or not) who will accept living in shit nothing will change. when you let in people who will live ten deep in a broken down trailer with trash all around for 10 bucks an hour, your society is dead, but hey, you saved a few bucks like a good goy.
ok thanks i see
Bailout hasnt been a relevant term since Obama. If you think youre a badass for calling corona relief a bailout you really need to stop huffing jenkem.
Look user, its either raise the minimum wage to keep the purchasing power the same as the 80s, or mass layoffs and a total restructure of business as a whole. Guess which one we're currently in?
if you knew anything about employing people, you would realize the money is going to kike insurance companies and barely the worker.
>Twitter from iPhone
Post battery life
"job for teens" is always codeword for we need to replace your native population with low cost violent consumerists migrants.
>oh wait, I don't have any of those...
What's it like being a descendant of a family of failures?
>. If you think youre a badass for calling corona relief a bailout you really need to stop huffing jenkem.
Functionally identical to a bail out.
Don't call it a bail out.
okey sure w/e man
tha'ts just how it is. if theres a person willing to take the same job for less pay then that person is getting the job over the one who demands more pay. It's not saving money like a good little goy its how business and all that shit works
Small businesses rarely have minimum wage jobs retard.