This world is so fucking unfair

this world is so fucking unfair

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as a hapa I hate this fucking kid so fucking much, his manifesto is the cringest stupidest shit I've ever read and his reputation will forever make judgmental fucktards think I'm a potential school shooter
>played a fuck ton of basketball as a kid because his grandma said it would make him taller
>spends all his money on lottery tickets
>just in general a socially autistic weirdo
it's not that fucking hard to get laid, ugly people do it all the fucking time

The problem is porn addles peoples brains and gives them hyper-standards where. Get off porn and average women seem more attractive.

girls don't give a shit about what you look like, hot girls fuck ugly guys all the time, just don't be fucking weird

fuck off

I'm saying porn-addicted guys think it's hard to get laid because they only go for 10/10s.

>his reputation will forever make judgmental fucktards think I'm a potential school shooter
No, that's only because you're a friendless ugly fuck.

Come on man, most porn actress have a busted face, even before porn, nobody wanted to fuck landwhales. Having standards is a good thing as long as you take care of yourself.

Make it fair, lad. MAKE it fair.

No it's proven that people who go off porn for at least a month will rate the same girl higher than they previously didd

yeah well at least I don't have a retard accent you cheese eating surrender monkey

And what's the point? Don't you think landwhales get enough attention on Tinder? By the way, having a girlfriend is high maintenance, if you can't get one that makes your dick hard, you should focus on yourself until you can get better one. Being lonely is way better than paying for an ugly chick.

He had a point though. He was correct about the nature of women and all that. But what was really fucking retarded and pathetic is the way he rights his whole manifesto as if he came to some grand discovery about human nature that no one ever knew about. And how he saw himself as transcending to god tier. Seriously pretty much every man all throughout history has known women are the way they are and are vapid cunts who only breed with the most brutal and barbaric and most powerful. That’s like suddenly going crazy and realizing that bears shit in the woods. He was over exposed to the ideal fictional version of a female that’s depicted in Disney movies or anime.
Truly sad. What the electric Jew does to the minds of impressionable youth.

Well, my accent doesn't make people think I'm a school shooter.

what kind of fucking idiot thinks hapas have an accent. we aren't a race fucktard.
elliot is like the only famous hapa people know of, can you name one other famous hapa for me??
keanu doesn't count because he's not half

My point is that your failure of a life makes you look a school shooter, my french accent is perfectly normal and doesn't lead me to any trouble. Your comeback was lame and your reading skills are terrible.

>Your comeback was lame and your reading skills are terrible.
aww bro, don't cry

>don't cry
Yeah, I let that for you when your college buddies call you an incel.

keep projecting bud

By landwhales do you mean not skinny?

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he wasn't even white why does he feel hes owed a white girl at all. hes trash needs to go fuck dirty flips like his mother was

I mean real life fatties, not Renaissance models.
But more seriously, I think dating takes too much work for a man to accept lowering your standards to zero. I've already fucked some 4/10 uglos when I was a horny teenager and after cuming, I really wasn't proud of myself I can tell you that. It's not only about sex, it's about the social status that having a decent girlfriend gives you.

>hes trash needs to go fuck dirty flips like his mother was
To be fair, he didn't look like an asian either.

>fucks a 4/10 because he doesn't want his college friends to call him incel

Its both you retards.

Still obsessed with me? Try losing your virginity and then we'll talk, school shooter.

He was a very handsome man with a well-structured face. I thought that at one point two girls came up to him but he turned them down.
But anyway he was a legend, he dumped drinks on random couples and sprayed college kids with orange juice. The world really is shit and humanity is shit.

Women nature wasn't the only reason he chimped out. The bigger reason was women treating him like fucking air which LED to him finding out about female nature. Also that knowledge is not as widespread as you make it out to be. Most males could through their lives blissfully unaware or if it is just somewhere in their back of their minds and resurfaces occasionally.


>he dumped drinks on random couples and sprayed college kids with orange juice
Any proof that he really did that or did he just add that to his character?

The ladies of old paintings- and not just renaissance paintings would be considered "fat" in porn & modeling. I am against the new fat acceptance movement but there is a healthy weight range that people used to love before (((porn))) took over. Women need some fat for fertility.

Are you rating the girls lower bc they are not like supermodels?

Attached: FAT heifer. throw her to the BBC.jpg (683x1024, 101K)

just proving how much of a projecting faggot you are

Some of you guys all right don’t come to pol tomorrow

It's in his book. If he lied there, then you are being lied to too.

To be honest if anyone is going to rant about Rodgers it should be those who actually spoke to him in 2014 on here, before he murdered.

All he had to do was pit his guns down at the end of his spree and get taken alive.

Women would have thrown their pussies at him.

Pic related isn't fat to me but it's close to the limit.
I talked about landwhales ealier but I was more thinking about ugly girls in general. The main argument against Ellio here is that he should've lowered his standards. Meanwhile, disgusting females find attractive mates on Tinder all the time, when you also take into account that dating costs way more time and money to men than to women, you can't ask incels to have zero standards.
In my case, I get less sex since I became more selective but I really enjoy it when I get the girls I want.

You're the one grabbing my penis since the beginning of this thread.

Attached: god's world is prefctly just. a nigger can't see the world is prefectly just. slavery was just.png (547x102, 21.32K)

Literally this. I don't know about your prison culture but it was likely that because of good leadership or something he could have received 1 woman per month or something.

But not even that. Getting hundreds of love letters every month would be enough to enjoy the rest of his life with a smile on his face neeting.