New World Order

Do you believe that there is a shadowy group controlling the world's governments, top businesses and media outlets? I used to dismiss it but after seeing things like NSA and Epstein, among other things, I'm convinced something's up.

I think sex education in schools, gay and trans rights, the breakdown of social institutions like churches, and the growing mistrust between men and women, the mass immigration into first world countries, the out of control inflation rates, the growing costs of necessities like housing and food, are all a part of a plan to destroy the social and moral fabric of society.

I see no way that these things could have happened by natural means or mere incompetence, there's something behind it. How else do you explain the sudden big government and media push towards gay and trans rights even in the face of public opposition. So many of these decisions, mass immigration, globalization, have no obvious advantage to those promoting them.

It's obvious Epstien wasn't working alone, he was being protected and he was murdered. But why, what interest does a powerful cabal have in procuring child prostitution and raping children. Why would this be a part of their official business.

Housing and food, there's no reason for the costs of these things to go up, both of these areas are controlled by the government, food through farm subsidies and housing through control of the banks, financing mortgages and zoning. This means that the prices of these things are no accident, they're centrally panned.

I have a hard time finding any tightly knit cabal or trying to figure out their motives. Certainly anyone doing something like this is doing it at great personal expense and great risk to themselves. And it's not something they would even see the benefit of. From 9/11 to present is 19 years, what group would be able to work in tandem behind the scenes on a major project for that amount of time without being exposed.

What's your take on this?

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They're called Jews stupid, and their Freemason slaves

The types of people who buy bunkers in New Zealand like Peter Thiel are personally invested in destroying the West, especially the education systems, so it can be atomized into a bunch of corporate city-states under the guise of restoring classical feudalism. Little do the NRx drones understand, the only people with the wealth and land to become the new nobility are Jewish or Jew-like in behavior, and will readily import foreigners and feed their slaves bugs to cut costs even if they promise an ethnostate.

>a shadowy group
They're called jews.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled subdued sheep. They make up 1.4% of the US population and .0025% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

And while the elite globalism pushing jews are one thing, the elite can only exist because of the 'regular' jews. Jews are far more politically engaged and culturally aggressive than other peoples, it's why they are so 'successful'. There are basically no jews who just want to be left alone, the type of person that makes up the vast majority of other races. 99% of them are in a constant state of striving for dominance and ethnic self-promotion.

They get into everything, any institution, and steer it towards protecting and enabling the tribe. Many of them aren't even fully conscious of why they do it, it is just completely ingrained into their culture. So, there‘s the grand jew globalist conspiracy at the top, and the overall trend in behavior (that results in various smaller schemes) towards the bottom.

Understand what jews have done to the West. See these threads for more:
>The truth about the world wars:
>The truth about slavery:

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yeah I tactfully left corona out of this because Yas Forums has been particularly glow on that issue lately to the point that anyone who brings it up gets a whole bunch of people calling them scitzo

but I think the underlying issue is the same

if you think covid is a part of it, then you likely awknowledge it's just the last step in a nefarious plan by a shadowy group

if you don't believe covid is a part of some NWO agenda, you would still be a complete normalfag to think NSA is legitimate and that Epstein was actually murdered - heck even most normies are getting wise to it.

If you're a man of logic and believe in science, then indisputably there is some kind of group at the top, whether they work together or not that makes decisions that impacts the rest of us. And its not limited to people in parliamentary positions.

I wouldn't discount the existence of shadowy cabals, but I think there's a lot to be said for the idea that because there are certain courses of action which OBJECTIVELY BENEFIT the interests of the ruling class, even WITHOUT any explicit coordination of the cabal sort going on they will tend in the aggregate to behave similarly to how they would behave IF such a cabal actually existed

they literally have meetings every year where all the billionaires group up in a round table session to talk about plans. what do you think?

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That's not good enough

So let's say you're right, it's the Jews pushing this agenda, I'm open to that possibility, I really am

But it still leaves open my question, why, for what purpose

Whether it's the Jews or any other group, they have enormous control of the world's governments, media and business institutions to be able to able to pull off something like this

so why would they do it, how does it benefit them, what do they gain out of it that they don't already have

>Epstein was actually murdered - heck even most normies are getting wise to it.
Even CNN was asking who murdered him...but then it got holed.

So far beyond realizing the NWO exists it would make your head spin.

>spirit cooking
Bill Gates
>Bill Gates

It’s a spiritual battle.
Wickedness and evil principalities in high places.

That's terror

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>so why would they do it, how does it benefit them, what do they gain out of it that they don't already have
I already answered that, rabbi.

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it's for their messiah, the antichrist

There is a shadow government ( deepstate ) but its not what you think it is. Yas Forums sometimes think they have it all figured out, believing the jews are the final boss but it goes deeper than you think.

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This man had a helluva story, and seems to be absolutely telling the truth. He estimated "those that control the world" number at about 8,000 persons. Approx 200 nations, so an average would be 40 per nation in control.
He ran money laundering for governments, intel agencies, banks, wars, drugs, etc - he did complex schemes so the regulators would have no recourse or not know something was up.
So yes, great power does exist, and much evil is accomplished with it.

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>It’s a spiritual battle
It is.
It absolutely is.
The last redpill, by being spiritual it is a war for souls.

I have a hard time finding any tightly knit cabal or trying to figure out their motives.
> many cabals, many connections between cabals, big cabals and smaller cabals, certain areas of control amongst cabals and between cabals, as well as battles for control

they hear voices btw
ashkenazi jews have a higher rate of schizophrenia
imagine there’s a person behind your shoulder, whispering thoughts into your ear
these aren’t your thoughts, but a different beings thoughts entirely
what these people are hearing is anyone guess
but i think this fact is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to understand

But why, what interest does a powerful cabal have in procuring child prostitution and raping children.
> First of all, just the last hundred years has consent been taken from 11 years old to 18 years old. Thus, humans, for thousands of years were pedophiles and it was accepted, so that type of behavior is easily induced. Once it is, not only have you made that powerful connection and acquired the reputation of the best party ever, but you have acquired power over partakers, they do the will of the money interests, and you keep their perversions a secret, and happily active.
Once a person has so much money, it is said they desire POWER over others to fill the hole in their souls, so of course, as the Founding Fathers knew and preached, checks and balances must be implemented to contain that lust for power.
Now, if you have evidence of a powerful persons crimes, you can of course get corrupted favors, and as more corruption occurs, it is legalized to "save those who have been all doing it" so to speak, and then, those needing more power and thrills, must go further into criminality against humans.

In the case of elitist Dr. Richard Day, they are scheming to gain total power, lower the birth rate and carrying out a crypto-eugenics program by making society into a more vicious, degenerate, law-of-the-jungle type place

It's push for the mark of the beast.

I'm not the first one to make this theory, but here it goes.

Have you wondered why the coronavirus is mainly lethal to boomers and how most of the young people are mainly unaffected, besides biology reasons? Well it's because the coronavirus was a planned pandemic. Bill Gates and several other people within the circle, knew about this.

They knew about it since 2019, October 10th. You can even check the source code if you're skeptical.

Bill gates around late 2019 had a little pet project, where you could some digital certificates in the form of some tattoo implant.

Later when the virus finally got to the point of being a pandemic. Bill Gates created an AMA about the coronavirus. In one of the replies, he talked about implementing a digital certificate as proof that you've been vaccinated, when vaccines start rolling out.

The digital certificate being the tattoo implant. The entire scenario we're going through, is the perfect scenario for introducing the mark of the beast. The virus kills off boomers that will most likely protest against the certificate, and leave the younger generations left. The younger generation will most likely be more willing to accept the tattoo implant. Especially without boomers that could potentially warn them.

Then there's 5G. I don't think 5G's purpose is not suppose to affect the virus or anything virus related in general. No with the research I've done on 5g towers so far. I believe the 5G towers are meant for the tattoo implant. The waves only penetrate skin deep into human

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Yeah today I was reading over the transcripts of the leaked speach that Doctor Richard Day gave, that's what motivated this thread

Reading it made me wonder what group he was a part of, and who the 'us' was when he said 'it's too late to stop us'

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This means that the prices of these things are no accident, they're centrally panned.
>Yes, the entire Clinton admin was bragging "highest nigger home ownership ever !" Barney Fank the gay faggot dem and his dem idiot pals pumped up Fannnie Mae and Freddie Mac (the gov mortgage companies), but what most everyone missed is they were doing half million and million dollar homes - not just homes for 1st time buyer poor people - so there was a construction boom, and thus a home/building value boom, a banking loans boom (pushed by Barney Frank), a resulting stock market derivatives trade boom, on and on it went. What's the most valuable thing anywhere you go - buildings and the land they're built on. So this was a GIANT MONETARY SCHEME.

I've just done the same. Probably on the same site! I read all the transcript then realised the site had links to the full audio on the same page!

Unfortunately, no one can verify the witnesses statement except everything seeming to come true over the decades

Shill thread #3, super wordy

>Then there's 5G. I don't think 5G's purpose is suppose to affect the virus or anything virus related in general.

Fixed the typo

He was part of the 'Satanic Elite' I guess. Powerful, self-appointed, highly rational individuals who think they know what's best for humanity. Davos types?

Theres a big omelet to be made and some eggs will get broken (but not the eggs they care about of course). Think Ozzymandias in Watchmen.

>Even CNN was asking who murdered him
yeah, because he's still alive. he faked his suicide and paid off the right people to be free on yet another private island. the phrase "Epstein didn't kill himself," doesn't imply that he was murdered, it implies he is still alive and out there.

Also David Icke and Alex Jones quote Day regularly

>Do you believe that there is a shadowy group controlling the world's governments

Yep. They're called Jews.

>But it still leaves open my question, why, for what purpose

Because of Loxism. They view us as their servants and themselves as superior. It's that simple.

In the tapes, what interested me most was how the elites were subtly culling 'the weak and foolish' by promoting the 7 deadly sins like drugs, booze, homosex, gambling, gluttony, sloth and non-reproductive sex.

These vices were effectively being baited and used as traps to snare the unwary. Weirdly, if you were caught but willing to get the elites help they would help you as youd passed the intelligence test which was to realise you were in the shit and needed assistance.

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What Yas Forums thinks it is:

>a shadowy cabal of Jews that gather in dark rooms and manipulate their puppet strings, directing attacks against whites and non-Rothschild central banks while performing blood magic and raping kidnapped children

What it actually is:

>a loosely aligned network of individuals that have a vested interest in removing borders, weakening national governments, silencing dissent, altering culture to protect themselves and boosting their own power at every opportunity that operate in near-unison.
>further their plans due to a mutual interest in safeguarding and entrenching their own power, which as globalist citizens of nowhere means weakening ties between citizens and nations while preparing for technocratic rule
>also a large proportion of them are Jews, because Jews have the greatest interest in promulgating a rootless, disjointed and weak globalist world so that anudda shoah can never happen